Welcome to Gemini Season, the time of the year when we stretch our legs and start moving. Gemini is an insatiably curious sign. It has to taste, try, gather, and have two of everything. For that, Gemini is the sign that connects us with choice. Presented by a multitude of options, what do we choose?

Gemini also the sign of communication, from the words we write to the ideas we share. Gemini is learning, it’s information. And it’s the season to naturally stock up on books or take in a class or workshop.

This Gemini Season will have two phases, one that is driven by the mind and the other that is driven by the heart. When Mercury, the ruling planet of Gemini, changes signs on June 12, our words and ideas take on an emotional overtone. We’re more apt to speak from our feelings.

Speaking of feelings, Neptune will turn retrograde on June 18, saturating the collective with sensitivity. This month we may feel keenly aware of the suffering of others since Neptune helps us to connect with universal experience in broad strokes. It’s not just our pain, but the pain of others. But a heavy Neptune vibe can also pull us down like a rip tide into our abysses. So may sure you’re taking care of yourself this month, especially around the middle of June. Because if you’re quick to pick up on the emotions of others, you’ll likely be extra sensitive. Use this energy instead to meditate, to be kind to others, and to forgive where necessary.

That said, a new moon on June 13 will begin a lunar month focused on ideas, learning, and information. But with Mercury facing off with Saturn, we may not only have a serious decision to make but we may have to take a hard look at the choices we’re making. With Neptune also wound up in the energies of the new moon, we may also be looking at heavy emotional themes in the coming four weeks after the new moon.

Then on June 26, Mars will turn retrograde, rewinding its way through Aquarius for the next two months before turning direct on August 27. Traditionally Mars Retrograde isn’t the most auspicious time to take action or start something new. Instead it’s a time to take a second look at how we use the energy of Mars, which is to say how we take action, how we start things, how we lead. It’s even a time to take a second look at anger and aggression and with Mars in the sign of Aquarius, politics, social justice, community, and connection will likely be hot button topics over the coming few months.

Last but not least, the full moon on June 28 will put our Saturn in Capricorn journey in the spotlight. Ever since Saturn arrived in Capricorn last December 19, there’s a part of our lives that we’ve had to hold ourselves to a higher standard. So, how are we doing? Are we  in integrity? Are we showing maturity? Or do we need to go back and step up our efforts?

Note that July brings the another eclipse season, so June’s events will likely seed or foreshadow what’s unfolding through August. Remember, eclipses are turning points. They signal it’s time for a new hour, it’s time for change. More on that next month.

Read for your Sun and rising sign.

DATES TO NOTE: 6/1 Mercury trine Mars; 6/2 Venus trine Neptune; 6/5 Sun conjunct Mercury, Venus opposite Pluto; 6/6 Mercury square Neptune; 6/7 Sun square Neptune; 6/12 Mercury in Cancer; 6/13 New Moon 22 Gemini, Venus in Leo, Mercury square Uranus, Mercury square Chiron; 6/14 Venus square Uranus; 6/15 Mercury opposite Saturn, Venus trine Chiron; 6/18 Neptune Retrograde 16 Pisces; 6/19 Mercury trine Jupiter; 6/21 Sun in Cancer, Venus opposite Mars; 6/23 Mercury opposite Pluto, Sun sextile Uranus, Sun square Chiron; 6/25 Venus square Jupiter; 6/26 Mars Retrograde 9 Aquarius; 6/28 Full Moon 6 Capricorn; 6/27 Sun opposite Saturn; 6/29 Mercury in Leo; 6/30 Mercury square Uranus, Mercury trine Uranus.


