Welcome to Cancer Season! This is the time of the year when we get to the heart of what makes life worth living — love and connection. Cancer teaches about getting our needs met, making time for family or the people who are like family to us. It’s the energy of the home, the mother, roots, and nostalgia. But this Cancer Season may be a bit complicated because it coincides with two eclipses, shaking up our emotional and psychic foundation and pushing us into the next chapter of our lives.

The solar eclipse on July 12 is a force. Falling directly opposite Pluto, it may bring an emotional crisis to the forefront. Are we getting what we need? Are we safe? Nourished? Do we have connection? Do we have family? The world is a bit heavy right now and the Cancer eclipse will remind us how how important it is to have people around us who care and nurture for us and how important it is to have heart. As a result, we may have to take a hard look at the things, situations, or people who are not adding or supporting our lives.

(Technical side note. This is the first eclipse we’ve had in Cancer since 2011 and presages a shift in the lunar nodes that will happen at the end of the year. We’re moving away from Leo North Node and towards Cancer. The North Node in Cancer leads us toward the softer side of life. It’s a return to the safety and security of what’s familiar after the burdens and hard work of Capricorn.)

Then on July 27 we’ll have a lunar eclipse in Aquarius. What sets this eclipse apart is that it activates Uranus in Taurus as well as a unwieldy square between Mars and Uranus. Plus it’s a South Node eclipse, which means that we’re dealing with events from the past and letting things go. If you are a Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius, this eclipse will set in motion a lot of change and show you just what Uranus in Taurus is reinventing in your life.

Eclipses make for loud astrology. As a result, our lives this month may be marked by big decisions, changes in direction, changes in jobs, changes in relationships, and even changes in appearance. We’re feeling Life with a capital L, the sort of life that marks the narrative of our existence. (If you’re not sure what areas are getting activated by Mars and Uranus, check out my Mars in Aquarius: Sign by Sign guide as well as my Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign guide.)

But it’s not all eclipses this month. We’re still dealing with Mars Retrograde in Aquarius, which means we’re taking a second look at how we take action, how we move forward, and how we use our energy. Or at least that’s the point of retrogrades … for us to take new consciousness of how we’ve unconsciously used a planet. Mars Retrograde may make us more impatient, easy to argue. And right now, with the sign of Aquarius heating up, we’re dealing collectively with themes of social justice, ideology, community, and humanity. It’s a big world. Will we learn to get along?

In other news, we have a few planetary movements to contend with. Chiron turns retrograde at 2 degrees Aries on July 5, activating the personal and collective knots we have about taking action, being able to move forward, and standing up for ourselves. Then on July 10 Jupiter comes out of retrograde at 13 degrees Scorpio and marking the midpoint of its journey through the sign of secretes, sexuality, intimacy, and shadow. And on July 26 Mercury turns retrograde at 23 degrees Leo, speaking to themes of creativity and individuality.

Between the planets moving back and forth and two eclipses, July will surely be an eventful month. Since it’s Cancer Season primarily, make sure you’re tending to your emotional roots, your core, and spending time with the people who really matter or support you.

Read for your Sun and rising sign.

DATES TO NOTE: 7/5 Chiron Retrograde 2 Aries, Mercury opposite Mars; 7/7 Sun trine Neptune; 7/9 Venus in Virgo, Mercury square Jupiter; 7/10 Jupiter Direct 13 Scorpio; 7/11 Venus trine Uranus; 7/12 New Moon 20 Cancer (Solar Eclipse), Sun opposite Pluto; 7/14 Venus trine Saturn; 7/22 Sun in Leo, Venus sextile Jupiter; 7/24 Venus opposite Neptune; 7/25 Sun square Uranus, Sun trine Chiron; 7/26 Mercury Retrograde 23 Leo; 7/27 Full Moon 4 Aquarius (Lunar Eclipse), Sun opposite Mars, Venus trine Pluto.


