The Moon moves into Cancer and we’re coming up to the first quarter moon, a time that demands our attention and action. But this quarter moon isn’t the usual. It activates the lunar nodes and echoes the energy of the eclipses. Big things may be happening.

Back on April 5 we had an Aries New Moon, one that seeded powerful new beginnings and directly lined back to the Capricorn solar eclipse of January 5. Eclipses usher in new chapters. They close as well as open new doors. Even though we’re not in eclipse season, April activates a story that was seeded at that time. And if you are an Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn, you may be on your toes a bit this month as the wheel of your life turns.

As I mentioned yesterday, we’re also having a big check in with Saturn in Capricorn this week, a planet for whom one of its main purposes is to make sure we stay on track with the things we need to get done in this life. Have big goals? Trying to achieve something? Want to be your best you? Saturn is checking in on your progress this week and making you aware of what needs work.

Also, I occasionally get messages from friends who are like, “What’s going on this week?? Why is everything crazy??” This is one of those weeks. (See my previous posts from the last few days.)

So, in honor of today’s Cancer Moon, make sure you’re taking care of yourself and surrounding yourself with loved ones and the people closest to you.

Read More:

Aries New Moon: Lift Off

Saturn in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Capricorn: Accountability

April 2019 Horoscopes

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