March 21–April 19

Aries Glyph

June means that it’s Gemini Season, a time in your personal calendar when the light shines on communication, education, and travel. In fact, with Mercury joining the Sun in Gemini this month, you may find yourself quite busy, from running around town between appointments, to road trips and other quick jaunts — especially during the first half of June. But the real news this month is two things. One, Mars, your ruling planet, turns retrograde and, two, you’re getting a big check in with Saturn at the end of the month. First, let’s talk about Mars and what Mars Retrograde means. As an Aries, you thrive on action. You need to feel like you’re doing something, moving forward, or taking the lead. Whatever Mars is doing in the sky can either support your desire to take action or hold it back. And seeing how Mars turns retrograde on June 26, you may feel as though you’re slowing down this month. After all, Mars Retrograde is a time to go within and reflect. Even you, Aries, have to rest. So, if you’re feeling frustrated that things are quite moving at the pace you’d like or getting the traction you need, just note that Mars will retrograde until August 27 and this is the time that the cosmos has set aside for you to recalibrate. Yes, this annoying, but it’s totally normal. (Mars Retrograde happens every two years. The last one was April through June 2016.) In particular, this Mars Retrograde will touch on themes around community, friendship, and social networks. An issue with a friend or group that you’re connected to may come up, an issue that may play out over the next few months. But we’re getting a head of ourselves a little. Although friendship and connection will feature this month, a new moon on June 13 will kick off a lunar month focused on education, travel, and new ideas. While Gemini has a reputation for being breezy and playful, there’s a serious overtone to this new moon and thus the four weeks beyond. With the energy of the new moon pointing to a face off between Mercury and Saturn, you may have a serious decision to make or see the consequence of a decision. This decision may even hit close to home or have an emotional overtone. Don’t forget, you’re under a lot of pressure from Saturn this year to get your act together and take the next steps in your professional life. This new moon may touch on this bigger story arc. In fact, a full moon on June 28 will do just that — put the spotlight on your professional life, your reputation, your ambitions. Time to take the next step in your career … or own up to where you’re falling short with your responsibilities. So, use the run up to the full moon to get yourself prepared to check in with Saturn. Do your homework, clean up your room, and hold yourself and your actions to a higher standard. Want to learn more about how the astrology of June will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Education, school, classes, ideas, information, communication, travel, trips, movement, cars, trains, transportation, commute, choices, cause and effect, community, friendships, groups, the collective, social network, networking, social bonds, humanity, the future, idealism, hopes, wishes, responsibilities, career, reputation, status, title, professional life, the world, recognition, work.


April 20–May 20

Taurus Glyph

So, Taurus. How you holding up? Feeling a little shaky? Has your world tilted? Are you heading into a radically new chapter of life? Last month we had a lot to talk about since the planet Uranus arrived in Taurus for an eight year stay. (I had a Taurus friend reach out to me a few days ago with a, “Hey, what’s going on in the sky? Is something retrograde??) If this is the first time you’re hearing about Uranus in Taurus, make sure you read my May 2018 horoscopes. But if I had to sum up the coming years for you it would be the word “reinvention”. I won’t go in depth about Uranus in Taurus here, but I needed to mention for the sake of continuity and the fact that you may be arriving in June feeling like you’re in a very different place than you were a few months ago. When things shake up for you, Taurus, it tends to hit a nerve as you’re a sign that has an emotional connection to things staying the same. Since June in Gemini season, it’s a natural time in you personal calendar for you to double down on what you need to feel safe and secure. This includes money as much as it does creature comforts — food, shelter, snacks, nice things. A new moon on June 13 will set this in motion and, as a result, you may be alternatively trying to bring in some cash or spending it on the stuff you need. With Mercury facing off with Saturn during the new moon, you may have some serious financial choices to make, choices that may touch on themes of “doing the right thing”. Another major influence this month is Mars. Not only is it slowing down and turning retrograde on June 26, but it’s putting a lot of emphasis on your career as well as the direction you’re taking in life. This month may point towards job changes, shifts in responsibilities, or a need to reevaluate what you’re professional priorities are. Mars will be retrograde until August 27, so this story will stretch over the next two to three months. Keep that in mind if something bubbles up around June 26 when Mars turns retrograde. Also, seeing how Mars is your relationship planet, you may be doing some relationship work over the coming couple of months. Meaning, you may be dealing with themes of responsibility and commitment with a partner or you may be figuring out what you want out of a serious relationship if you are single. Don’t be surprised if you hear from past partners this month and into next. Retrogrades naturally dig into old stories, old karma, old connections. Retrogrades help us work things out so we can move forward into the new. That said, by the end of the month, on June 28, a full moon will light up your sign of foreign travel and education. You may be planning a big trip as a result. Or, taking a serious look at your education. Faith may also be tested as well as how you think you see the world versus how it really is. Also note that July will bring another round of eclipses, so we’re the run up to another big shift, one that will set in motion many of the changes that came up when Uranus entered Taurus on May 15. As I said then, you’re at a major crossroads in your life. So much is changing, reinventing, upending. Get ready. Want to learn more about how the astrology of June will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Money, income, salary, stability, material needs, creature comforts, stuff, purchases, travel, trips, foreign lands, long distance journeys, short jaunts, the neighborhood, communication, information, learning, home, family, roots, foundation, emotional core, emotional needs, nesting, career, direction, public life, reputation, status, the world, responsibilities, relationships, partnerships, change, crossroads.