March 21–April 19

Aries Glyph

Aries, we’ve got a lot to talk about. And, to be honest, I’m not super jazzed about the astrology this month and how it lines up because it hints at the possibility swift changes, one that draws a line between your life as you know it now and something quite different. Between two eclipses, Mars Retrograde, and Mars’s slow square off with Uranus, this is more than likely going to be one of those months where you’re dealing with a few things. Before you make the decision to not leave your home in July or never read me again (lol, jk, right??), let’s work together to paint a picture of what exactly is going on. In order to do that, we have to zoom out a little. Like, way out. You’ve been in an extended period of time — we could argue that this began ten years ago — when the four corners of your life began to profoundly shift. You’re different. Relationships are different. Career is different. Where you even live may be vastly different. This July is merely the next part of a story that has been unfolding for years. Since it’s Cancer Season, this is the the time in your personal calendar when the Sun dips into the bottom of your chart and shines a light on home and family. It pushes you to take stock of your roots and what you need to thrive. It pulls you inward and into the realm of memories, nostalgia, and comfort. Since so much as changed for you over the years, this will be a good month to, once again, tend to the most fundamental and vital areas of your life. Before I delve too much into this point, I want to highlight that July may feel like you’re being pulled in two very different directions. On one hand it’s about home and family. On the other, it’s about community and friendships. Both talk about connection, but while you may be wanting to spend more time in the home this month, you may be pulled very far from home. If fact community — more specifically your place in your community, the friends you associate with, and the social networks you’re a part of — will be a big theme over the next few months as Mars, your ruling planet, retrogrades through this part of your life. You have some big loose ends to tie up concerning the people or groups you’re associated with. And this retrogrades touch on the past and past actions, you may be looking at the your past connections in a way that touches on some sticky issues. Are there connections you need to make a break from? But, as I mentioned there’s a lot of emphasis on home and family this month and the solar eclipse on July 12 may bring a big decision about where to live or something regarding your family. You may find that July is a turning point as a result. Then, two weeks later, a lunar eclipse will put an exclamation point on friends and community. Something may give or leave with this lunar eclipse. Since the eclipse activates Mars and Uranus, just make sure that you’re not rushing since this restless combination has a habit of being accident prone. So, things are evolving this month, Aries, and it may include how you see yourself and how you see your future. Take care and make sure you are tending and watering the roots of your life. They are, after all, the support for everything. Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Home, family, roots, foundation, inner world, emotional needs, emotional stability, emotional connection, moves, living situation, parents, career, direction, responsibility, the future, hopes, wishes, community, friends, social network, social connection, belonging, radical changes, restlessness, healing, letting go, the past.


April 20–May 20

Taurus Glyph

So, Taurus, we’re going to continue the conversation we’ve been having since May. If you recall, I’ve been belaboring the point that you’re in the midst of a powerful shift in your life. Ever since Uranus arrived in Taurus back on May 15, you’re officially in an eight year chapter of reinventing yourself. I know, like you need reminding. (Then again, maybe this is your first time hearing this.) It’s possible that not much has happened since May, instead feeling something stirring on the horizon. So here’s what you need to know about July. Whatever changes Uranus has in the gate for you will quite likely kick into gear this month. Why? Well, for one, July is eclipse season and eclipses equal change or turning points in the narrative of life. But, more importantly, the eclipse on July 27 will spark off with Uranus, giving you a better idea of what needs to shift and transform about yourself. So, have you given any thought to what you want to change about yourself? Taurus, I love you, but you’re an earth sign. And of all the earth signs, yours is the one that gets stuck in the deepest rut. When you’re comfy and fed, there’s not much that’s going to get you moving. But here’s the thing. That’s not the time you’re in. When you look at your astrology clock, one of the big hands is pointing towards getting you out of your comfort level. And even though you may be dragging your hooves on this, things are moving this month. The irony about July is that even though the eclipses are pushing things along, Mars is retrograde. If you know a little astrology, then you’ll know that Mars is the planet that puts some pep in your step. It’s the gas in the proverbial car. So with Mars Retrograde this month, you may not have all the drive you need to be super motivated about taking action. Another thing to keep in mind is that Mars is your relationship planet. With it retrograde into August, you’re doing some rewinding in your partnerships as well as looking back at the past. Don’t be surprised if old loves turn back up. You may need to tie up loose ends or revisit an issue. But the point of retrogrades is to give us a chance to redo things, deal with karma, and gain new insights. Mars will be dancing around with Uranus, too, so there may be a tension between you and another person about freedom, being yourself, and taking life in a different direction. Having said that, let’s not forget that it’s Cancer Season, the time in your personal calendar when you’re focusing on education, communication, and travel. You may find yourself busy or on the go this month, ready for new ideas. Then the lunar eclipse on July 27 will light up your career sign of Aquarius. It may be time to change jobs, let go of old responsibilities, or go back to school so you can enter a new career path. Remember, you’re reinventing yourself, Taurus. And that extends to many of the different corners of your life. Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  Reinvention, new beginnings, personal revolution, endings, restlessness, communication, thinking, speaking, listening, learning, education, higher education, classes, writing, movement, information, siblings, career, professional life, the outer world, responsibilities, recognition, job change, new direction, letting go, relationship review, old flames.


