The Moon’s in Aries and we’re getting ready to take off. However, it’s not quite the new moon, so we’re pacing and preparing, which may make us feel restless or anxious. Use today to tie up loose ends from the past. Tomorrow we fly away.

I mentioned this yesterday, but it bears repeating that we’re at the very end of a Pisces lunar month, which is to say that we’re at the very end of a lunar cycle that has taken us through every sign of the zodiac. We’re in a liminal space right now and, as some of you may felt yesterday, there’s a lot of heavy, mixed emotions to wade through.

The Moon may be in Aries and we’re a bit more energized, but it’s still not the new moon; energy that doesn’t quite have a place to go. Pace yourself today.

Additionally, the South Node of the Moon meets up with Pluto in Capricorn today. Pay attention to what’s going on, specifically themes around power and control, what you’re tearing down versus what you’re building. The South Node is our past both personally and collectively. It’s also speaks to karma and events or experiences that ripple out across time.

With Pluto as well as Saturn in Capricorn, there is something we’re still holding onto tightly that we need to let go of. It could be a wall or a boundary that pushes people away. It could be an old life that we’re still holding onto out of fear. It could even be a relationship. Do your best to release, tear down, and transform on this last day of the zodiacal lunar year.

Read More:

Mars in Gemini: Sign by Sign

Pluto in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

On Pluto

April 2019 Horoscopes

Webinar: Uranus in Taurus

Podcast Interview: Working with Difficult Aspects

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