Welcome to Pisces Season. As the last sign of the zodiac, we’re coming to the end of the astrological year as well as our journey through the twelve signs. When we reach Pisces, we’ve left behind the physical world to merge with the divine.

Pisces is also the last water sign. It represents the synthesis as well as the universality of all emotions. If Cancer, the first water sign, is our emotions, then Pisces is the emotional experiences of all of humanity. If Cancer is the mother, then Pisces is the Cosmic Mother and we return to her cosmic amniotic waters each year in order to be born again.

As with all signs there’s a high and low to Pisces, a sign that we can either return to Spirit or get lost in the illusion of disconnection. The symbol of Pisces, the two fishes swimming in different directions, illustrations this. One fish swims towards the return, the other swims away.

Pisces has a couple of long term planetary visitors, namely Neptune and Chiron. So, each year we check in with our personal and collective work around pain and suffering. I know that’s a bit of a heavy task, but Neptune and Chiron are teaching us that in order for us to let go of our own suffering our own traumas and wounds, we have to recognize the collective experience of it. When we release something for ourselves, we release it for everyone else who suffers similarly.

Pisces Season is also a great time to meditate, reflect, and assess the role spirituality and intuition play in our lives. Since it marks the end of the astrological year, it’s important to take consciousness of what we want to leave behind. Lastly, it’s also a great time to connect with the energy of compassion as well as the force of unconditional love and redemption.

PS — I’m giving a talk in the astrology of 2018 here in Manhattan on March 1 at 7 pm. Details here as well as below. Space is limited. Cost is $20 USD.

Read More:

On Neptune

Neptune in Pisces

On Chiron Suffering, and Knots

Event: The Astrology of 2018

Facebook Invite: The Astrology of 2018

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Photo by Stefano Zocca on Unsplash