May 21–June 20

Gemini Glyph

Pat yourself on the back, Gemini. You’re not in the crosshairs of change this month — not like the other signs at least. After June’s mixed astrological bag, you could use a break. (Sorry, all that Neptune energy last month probably didn’t make for the most exciting of birthdays.) You’re going to get one in the form of Mercury Retrograde, you know, your favorite time when your ruling planet turns its heels and rewinds its way through the heavens? Mercury Retrograde is a time for you to review instead of move forward and with Mercury down in the sign of Leo all month long, so you’re reviewing themes around your identity as well as how you speak, think, learn, and move. You may also be reviewing your choices. As a Gemini, you’re the sign of choice and you teach the world the power of duality and understanding both sides of an issue. But sometimes we don’t always pick the right thing or the right path, so this retrograde may take you back to the drawing board or give you an opportunity to try a different direction. Then there’s Cancer Season, a sign that helps you to discover earthy stability. Cancer is your money sign and with the July 12 solar eclipse, you may be starting a powerful new chapter around money. Do you have what you need to feel safe and secure? Are you getting your needs met? Or are your fears, blocks, and deeper issues getting in the way? You’re going to have to face something about yourself this month, the part of you that can be your own worst enemy, your inner saboteur. In fact, this is area that you’ve been doing some serious work on since December. Then there’s Mars. It’s retrograding up in Aquarius, your education and ethics sign, all month long and into August. Is it possible that you don’t know everything? Is it possible that you need new ideas, new perspective? Is it possible that some of your beliefs about the world as well as yourself need to change? Speaking of which, looking ahead to the lunar eclipse on July 27, you have a decision to make about how you see the world. This could mean having a rethink about your faith, your philosophy, or even a deeper look at your ethics and integrity. This could mean having a spiritual or intuitive awakening. This could mean thinking about going back to school, but having to confront cost or other power dynamics. This could mean having to look at your shadow or your fears and how they shape how you see the world. In all, it’s a powerful. And while the potential for change is not as dramatic as other signs, it is eclipse season after all, and eclipses mean that we’re all at a turning point. Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  Money, income, stability, security, salary, material needs, spending, resources, value, communication, the mind, thinking, learning, speaking, reading, writing, classes, workshops, travel, foreign travel, long distance journeys, beliefs, philosophy, integrity, ethics, morality, right and wrong, spirituality, religion, faith, law, reflect, rewind, redo, reevaluate.


June 21–July 22

Cancer Glyph

Cancer, hi. Happy birthday! How are you doing? Do you need a hug? I know it’s your birthday season, but you may be feeling a bit sensitive and anxious as you go into this month. After all, you’re a sign that can pick up on the psychic winds and know when they shifting … and they are definitely shifting in July. So, what does this mean? Let’s take a step back and look at the broader picture of what’s going on. Let’s go back in time to 2008. (Hard to believe that it’s been 10 years. Crazy!) That was the year a lot of big stuff started to shift for you as well as the world. And that was the year that Pluto went into the sign of Capricorn for the first time in nearly 250 years. Capricorn just so happens to be your relationship sign, so you began this long long story of completely transforming how you interact with people. This could mean that you’ve left a relationship, started a relationship, or even fundamentally changed how you socialize and open yourself to others. One of the things about Pluto is that it works like a mirror. Through all your experiences with relationships in the last 10 years, you’ve had to do some serious reflection and soul searching. What were your relationships and interactions reflecting back to you? I bring this up because this story will be front and center this month. The solar eclipse will not only be in Cancer, lighting up your sign and putting you in the spotlight, but the solar eclipse will face off with Pluto. As you go into this new personal year, you will have to make a lot of changes in the coming months. (I know, you’ve been making beaucoup de changes for a while now.) But Pluto has a habit of drawing a hard line between old life/new life and this month will be no exception. Couple that with a solar eclipse and you’re going to be reborn. (Yay?) So it’s important to do a few things this month. One, self care. And I mean real self care, not the one where you take bubble baths and buy things. Self care as in making sure you have a support system as well as taking time to rest, processing your emotions in a healthy way, setting good boundaries. Two, taking a serious look at what relationships mean for you. If you are single, do you want something long term? What needs to shift in order for that to happen? If you’re in a partnership, how can you take that connection to the next level? What’s on your relationship to-do list? Another thing to keep in mind is that Mars as well as the July 27 lunar eclipse is activating your deep self, your deep emotions. As you wade through issues around relationships this month, you also have to look at themes of intimacy, vulnerability, and trust additionally. In all, it’s a powerful month, one that will push you to make changes in your relationships with other people and your emotions. The coming year may be quite different than the previous one. Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  You, yourself, powerful new beginnings, endings, rebirths, transformations, facing fears, intimacy, trust, vulnerability, secrets, behind closed doors, relationships, other people, partnerships, money, income, material needs, what you own, what you own with a partner, assets, resources, wealth, debt, estate, inheritance.