May 21–June 20

Gemini Glyph

Happy birthday, Gemini! I think you’ve been in the weeds a little bit the past couple of months, between April’s Mercury Retrograde and May’s retreat that pulled you behind the scenes. So, you open a new month and a new year renewed and hopefully refreshed. With Mercury in Gemini for the first half of this month, you may feel like you have more energy, as if you’re moving forward into a new season. Things may get a little emo after June 12 when Mercury moves into the sign of Cancer until the end of the month, so don’t be surprised if you’re feeling more sensitive than usual or feeling a little insecure about money and your material life. The next day, on June 13, a Gemini New Moon will kick off your new year. While Gemini is a sign that tends to play it fast and loose, Mercury’s face off with Saturn into June 15 means that you have some serious decisions to make. Saturn may also force you to get real and step up to your responsibilities as well as see the results of your choices. And while we’re talking about Saturn, note that you’re in a three year chapter of doing a lot of deep emotional work and transformation. It’s a time when you have to face yourself, face your fears. So, while the new moon on June 13 will bring you into a new year, it’s one where you’re getting a cosmic mandate to make some changes over the coming twelve months, changes that dig deep into yourself. You may even have to make some serious financial decisions, one that touch on making changes to how you spend money or handle your assets as well as your debts. (Sorry, not to rain on your birthday parade …) That said, maybe you’re planning a big trip this month or making moves with your education. Ever since Mars entered Aquarius on May 16, there’s been an emphasis on reaching out into the world either through literally seeing the world or coming up with big ideas and exploring philosophy. With Mars turning retrograde on June 26, keep your eye on education and travel as they will be big themes into August. You may be looking to go back to school. A trip may prove pivotal towards your future. Aquarius is also the sign that teaches you about integrity. It shapes how you see the world and what you believe is right and wrong. So morality and justice may big big themes into August as well. Lastly, with Neptune turning retrograde on June 18, you may be wondering if you’re on the right path. It’s important for you to do what you love, Gemini. After all, Pisces is your career sign — a sign that wears its heart on its sleeve as well as its faith in the ultimate goodness of the world. It’s no time to be cynical. Make sure that whatever you’re doing in the world aligns with your spiritual values. And you may be called to step up and do more this month to fight for what’s right. Want to learn more about how the astrology of June will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: New beginnings, new season, renewal, moving forward, the self, leadership, maturity, emotions, feelings, material stability, material needs, financial choices, financial responsibility, assets, property, debt, wealth, facing fears, the deep self, transformation, rebirth, change, travel, foreign journeys, faith, belief, law, education, right and wrong, morality, moral compass, worldview, crusade, the future, helping others, doing good.


June 21–July 22

Cancer Glyph

As you get to the end of your personal year — meaning the weeks before your birthday — it’s time to go within and reflect on the previous months. What worked? What didn’t? What changed? What needs to change? Since Gemini Season touches on communication, use the first few weeks of June to sit down down to write or journal how you feel. And since your sensitivity will be heightened this month, pay attention to your dreams and intuition. Keep a notebook by your bed to capture the images and stories that you wake up with. The invisible parts of yourself have a voice and they want to be heard. That said, rest up this month. July will bring another set of eclipse — a solar eclipse in Cancer on July 12 and a lunar eclipse in Aquarius on July 27 — and you’re in the run up to another season of personal change. (If your birthday is on July 12, plus or minus 5 days, the coming year may bring significant change. Eclipses push along the narrative of our lives.) As a Cancer, a sign that’s ruled by the Moon, you’re like the tide. There are times when you push outward and there are times when you pull in. On June 13 a new moon will be like the tide pulling in. You may be searching for meaning as a result — meaning for your life, meaning in the deeper parts of yourself. You may be searching for a connection to spirit as well through meditation and prayer. But a face off between Mercury and Saturn during the new moon may mean that you’re having to face something about your relationships. The new moon may bring information or awareness that confronts. You may also need to make a serious decision about a connection or partnership, one that takes into account all the soul searching you’ve been doing lately. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing as life brings moments when we have to step up or strike out in a different direction. And when we go in a new direction, we often have to face our fears. With Mars touching on some deep emotional themes this month, you may be dealing with issues around intimacy, vulnerability, trust, and rebirth. You may be digging into the deepest parts of yourself. It’s a powerful month for you, Cancer, but in subtle ways and ways that are preparing you for July. Keep an eye out on Mars’s retrograde turn on June 26 as it may bring a pointed emotional issue to the surface. Two days lager, on June 28, a full moon will activate your relationship sign of Capricorn and put the spotlight on Saturn. The planet of responsibility and maturity has been in your relationship sign since December 19. If you are in a relationship, you and a partner will be entering a new chapter as you go into July. This may mean making a big decision about the connection, from deciding to have a new commitment to each other to leaving the relationship. If you are single, it’s time for you to get serious about the type of person or people you want to share your life with. Want to learn more about how the astrology of June will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Retreat, rest, going within, reflection, feelings, unconscious, recuperation, endings, letting go, dreams, visions, intuition, spirituality, new beginnings, facing fears, big decisions, serious information, choices, commitment, relationships, other people, partnerships, boundaries, the deep self, the psyche, the shadow, trust, intimacy, secrets, rebirth, transformation.


