Scorpio Moon day, one that brings light to our Venus in Scorpio journey. We’re looking at the darker side of relationships — power, control, and abuse — as well as how we can have more honest and authentic connection with each other.

As I mentioned in an Instagram post yesterday, we have some action items now that Venus is back in Scorpio. We need to bring more positive intimacy to our lives. We need to be more honest about our emotional needs and desires. We need to express our sexuality with someone we trust. We need to make sure love and relationships aren’t transactional.

Scorpio, in one of its most positive facets, is truth because Scorpio values truth as a sign, even if that truth is uncomfortable. Explore your truths while the Moon is in Scorpio. Dig into what is uncomfortable because there is wisdom there.

Somewhat contradictory, Mars is coming up to a conjunction to Neptune while the Sun is squaring off with Neptune. It’s possible that we’re not seeing things clearly. Neptune can cover things like a haze. It seduces, obscures, fatigues, and distorts. It also makes us very sensitive. Be aware of your boundaries this week and make sure you’re keeping you feet on the ground.

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On Neptune

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