July 23–August 22

Leo Glyph

Leo, let’s check in on a few things. Namely this new phase of life you started back in May. If you’ve been following along with the astrology you’ll know that that was the month that Uranus arrived in your career sign and you’ll know that you’re now in an eight year chapter of reinventing career as well as your place in the world and the responsibilities you carry. Taurus is the highest sign in the wheel of your chart. It’s like the bow of the ship pointing in the direction of the horizon. We always have to point our lives in a certain direction and Taurus is the sign that helps you do just that. So what happens when you decide to go in a radically new direction? Maybe you’ve been thinking about making some big changes since May, but this month and next month will really kick off this new phase of life. But, first, let’s set the stage. July is Cancer Season, the time just before your birthday when you come to the end of your personal year. It’s a time to reflect, rest, go inward, and prepare for the next journey. So you naturally may feel a bit lowkey as you start the month. Although with Mercury turning retrograde in Leo on July 26, you may be instead running around a bit in stark contrast to the season. That said, between Jupiter turning direct on July 10 and the solar eclipse on July 12, a lot of emotional material will get stirred up. The solar eclipse in particular will highlight the one of the most sensitive parts of your chart and, thus, kick off a six month period of letting go, shedding old layers, digging into the unconscious, and reaching for spirituality. Your dreams may be more active than usual, your intuition sharper. Old or hidden family stuff may come up, too. On top of that, with Uranus swinging you in a new direction, you may find that July creates a strong divide between your old life and this emerging one. How do you feel about that? Maybe a little wistful? It is Cancer Season, after all. In addition, there’s a lot of emphasis on relationships this month. Mars is over in Aquarius, your relationship sign, heating things up between you and other people. Mars isn’t subtle and so things may be on fire between you and another person, from passion to verbal sparring. Note that Mars will be retrograde until the end of August, so whatever is coming up between now and then with a mate or another person touches on a deep issue that needs working out. Retrogrades are karmic reviews and there’s something for you to work on with how you interact or connect with others. Speaking of which, the lunar eclipse on July 27 will put a spotlight on relationships, bring something to a head between you and another person, romantic or otherwise. You may have a decision to make about a connection and since it’s an eclipse, things may be a bit on the dramatic side between you and another person. Eclipses can coincide with new relationships, commitments, and marriages, or provoke a need to separate or find a different way of partnering. In all, lots going on this month, Leo. Hang on tight and make sure you use the first couple of weeks of July to rest while you can. Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  Pulling inward, rest, reflection, hidden emotions, the unconscious, dreams, spirituality, letting go, shedding layers, family, memories, busy, travel, movement, on the go, career, public life, profession, what you’re known for, responsibilities, ambitions, direction, reinvention, sudden changes, new chapter, relationships, other people, partnerships, scuffles, arguments, passion, passionate emotions.


