We’re in the dark of the moon. Only two days before the start of the lunar month, this is the time to pull inward and reflect. It’s also an intuitive time, one where our dreams and invisible realms are more accessible. On Wednesday, June 13, we begin again.

Last week was a heavy week so we likely have lots to reflect on as we say goodbye to this lunar month. It’s important to note that there’s a strong Neptune signature in the sky right now, a planet that can either inspire mystical highs or pull us into the depths of our suffering. There’s a lot of pain in the world right now and since Neptune opens us up to the energy of Universality — meaning, we transcend the self and tap into the collectivity of All Selves, we tap into the All — those of us who are more sensitive may feel overwhelmed by the suffering of humanity.

In the wake of two high profile suicides here in the United States, I’ve noticed that people have been kinder, gentler to each other the past couple of days. Neptune isn’t an easy planet, but it does open us to powerful empathy and compassion. In its highest expression, Neptune is the unconditional love of the Divine.

Keep this in mind as we go into the next lunar month. Neptune will continue to be a strong influence, especially as it turns retrograde on June 18. My advice, since we’re likely going to continue to be more sensitive than usual, is to give Neptune a positive outlet in the form of meditation, swimming, dancing, and art. You can also do service work or help out a friend in need.

I think it’s really important to point out that you can’t mix your ego with Neptune. If you’re helping others, it has to be completely selfless, completely from a place of love and compassion. Otherwise you get the Neptune distortion. It’s also important to point out that Neptune and substances don’t mix well, so just be careful in the coming week.

As someone who has a strong Neptune natally — it sits on my ascendant with Mercury and Mars — it really does blur the boundaries between the physical and non physical worlds. Just make sure that what you’re connecting with has the highest intentions. Check your illusions and projections. And, of course, keep your feet on the ground as the tide rises around you.

Read More:

On Neptune

On Chiron, Suffering, and Knots

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