Things are heating up! The Moon moves into Aries, activating Mars’s slow retrograde connection to Uranus and the South Node of the Moon. Something from the past may be coming up. Conversation may be sharp, passionate, ideologically driven. We may be feeling impatient, restless.

An Aries Moon always needs an outlet for its energy and often that outlet is through exercise or other physical activities. (If you have an Aries Moon in your natal chart, you know what I’m talking about.) So if you’re feeling restless, make sure you’re giving it a healthy outlet, but don’t rush. This energy may be a bit accident prone because it’s not taking its time.

As I mentioned yesterday, Chiron turns retrograde today at 2 degrees Aries. Chiron is a subtle influence, speaking more to what’s happening in the background, like music that you’ve tuned out, then something visible and tangible. Chiron also speaks to our deep emotional material, that issue or button that keeps getting pressed. That issue could be, I’m not good enough, I’m not loved, I don’t have enough. It’s a persistent pain that seems to wrap itself around an area of our life or even ourselves.

What Chiron wants us to do is to take consciousness of our sufferings, these invisible emotional, spiritual, and psychic knots that prevent us from being our true, expansive selves. We all have something we are working on in this life and Chiron in our natal chart reveals just what. With its symbol as a key, it literally unlocks us to the higher potential of our natal chart when we work on our Chiron with love and compassion.

Spirit always says to me that we’re not ready to heal until we’re ready to depersonalize our pain. Chiron shows us that it’s not our pain, it’s the pain of everyone that suffers similarly. And when we release our pain, we open up space in the fabric of humanity for others to heal as well.

Mars is in Aquarius, too, so we’re definitely working on our connection to our community, humanity, and the collective over the coming weeks.

Read More:

July 2018 Horoscopes

On Chiron, Suffering, and Knots

Chiron in Aries: The Wounds of War

Mars in Aquarius: Sign by Sign

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Photo by Cristofer Jeschke on Unsplash