August 23–September 22

Virgo Glyph

Hey Virgo. Your personal year is winding down, which means it’s time to zoom out a little and reflect on the previous months. What worked? What didn’t? What are your wishes for your next trip around the Sun? Hopefully with perspective, you’re able to bring all the puzzle pieces together a get a few aha moments this July. That said, Mercury, your ruling planet, is tucked away this month, hiding out in the sign of Leo. You may feel the need for more quiet time or more rest. You may be more intuitive than usual or your dreams more active, so pay attention to what you are sensing and feeling. In fact, Mercury will turn retrograde on July 26, so you’re going to be in this lower key vibe for a while. On the other hand, it’s Cancer Season, a time that points you toward friendships, community, and your social network. Even as you pull inward this month, you may be socializing more with friends with whom you share a close bond with. Actually, keep an eye on this part of your life. The solar eclipse on July 12 will open a powerful new chapter, one that will center on community and connection, putting them front and center over the coming months. It’s important to note that you’ve been in a ten year long process (!) of completely transforming your identity and how you express it. Sometimes being your real self comes at the expense of your connection to others. The solar eclipse will ask you, where do I belong? Who’s my tribe? You may have to resolve the tension between being yourself and being accepted. Then on July 27 a lunar eclipse will light up your sign of work and health. You may have a decision to make about a work situation or project. On the health side of things, you may need to make a change in how you take care of your body, from what you eat to how you exercise. I think I made a comment in last month’s horoscope that sometimes you can be your own worst enemy and this eclipse — plus Mars Retrograde — is really trying to show you where you get in your way. So July may be a call to let go of a lot of old stuff, especially stuff you think is you but is not you. When Mercury turns retrograde at the end of the month, you’ll have to dig into the hidden parts of yourself in order to shed them. Even though it’s subtle, there’s a spiritual overtone to July. Nothing like a small existential crisis to bring you to the threshold between this year and the next year. Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  Winding down, reflection, retreat, rest, going within, shedding the old, shedding layers, spirituality, existential crisis, inner search for meaning, friends, community, social network, social connection, humanity, groups, belonging, tribe, career, direction, responsibilities, work, health, diet, fitness, nutrition, projections, organization, schedule, details, daily life.


September 23–October 22

Libra Glyph

Libra, hold tight. You’re in a similar boat as Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn. Meaning, the way the astrology lines up this month, particularly with the solar eclipse on July 12, it’s likely going to bring you to a crossroads. First things first, let’s acknowledge that it’s Cancer Season. In case you didn’t know, Cancer is your career sign. It speaks to the role you strive to play in the world, the responsibilities you carry, and the types of career you naturally gravitate towards. Having Cancer as your career sign means that you have to have your heart in what you do. You want to help people or, at the very least, help nurture them. I mention this because not only is this a natural time of the year for you to connect with your career as well as the role you play in the world, but this month will really put the part of your life front and center. In fact, there’s a solar eclipse in Cancer on July 12 and if you know eclipses, they swiftly close one door and open another. When we have an eclipse in our career sign, it’s not uncommon to make a job change — sometimes dramatically so. Similarly, it’s not uncommon for our job title or status to change. We may quickly fall from or rise into the public eye. Or we may decide to steer our life in a new direction. What makes this eclipse particularly important is that it touches on Pluto, which has been at the base of your chart for the last ten years, completely transforming the role of home, family, and connection in your life. So what this eclipse is saying to you that in order to take the next step professionally, remake yourself in the eyes of the world, or strike out in a new direction, you have to deal with the stuff in your emotional core that’s holding you back. This includes stuff from childhood, memories, and even ancestral stuff. Perhaps this is a bit abstract, but it’s worth taking a moment this month to do the internal audit. Who or what is stopping you from really moving forward with your life? How do you finally let it go? Bury it in the ground? Hopefully there’s an aha moment in this for you. The other areas of your life getting activated this month are relationships and romance and your sense of who you are in them. This month Mars is retrograde and Mars is your relationship planet, which means that you have some work to do in the relationship department — tying up loose ends, dealing with an issue from the past, reworking something that’s not working. Even if you’re single, surely you have relationships with people and surely there are a few that need revisiting. (Mars will be retrograde until the end of August, so whatever you’re working on may take a month or so to resolve.) Then there’s this notion of identity and self expression. The lunar eclipse on July 27 will put this part of your life into the spotlight. Again, identity may be an abstract notion, but the lunar eclipse is getting to the very heart of who you are. Do you know who you are? What makes you different than others? Do you honor your creativity? Your talent? Do you allow yourself to be you in a relationship? There is something here for you to discover. (The July 27 eclipse may also talk about children and if you’re looking to get pregnant or adopt, you may find that July and August speak to this.) So, in short, a big month. And if there’s shifts in career, relationships, and the home, surely it’s a big month. Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  Crossroads, turning point, career, job change, professional life, status, reputation, ambition, recognition, responsibilities, stepping up, maturity, home, family, living situation, roots, memories, ancestors, emotional core, emotional needs, children, creativity, self expression, identity, talents, romance, risk, relationships, partnerships, other people.