July 23–August 22

Leo Glyph

I’ll pose the same questions that I did for Taurus. How are you holding up? Is your world a little upside down? Are things different all of the sudden? As you may or may not know, you had a major planetary shift last month that pushed your life in a different direction. That planet, Uranus, moved into the highest reaches of your chart and struck a new hour for your life. Now that’s it’s June, you’re likely still sorting through the aftereffects. Here’s what you need to know. Uranus is now in your career sign of Taurus and, as a result, you’re either looking to make a career change or reinvent what you’re doing in the world. (Maybe you’re like, wait, nothing’s happened. I say, definitely keep an eye on things as you get into July and August.) Uranus isn’t subtle. It demands authenticity and gives us a sudden, restless push to do what we’re really meant to do. So, if you’re a finance person, for example, and you really want to be a massage therapist, well, hold on tight. The next eight years are going to be interesting. Another area that likely saw some changes last month was your relationships. With Mars stirring things up, you may be working through a few complications or pointed exchanges this month. Mars isn’t known for its tact. It forces issues, especially if there’s been a long simmering issue between you and a partner — romantic or otherwise. Note that Mars is going to be spending a lot time in your relationship sign. Like, five months. Whatever is coming up in June will pay out into November. (Yep.) In fact, Mars turns retrograde on June 26 and retrogrades are the time when we all have to take a second look at a planet and how we use its energy. Mars is action, leadership, courage. It’s also aggression, so you and a partner may be having to do a lot of negotiation over the next five months to find common ground — if any. In other news, it’s Gemini Season, the time in your personal calendar when you reach out to friends and community and look toward the future. It’s a big picture month for you, one we’re you’re zooming out on your life and connecting the dots, especially after a lot of recent changes. A new moon on June 13, however, will strike a serious tone and you may have to make a decision about a friendship, your place in the community, or even letting go of an old habit. Looking ahead to June 28, a full moon will put the spotlight on health and wellness. Ever since Saturn moved into this part of your chart last December 19, you’ve been getting a cosmic push to clean up your act, get organized, and tend to your physical health. The full moon may bring a decision about diet and fitness or a major check in with how you’re staying on top of the details of your daily life. Want to learn more about how the astrology of June will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Friends, community, social network, social connection, the future, hopes, wishes, belonging, groups, tribe, humanity, collective, letting go, endings, spiritual connection, spiritual tribe, retreat, health, wellness, spiritual health, work, organization, service, details, schedule, career, life direction, responsibilities, redefinition, reinvention.


