Feeling déjà vu? Venus is back in Scorpio, a sign it was in throughout September and October during its retrograde. We may be out of Venus Retrograde, but we’re still sorting through its deep lessons around power, intimacy, trust, and vulnerability.

Retrogrades are reviews, a time when we have to take a second look at how we consciously and unconsciously connect with a planet’s energies. The October-November Venus Retrograde was a time for all of us to bring new awareness to the role of relationships in our lives, especially the darker side of relationships. After all, Venus was retrograde in Scorpio, a sign that teaches pointed lessons about intimacy and trust as well as abuse and shame.

When we return to a sign after a retrograde, it’s time to move forward with new awareness. And for many of us, our relationships are not what they were at the start of September. Something has shifted and evolved. Scorpio speaks to transformation that is immutable. A line has been drawn and we can’t go back.

Traditionally Venus is not at home in Scorpio, a sign where it has to don the clothes of Mars. Instead of passive and accommodating, Venus is intense, emotionally raw, and not interested in superficialities. If Venus is the planet of love, then we’re all learning to express love with undying trust and fierceness.

PS — Just an update about my December horoscopes. Because I was sick for two weeks, I’m behind on a lot of things. They should be up in the next couple of days. Thank you for your patience.

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When Planets Change Direction

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