October 23–November 21

Scorpio Glyph

How do you feel about change, Scorpio? You’re like, “I love it!!” Well, the irony about Scorpio is that you secretly don’t love change … unless you’re in control of the change. But I get it, Scorpio, you’ve gotta stay on brand. And so you’re like, “I love change!!” through gritted teeth. Here’s the thing. Since May, the cosmic winds have been shifting big time. Maybe life hasn’t dramatically shifted one way or the other, but it’s quite possible that July will kick this new chapter of your life into the next gear. There’s a of important things to keep in mind this month. One, it’s eclipse season and eclipse season means that the wheel of life is turning. Two, the eclipses are putting you at a crossroads. Falling in the signs of Aquarius (July 27) and Leo (August 11), your home life and your career life are shifting, two areas that represent the very axis that everything rotates around. But there’s another eclipse to talk about, a solar eclipse on July 12 that will open up a powerful new chapter in how you see the world, how you communicate, and what you believe in. The eclipse may demand that you communicate in a different way, focus on your education, and make a stand for what you believe is right. Travel, especially foreign travel, may be a big focus at this time as well. It almost seems like an afterthought to also mention that your ruling planet, Mars, is retrograde until the end of August. This means that you’re holding back instead of moving forward, going within instead of pushing outward. And with Mars tucked down at the bottom of your chart in the sign of Aquarius, one of the main focuses this July is home, family, and the very foundation of your life. Yes, because Mars is in this part of your chart, but the July 27 lunar eclipse will put this area of your life into the spotlight. This is not the first time that this part of your life has been activated recently by an eclipse. This part of your life has been stirring up since last August. Even if this part of your life has not seen a lot of dramatic shifts, the eclipse may also speak to doing a lot of emotional digging and dealing with feelings, the past, memories, and the stuff that either nourishes you or not. This eclipse feels like it’s time to let a lot of things go. (Now purging is something you can get behind, Scorpio.) And this eclipse is going touch on the planet Uranus and its total reinvention of your relationships. So keep an eye on your connections both romantic and otherwise. People may be coming in and out of your life quite quickly. (Eclipse energy + Uranus = anything is possible.) And since eclipses continue to unfold over the coming six months, the story is far from over in July. In other news, let’s not forget that Jupiter is turning direct in Scorpio on July 10. Not quite a marquee headline compared to the eclipses, but it’s a nice check in with the planet of Extra who has been visiting you since October. Jupiter inspires growth, faith, and a sense that anything is possible. And having Jupiter in Scorpio until November means that you only have a few months more to take advantage of it. Look for new opportunities in the coming months and put yourself out there, especially after Mars Retrograde wraps up on August 27. Remember, you love change!! Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  Home, family, roots, foundation, living situation, parents, emotional core, emotional needs, emotional purge, foreign lands, long distance travel, education, beliefs, faith, meaning, truth, ethics, morality, religion, publishing, media, reinvention, sudden change, crossroads, transformation, you, yourself, pulling inward, reflection.


November 22–December 21

Sagittarius Glyph

Ever since Jupiter moved into Scorpio last October, you’ve been on a year long journey of going deep within yourself, into the hidden corners of your psyche as well as your soul. It’s been a time to let go, shed layers, and dive into the mystical side of life. You’ve been searching for answers, but in doing so you’ve been a bit behind the scenes — even more so since March when Jupiter turned retrograde. Well, this July 10, Jupiter turns direct, which means that you will start to feel like you’re moving forward instead of moving back. (Woo hoo! BTW, Jupiter will arrive in Sagittarius on November 8, giving you a big cosmic boost, but that’s a different story for a different horoscope.) Anyway, there’s that. But the real news this month is eclipse season. And as you may know, every six months we get a set of eclipses that swiftly and sometimes dramatically opens and closes the door in a particular area of our lives. We’ll have a solar eclipse on July 12 in the sign of Cancer and a lunar eclipse on July 27 in the sign of Aquarius. As for the solar eclipse in Cancer, while isn’t a prominent sign in your chart, it does speak to your deep self, the part of you that you only share with the people you trust. It’s your psyche, intimacy, vulnerability, and your even sexuality. It also speaks to money, from the resources you share to what you have available through benefits and loans. So this eclipse will open a potent new chapter that will center on these very themes. Do keep in mind that ever since Pluto moved into Capricorn in 2008, you’ve been doing a lot of amazing transformation work on the role of money, value, self worth, and stability. The solar eclipse on July 12 will circle back to this powerful work. Are you ready to be vulnerable? Leave your comfort zone? Jump into the unknown? This solar eclipse may also touch on old family stuff, hidden memories, and buried secrets. Then there’s the role of communication, education, and travel in your life. The lunar eclipse on July 27 will bring these themes to a head. As a result, you may have a decision to make about how you communicate, get your point across, or even a decision about your education. There may be something particularly important about writing and speaking, too. Plus travel will be a feature, so get ready for a busy July and August. Opportunities to go places may come up suddenly. But with such an emphasis on emotions and spirituality this month, pay attention to the ideas and information you’re receiving from the other side through dreams, meditations, and intuitive downloads. Oh and PS, Mercury turns retrograde on July 26, which is a major planet for you. It speaks of career as well as relationships. So you may be dealing with issues in both those areas. Retrogrades aren’t bad; they just give us another chance to work something out, tie up loose ends, or take a new course of action. In all a potentially busy month in the midst of a lot of personal reflection. Make sure you tend to your needs. Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  Spirituality, intuition, feelings, dreams, unconscious, the hidden, rest, retreat, existential questions, letting go, shedding layers, the invisible, the unseen, the deep self, the psyche, facing fears, intimacy, vulnerability, trust, secrets, family, memories, money, resources, assets, value, self worth, stability, jumping into the unknown.


