Venus reaches the end of Libra, facing off with Uranus as it does. A relationship must change and evolve; it must be honest and authentic. That or it has to end. Be open to breakthroughs, especially with a relationship story that has been unfolding since September.

Venus and its October through November retrograde may seem like ancient history at this point, but the story is still unfolding. Think back to September, which the month we started our karmic work on relationships. With Venus turning retrograde in Scorpio on October 5, we began our soul work aimed to help us take consciousness of how we treat and relate to others as well as they treat and relate to us.

Retrogrades help us evolve. They demand consciousness. Even though Venus isn’t retrograde anymore, the planet of relationships has yet to arrive back at the degree of its retrograde. The story is still unfolding and we’re putting into place the realizations and discoveries we made during the retrograde.

As Venus faces off with Uranus today, it’s a powerful moment in this story. Have we truly evolved in how we relate to to others?

Venus arrives back in Scorpio on Sunday, December 2, back into a sign that it’s traditionally uncomfortable in. That said, Venus find power in Scorpio’s deep emotions and do-or-die attitude. Mercury also arrives in Scorpio on Saturday, December 1, adding another layer in how we relate and communicate with others. Mercury in Scorpio demands honesty and revelation, which is perfect for creating healthy relationships.

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When Planets Change Direction

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