August 23–September 22

Virgo Glyph

Virgo, it’s hard to think that you could be more Virgo than usual. Ever since Mars set up shop in your sign of work, health, and organization, you’ve been plowing forward with your to-do list — perhaps a little obsessively so. And with the Sun in Gemini riding high in your chart this month, you’re focused on career and making something of yourself in the world. The new moon on June 13 will, in particular, open a new chapter in your professional life this year. Use this month to chart a new course in the world, find a new job, or gain recognition for your hard work. That said, here’s the thing Virgo — and I love you — but you can sometimes be your own worst enemy. Meaning, it’s never perfect enough. Meaning, you can get so lost in the details that you miss the big picture. I say this because Mars will turn retrograde on June 26 and it will do so in a way that may bring up the past as well as the things that are less than helpful. When a planet turns retrograde, it initiates a story that takes time to fully reveal. And seeing how Mars will be activating this part of your chart into November, it’s important to notice what’s coming up in June for you around work, health, and organization. I think this Mars Retrograde is trying to get you to chill a little, if that’s possible. And I think it’s also forcing you to take a look at how you get in your own way, how your neuroses can hinder instead of help. So maybe June is about learning to strike a balance between your ambitions, your work ethic, and the part of you that needs to just let go. Nevertheless, there’s a pressure on you this month and you may find yourself working and planning more than usual. Some of the pressure will start to subside once your ruling planet, Mercury, moves into Cancer on June 12. Since Cancer is a sign that needs to connect, you may be spending the rest of the month getting together with friends as well as members of your community. You may be feeling sensitive the rest of the month, too. By the end of June, a full moon will light up themes around identity and creativity. It may seem a little abstract to think about something like identity as a focus for June, but note that you’re in a three year period of really digging into what makes you you and finding the maturity and strength to really express that truth. In fact, this chapter began last December and the full moon on June 28 will be a big check in on your progress as well as how seriously you’re taking your creativity and talent. You’re a sign that often selflessly does so much, so don’t be afraid to show off this month. Want to learn more about how the astrology of June will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Career, status, reputation, public life, professional life, responsibilities, life direction, work, working too much, schedule, getting caught in the details, self sabotage, health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, friends, social network, community, connection, the future, looking ahead, the self, self expression, identity, creativity, talent, children.


September 23–October 22

Libra Glyph

‘Tis the season to be focused on travel, Libra. With the Sun sailing through Gemini this month, you may be planning a big trip or looking to visit distant, foreign shores. Even if you can’t travel, it’s a time to see the world in other ways, whether it’s through books or films. At the heart of this zodiac month is a push for you to look outside of yourself and find meaning. It’s a time to work through themes of ethic and integrity, to mull on faith and belief. You may even be taking classes this month or looking to study something more in depth. The new moon on June 13 will put all of these themes into focus — travel, education, belief, ethic — and you may find yourself traveling into July, immersed in learning new things, or trying to figure out big existential questions. That said, Saturn is getting a lot of play this month and it’s important to note that, as of December 19 of last year, you’re in a major new chapter of life. Here’s the thing. Saturn is currently in Capricorn, the sign that forms the foundation of your chart. (It’s at the very bottom of your zodiac wheel.) With Saturn in such an important place, you’re getting a serious push to focus on home and family. This is a time in your life to plant yourself and put down roots. Maybe you’ve made a big move over the past few months. Maybe you’re taking on new responsibility in your family. Maybe you’re starting a family. You don’t want to slack off in this area because Saturn, like a parent, is watching to make sure we’re doing what we’re supposed to be doing. I say this because both the new moon on June 13 and the full moon on June 28 will be big check ins with Saturn, like sitting down for a test or an examination. Have we been doing our homework since December? Saturn will give us a grade. That said, there’s no need to be afraid or nervous of Saturn. It’s just the planet in charge of making sure we grow up. And when you get to the full moon on June 28, you may be making a decision about your living situation or putting another proverbial brick into the foundation of your life. Speaking of responsibility, Venus, your ruling planet, is spending half the month in the highest reaches of your chart. If Capricorn represents the foundation of your life, then Cancer, the opposite sign, represents your ability to make something of yourself in the world. So, your professional life is a focus the first two weeks of June. You may be working harder or having to take on more responsibility. On June 13, however, Venus moves into Leo. If you’re feeling the heavy burdens of life and responsibility this month, at least Leo is a sign that likes to play and have fun. It’s also a sign that will help you connect to friends and community, so you may be more social than usual into the end of the month. Lastly, Mars will turn retrograde on June 26, possibly bringing a past romance to the surface. Retrogrades are a time for all of us to reevaluate and recalibrate how we do that planet. For you, Libra, Mars is your relationship planet and you’ll be doing some work over the comings months on how you connect with people, especially on an intimate or romantic level. If something comes up, it’s because it’s time for you to tie up loose ends. Want to learn more about how the astrology of June will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Travel, foreign lands, long distance journeys, philosophy, faith, beliefs, religion, law, worldview, ethics, morality, integrity, education, knowledge, wisdom, career, professional life, the world, responsibility, status, reputation, recognition, friendships, the future, looking ahead, birds eye view, the collective, home, family, living situation, roots, foundation, romance, past loves, relationship karma.