December 22–January 19

Capricorn Glyph

Did last month’s full moon ring your bell a bit? You know, the full moon on June 28? Although that full moon may seem like old history, it leads into July’s astrology. Let’s set the scene a little. As a Capricorn, there’s a good chance that something about your life is night and day different than what it was ten years ago. I know a lot can happen in ten years, but the astrology that you’ve been through has profoundly transformed you in some way. Fast forward to just the past December. That was the month the planet Saturn arrived in Capricorn for a three year stay, turning up the pressure for you to figure your life out and make your mark. I know, you’re a Capricorn, you’ve got a plan and you’re sticking to it. But I think the ups and downs of the last few years have taught you that life can throw you a huge curveball and sometimes you just have to come up with a new plan. So here you are, midway through the year, and you’re at a crossroads. What are you on at this point, Plan K? This month is important for you because there’s a solar eclipse in Cancer, your relationship sign, on July 12. This means is that this part of your life — relationships, other people — needs your attention. Eclipses have a habit of rushing things in and out, so you may find that, if you’re single and looking to meet someone, that a powerful new opportunity opens up. If you are in an existing relationship, the eclipse may bring an event, from the start of a commitment, to moving in together, to deciding to end things. Another way the eclipse may manifest is getting you take a hard look at the type of people you attract into your life. Is that working out for you? What kind of connection do you want instead? Relationships are mirrors and they show us the parts of ourselves we can’t and won’t see. So there may be an uncomfortable yet powerful realization with this eclipse courtesy of Pluto and its opposition to the eclipse. And Pluto has a habit of drawing a line between old life/new life in a way that you can’t go back. Then there’s the lunar eclipse on July 27. Falling in your money sign of Aquarius, you may be working on themes of value and self worth this month as well as looking at how much money you may and how you spend that money. With Mars Retrograde in this part of your chart into August, you’ve got loose ends to tie up or something to go back and look at around material stability. Mars Retrograde also means that value is of extra importance right now — value of your self, value of the things you own, value of what’s in your home, value of your time. So a lot is happening this month and it’s likely that you’re at a crossroads. Ready to go in a different direction, Capricorn? Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  Relationships, other people, partnerships, one-on-one connection, compromise, negotiation, you, yourself, getting older, feeling time, maturity, responsibility, new chapter, new phase, money, income, salary, material stability, material needs, emotional connection to stuff, value, self worth, resources, assets, finance, wealth, debt, reinventing yourself.


