The Pisces Moon pulls into the realm of feeling, intuition, and spirituality today. Enjoy the quieter vibe, using Pisces to meditate, relax, and catch up on sleep. As we get into the weekend, though, things are going to heat up as Mercury picks up on Mars and Uranus.

A Pisces Moon takes us into the realm of subtlety, into the spaces beyond this physical world. It straddles the divide between this life and the next. We’re likely more sensitive today, especially coming off of yesterday’s pull between the Sun and Jupiter. Pay attention to your dreams as well as any gut feelings, too.

That said, we’re less than a week away from Uranus arriving in Taurus on May 15. Combined with a Taurus New Moon and Mars’s arrival in Aquarius on the same day, this will likely be a powerful turning point or new beginning for some people. Keep in mind, Uranus doesn’t change signs very often. It spent the last seven, eight years in Aries. And Uranus was last in Taurus in the 1930s, 1940s. If Uranus brings awakenings and transformation, then we’re going to see shift in consciousness around all things Taurus — material stability, money, resource, ownership, fertility, and food.

Lastly, I’m doing a webinar on Uranus in Taurus on Saturday, May 19! Find out what this new era will mean for you and your sign. You’ll also get to ask questions. Cost is $20 USD and comes with the recording. Details and registration here.

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Webinar: Uranus in Taurus

On Neptune

May 2018 Horoscopes

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Photo by Benjamin Combs on Unsplash