October 23–November 21

Scorpio Glyph

We’ve got some stuff to talk about, Scorpio. If you remember your horoscope from last month you’ll know that May brought a huge shift in your life courtesy of the planet Uranus, a shift that will unfold over the coming eight years, a shift that will not only transform who you are, but transform your relationships. (In short, everything is changing. Yay!!) And while this shift will continue to reverberate throughout June, July, and August, there are other things going on that we need to highlight. Namely Mars. As your ruling planet, wherever it is in your chart and whatever it is doing speaks directly to you and what you’re focusing on. Back in May Mars moved into Aquarius, which forms the base of your chart, the root and the foundation. So, as you can imagine, if Mars is pointing you towards your roots, it’s time to focus on some of the most fundamental aspects of your life. Think stability … home … family. When Mars is in this part of your chart, you’re generally in a nesting mood. You’re pulled away from the world and you’re looking to connect with the people that mean the most to you. Here’s the thing. Starting June 26 Mars will turn retrograde. Over the coming two months, until August 27, you’ll be digging deeper into these themes around home and family. Memories may come up. You may be more fixated on the past. You may be looking to make a change in the home. You may be revisiting what you need in order to feel rooted and secure in your life. Ironic considering the planet Uranus is shaking everything up. You know, change brings anxiety. It’s just a natural part of life. So maybe that’s why you’re extra focused on figuring out how to keep your balance while everything is shaking. In other news, it’s Gemini Season, the sign that points you to some of the deepest, darkest parts of yourself. Scorpio is a sign that understands, on a profound level, that there is light and dark within each of us. So this is a season when you return to something that is so intrinsic to who you are. As a result, it’s a time to examine your darkness, your shadow. What is it that needs to be revealed and brought into the light? What fears do you need to face? Intimacy and trust also go hand-in-hand with this season, your favorite. The new moon on June 13 will put these themes into the spotlight for the rest of the month and into July. You may also have a big decision to make about your future with that new moon. Or, it may manifest as a serious talk with a friend or some you are allied with. Will you see eye to eye? Also on June 13 Venus, your relationship planet will arrive in Leo. Keep an eye on what’s going on with your partnerships (or lack thereof) because Venus will bounce off of Uranus, setting in motion this new eight year story around relationships. Someone may quickly come in or out of your life. Looking ahead to June 28, a full moon will light up themes of communication and education. Do you have something important to say? Do you need to put more work into your education? Ever since Saturn arrived in this part of your chart last December 19, you’ve been working on strengthening your voice as well as your mind. The full moon will be a big check in on your progress. Want to learn more about how the astrology of June will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: The shadow, the deep self, the psyche, sensitivity, choices, dark and light, transformation, intimacy, trust, sexuality, secrets, relationships, other people, partnerships, home, family, roots, foundation, living situation, memories, the past, nostalgia, parents, retreat, the nest, inner circle, voice, the mind, ideas, education, classes, learning, communication, trips.


November 22–December 21

Sagittarius Glyph

Ever since Jupiter changed signs back in October, you’ve been behind the scenes. After all, Jupiter is your ruling planet and whatever it’s doing sets the tempo for your life and speaks a lot to what you’re feeling it. With Jupiter in Scorpio, you’re more sensitive and contemplative than usual, but not afraid to look into the parts of yourself that are uncomfortable. While the past eight months have had a spiritual or existential overtone, you’re coming to a point in the year when you’re starting to come out of your shell more. The Sun’s in Gemini, your relationship sign, and it’s rising into the top half of our chart — the part that’s more about the external world than your internal world. True, you’re likely going to be more emo and edgier well into the rest of the year, this month kicks off a time when you’re reaching out, making connection, and stepping out into the world. The new moon on June 13 will kick off a new chapter in your relationship both romantic and not. You may have a serious decision to make about what you want, about trust and values, about intimacy and vulnerability. Are you safe to open up to another person? A heavy Neptune vibe in this new moon may mean that in order to move forward you need to let go of something — expectations, the past, your illusions. In addition, communication will likely play a big factor this month as Mars turns retrograde on June 26. Any retrograde, no matter what the planet, is a look at the past. And with this Mars Retrograde, you’re looking at your past history with how you speak, think, and communicate. Don’t be surprised if information comes out around the retrograde or if you blurt something out. (Mars will be retrograde until August 27.) A couple days later, a full moon on June 28 will light up themes around money, stability, and value. Note that since last December, you’ve been having to do some growing up around how you make your money, what you spend it on, and what you truly value in your life. For as much as you fly by the seat of your pants in life — you really do love the adventure, Sag — you’re surprisingly risk averse with your cash. The full moon will be a check in on your progress of creating more financial security in life. You may have a serious decision to make as a result. Or you may have a reality check around spending or what you need in order to feel safe and stable in your life. Want to learn more about how the astrology of June will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Relationships, other people, partners, interpersonal connection, intimacy, trust, vulnerability, facing fears, money, income, salary, security, financial stability, material needs, creature comforts, value, voice, speaking, thinking, learning, writing, communication, class, travel, movement, trips.