January 20–February 18

Aquarius Glyph

Does it feel like life is heating up? Do you have loads of extra energy and not quite sure how to direct it? Are you looking to make a big move or change? There’s a couple of reasons why July is a major month for you, Aquarius. First and foremost, it’s eclipse season, a time that happens every six months when a set of eclipses turns the wheel of fate and sends us in a new direction. More on that in a moment. But I wanted to start by mentioning Mars’s long stay in Aquarius, which began on May 16. With Mars in your sign, you have more energy, you feel the confidence to move forward, to take the lead, and to even stand up for yourself. But as of June 26, Mars is retrograde, which means that you may be feeling a bit restless, overly confident, and perhaps a touch argumentative. Any time a planet turns retrograde, we have to take a second look at our relationship with that planet. Mars is the planet of action and command as well as aggression. How have you taken command in the past? How have you asserted yourself? Too much? Too little? Do you need to take action in a different way? Mars just so happens to be your career planet, too, so you may be taking a second look at your career or professional ambitions, deciding to take things in a different direction. Also, if you’re feeling a bit impatient this month or sharper in what you have to say, that would be Mars. (Note that it’s generally considered not favorable to start something or make big initiatives new during Mars Retrograde. Wait until September if you can. Then again, I started Empowering Astrology during Mars Retrograde, so if it feels right, it feels right.) Now let’s talk about eclipse season. The solar eclipse on July 12 activates your the work and health area of your chart. And since eclipses have a tendency to usher things and and out of our lives, you may see a change in your schedule, your daily life, or even your work. You may also feel a powerful urge to make a major change in how you take care of your body, from what you eat to how you exercise. (Mars is in Aquarius after all. You have energy and enthusiasm to spare right now.) One of the distinctive features of this eclipse is that it opposes Pluto. It’s time for you to face something you’re not facing or something you don’t even know is there or is hinted in dreams. It’s time for you to recognize the link between physical health and spiritual health. Then again you’re an Aquarius, so you understand the holistic mindset. Fast forward to the lunar eclipse on July 27. That’s the one that needs a bit more attention. Falling in Aquarius and activating Mars and Uranus, you may be in for a change and events may put you at a crossroads. And this eclipse as well as the one on August 11 (more on that next month) is shaking up relationships, where you live, career, and putting you in the spotlight. (It’s possible that you’re already feeling and seeing this. Eclipses have a habit of manifesting a month or sometimes two months before.) It’s a big time for you, Aquarius. Just use the Cancer Sun to tend to your body, mind, and soul. Breathe in, breathe out.
Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  Health, wellness, holistic health, how you take care of your body, diet, nutrition, fitness, service, helping others, colleagues, changes in schedule, changes in routine, job changes, projects, daily grind, real life, dreams, the unconscious, the hidden, you, motivation, restlessness, extra energy, aggression, anger, arguments, career, direction, public life, recognition, success, opportunity, dramatic change, new beginnings, endings, relationships, connection, other people, partnerships.


February 19–March 20

Pisces Glyph

Got your bags packed, Pisces? With Jupiter, your ruling planet, in your travel sign until November, it’s peak season for you to be jetting off to far away lands. Hopefully it’s someplace exotic, intimate, and with a lover. Even if you can’t get away, you may be longing for new horizons as well as other ways to see the world. On July 10, Jupiter will turn direct after a few months of retrograding its way back through Scorpio. When it does turn direct, you may get energized and a push to move and explore. But with Mars tucked away in a quiet part of your chart, you may be feeling low key than energized. Actually, you may find July a time of spiritual search, existential questions, and a retreat inward into the subtle spaces to try and figure out the meaning of life. And if you’re traveling this month, it may be to a quiet, secluded, or contemplative place. Having said that, let’s talk about the main events for July, namely these two eclipses we’re having. While they are not shaking things up like they are the other signs, they are getting to the heart of who you are and how you express that. The solar eclipse on July 12 will touch on themes of creativity, talent, and your identity. In fact, solar eclipses say that over the next six months it’s all about you and letting yourself shine. (This part of your chart also speaks to children and it’s not uncommon for eclipses in this part of your chart to touch on themes of pregnancy if that’s something that’s appropriate for your life.) With an opposition to Pluto, the solar eclipse may also highlight friendships, community, or group connections that are no longer useful or even healthy. When we look to the lunar eclipse on July 27, it activates Aquarius, one of the most quiet, contemplative areas of your chart. As a result, you may be sorting through some heavy emotional or spiritual themes this month. You may feel a push to retreat, meditate, and reflect, all in a search for deeper answers. You may also be called to let something go as this part of your chart represents the end of the road. (Aquarius is the last sign of your chart before beginning again with Pisces.) If fact you already had an eclipse in this part of your chart on January 31, so there may be some thematic commonality between January and July. All journeys must come to an end so you can start on another. Lastly, Mercury will turn retrograde on July 26 and since Mercury is a prominent player in your chart, you may be doing some fine tuning with relationships, your living situation, or with your home or family. You may be embarking on projects, too. That said, it’s a powerful month, but one where most of the action is taking place behind the scenes … or in a far away land both real and imaginary. Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  The self, creativity, self expression, identity, talent, risk, leisure, community, groups, social network, friends, foreign travel, journeys, search for truth, philosophy, worldview, ethics, morality, law, education, internal search, existential questions, retreat, rest, shedding old layers, letting go, endings, relationships, projects, health, wellness, how you take care of your body, diet, fitness, nutrition, work, colleagues.

Photo by Liana Mikah on Unsplash