Another Pisces Moon day that points towards Jupiter in Scorpio. Our emotions are quite strong, our intuition more sensitive, our dreams more vivid. This is perfect energy for a heart-to-heart, something where you can be vulnerable, compassionate, and let go of old feelings.

We’re coming the the end of the lunar month, too, one that began with a fiery Aries New Moon on April 15. As we round out the lunar month, we’re tying up loose ends instead of starting things. We’re reflecting instead of taking action. The next lunar month will begin on May 15, the same day that Uranus leaves Aries for Taurus.

I’ve been talking about Uranus in Taurus on and off for a while, giving you more of a personal explanation in my May horoscopes.  As I mentioned previously, there’s a particular area of your life that will need new consciousness, awareness, and transformation. (Make sure you read your May horoscopes if you haven’t.) That’s what Uranus demands. In fact, all outer planets demand transformation, but they do it in different ways. Uranus shakes us out of the old and liberates us from the past.

Here’s the thing. Astrology just tells us what time it is. And one of the big hands of the clock is switching hours next week. That said, I think we’re already seeing and feeling where Uranus is opening up new space. I’m a fixed sign; my chart ruler is in a fixed sign. I’m in the same boat as you all. I’m feeling the shift.

Uranus can be a powerful ally, but it requires letting go of the past. If we have a fear of disruption or an emotional connection to things staying the same, we’re going to have a harder time with a Uranus transit. And I think Taurus shows where we really, deeply hold on to things for better or worse.

For my astrology students and intermediate level readers, if Uranus is going into a fire house — 1st, 5th, 9th — this is about you breaking up with yourself so you can be your real you. If Uranus is going into an earth house — 2nd, 6th, 10th — this is about you profoundly changing something that is a building block of your real world. If Uranus is going into an air house — 3rd, 7th, 11th — it’s about you opening up to new ideas, new ways of connecting with people. If Uranus is going into a water house — 4th, 8th, 12th — this is about you breaking out of old emotional patterns and awakening to your deeper self.

I’ll go into this in depth in my Uranus in Taurus webinar on Saturday, May 19. Find out what this new era will mean for you and your sign. You’ll also get to ask questions. Cost is $20 USD and comes with the recording. Details and registration here.

Read More:

Webinar: Uranus in Taurus

Uranus in Aries: Sign by Sign

On Neptune

May 2018 Horoscopes

Book Your Consultation

Photo by Kyle Loftus on Unsplash