December 22–January 19

Capricorn Glyph

Capricorn, let’s talk big picture for a moment. You’re a sign that can climb to great heights. You have the drive, the work ethic, and the tenacity to get what you want even if it takes a long time. But this tenacity — as well as your faith — has been shaken at times over the past ten years. So much has changed and sometimes swiftly, the reasons for which are reflected in a couple of long term influences on your sign. While one of those influences has subsided — Uranus moved out of Aries last month, the sign that forms the roots of your chart — you’re still in a prolonged period of transformation and rebirth. There will be times like this month when you have a moment to catch your breath and try to make sense of your surroundings as well as where you fit in all of this. Gemini Season is a natural time for you to laser in on what needs to get done, from to-do lists to sorting through the details of daily life. You may even feel pushed to start a project or tend to an existing project. The new moon on June 13 will give you a personal reset in this part of your life. Don’t neglect your health and diet this month as the new moon may highlight something that needs to be tended to, even if it’s just making a long overdue doctor’s appointment. Saturn’s in Capricorn for the next few years. It’s a really important time for you to take care of your physical body as much as it is for you to demonstrate how much responsibility you can handle. This may include making changes to your diet, starting a new fitness regimen, or taking calcium supplements for healthy teeth and bones. (Saturn is the planet that rules teeth and bones!) Another thing to keep in mind this month is that Mars, an important planet in your chart, is slowing down and turns retrograde on June 26. What this means is that over the coming months you may be digging into themes around value and worth as well as what you need to feel safe and stable in your life. Remember, as a sign, you’ve had to deal with an extraordinary amount of change and change often makes you reevaluate needs. With that in mind, you may be more driven than usual to shore up your life, to strengthen your roots and foundation after the storms you’ve weathered. You may be looking to buy something that reflects stability and maturity or you’re looking at your past relationship with money and value. Retrogrades are times to review and to look at our previous experiences with that planet. On a general level, Mars Retrograde may make things feel frustratingly slow over the next couple of months. But as I explained to Aries, a sign that is ruled by Mars, is that there’s a time and place for everything and we can’t always blast forward. In other news, a Capricorn Full Moon on June 28 will put you in the spotlight. It will also be a big check in with the planet Saturn, which has been in Capricorn since last December. When Saturn is in your sign, you’re feeling the weight of time, you’re feeling older, you’re being held to a higher bar of excellence. And you’re already a sign that works hard, but you may find yourself working even harder this month. Again, use this time strategically. Get on top of your to-do list because next month and its solar eclipse on July 12 will once again spin the wheel of fortune for you. Something will shift, especially with a relationship or how you connect to other people as a whole. Want to learn more about how the astrology of June will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Work, health, fitness, nutrition, taking care of the body, the body, organization, projects, details, schedule, service, management, value, material needs, material stability, money, income, salary, spending, the things you own, assets, emotional connection to stuff, you, the self, new beginnings, new chapters, crossroads, getting older, growing up, maturity, responsibility, accountability.


January 20–February 18

Aquarius Glyph

Aquarius, we’ve got some stuff to talk about. Did you read your May horoscope? In it I talked about why May was the start of a major shift for you. The planet Uranus switched signs after seven years and moved into the bottom of your chart. This area of your chart is like the root or foundation; it’s what EVERYTHING rests on. So here comes the planet of ups and downs, revolution, and wild transformation. As a result, the very foundation of your life will shake over the coming years. You may uproot yourself, move very far away, see changes in the home or in your family, or awaken to something deep in your emotional core. I mention this all again because it’s all still unfolding and if you missed the memo, you maybe wondering what the hell just happened. That said, it’s a powerful time to reinvent yourself, Aquarius. Then there’s the planet Mars. It’s been in Aquarius recently, putting some pep in your step and giving you lots of motivation to lead and move forward with your career. Here’s the thing. Mars will turn retrograde on June 26, and will be in Aquarius until August. Retrogrades mean that there’s something you have to look at again and rework. And since Mars is a planet of action and initiative, you’ll be examining your past history with this fundamental force. Where have you needed to be the leader? Where have you needed to take command? Mars is often not diplomatic, so just be careful if you’re feeling extra frustrated or impatient that you don’t completely lose it. Then again, sometimes we have to let the anger out and Mars Retrograde may demand you let go of pent up anger. Writing, journaling, and even going for a run is a healthy, productive conduit for Mars. In other news, it’s Gemini Season, which means it’s a time for you to play, have fun, and celebrate what makes you you. It’s a good time to start creative projects, especially on or after the new moon on June 13. Relationships will also get a boost when Venus arrives in Leo on June 13. The coming weeks will be a time for you to make stronger emotional ties with the people in your life, this includes your romantic partners. Finally, a full moon on June 28 will put a spotlight on something that has been brewing behind the scenes. Ever since Saturn changed signs last December, you’ve been in a three year chapter (yes, three years!) where you’re doing a lot of soul searching, looking for deep answers, connecting with spirituality, and overall shedding the heavy layers of the past. In short, you’re doing a lot of inventory and figuring out what you don’t want to bring into the next big chapter of your life. So maybe it’s been a little tough for you over the last six months. Maybe you’ve seen things or people leave your life. The full moon will be a check in on this personal story. Similarly, if you have any negative attachments or habits you want to get rid of, use the full moon energy to let go once and for all. Want to learn more about how the astrology of June will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: You, personality, energy, vitality, action, moving ahead, moving backwards, identity, self expression, creativity, talent, performance, children, play, fun, projects, letting go, retreat, rest, recuperation, spirituality, dreams, mysticism, endings, letting go, existential crisis, relationships, other people, partnerships, one-on-one connection.


February 19–March 20

Pisces Glyph

Hi Pisces. I want to give you a hug. Not because anything is wrong, but you’re a sensitive sign and you may be feeling all the extra feels this month. That’s because of three things. One, it’s Gemini Season and Gemini forms the bottom of your chart. The bottom, as you can imagine, is the foundation. It’s not only what everything in the chart is supported by, but it also represents your emotional core. So this time of year is a natural time for you to pull inward, to nest, and feel like you only want to be around your closest loved ones. So you’re already in the mood to be extra chill this month. The new moon on on June 13, by the way, may be a natural time for you to focus on the home as well as your living situation. This may include a move or just a desire to feather your nest. On top of that, the planet Neptune turns retrograde in Pisces on June 18. See, Pisces is a sign that’s naturally open to emotional and spiritual energies. So Neptune turning retrograde is no unlike turning up the volume on your sensitivity. As a result you may find it overly hard to be out in the world during the middle of the month. Good thing Gemini Season is already pointing you in the direction of home where you can hide away. Then there’s Mars. It’s been in a sensitive part of your chart since last month. You may have been feeling a bit tired or like things are not quite moving forward. So with Mars turning retrograde on June 26, your energy levels may be on the low side. Mars Retrograde teaches all of us that sometimes it’s the time to rest, that we can’t always take action in the way that we’d like to. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself this month, which includes physically as much as it means emotionally. Since you’re a sign that picks up on things, especially the “stuff” from other people, it’s easier for you to catch a cold if your psychic defenses are a little compromised. Take a bath with either sea salt or epsom salts. Work with grounding stones like black tourmaline and carnelian. Discover your inner or hidden self through dream work and meditation. Set good boundaries, especially around people who are toxic or vampiric. And remember, Pisces, you can’t save anyone as much as you try. You can only save yourself, and I say this with recognition and compassion. You’d don’t have to sacrifice yourself at the expense of you health and happiness. In other news, the full moon on June 28 will put the spotlight on friendships and community. In fact, it’s important to note that friendships and community are an area that you’re having to do extra work in since last December. Maybe you’re really examining who you friends are as result or trying to make stronger ties to your community. The full moon will be a check in on how you’re building up this part of your life. Want to learn more about how the astrology of June will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  Sensitivity, compassion, sacrifice, letting go, endings, behind the scenes, emotions, emotional core, emotional health, boundaries, roots, the home, family, memories, feelings, nostalgia, living situation, the nest, retreat, rest, spirituality, dreams, mysticism, friendships, community, belonging, groups, social network, connection.

Photo by Pepe Reyes on Unsplash