Happy Aries New Moon! It’s a new season and Aries gives us the courage to start over as well as move forward. Ruled by Mars, Aries is action, leadership, bravery, and independence. It helps us to find our individuality, our spark, our power. That said, the new moon is exact on April 5, 2019 at 4:51 am EDT, 15 degrees Aries. That’s 1:51 am Los Angeles, 9:51 am London, and 7:51 pm Sydney.

Sure, the Sun’s arrival in Aries on March 20 kicked off Aries Season, marking a new time and a new astrological year, but it’s really when we reach the Aries New Moon that life can move forward. The lunar month creates a container and when we’re in a Pisces lunar month, the container is filled with the energy that wants us to rest, let go, reflect, and search for answers within — all Pisces things. When it’s an Aries lunar month, the container is filled with the energy meant to spur us to take action and do anything but rest. While Pisces as the last sign of the zodiac, Aries is the first and you can’t get any more different.

This Aries New Moon comes infused with the energy of Mars in Gemini. The fire of Aries meets the air of Gemini. It’s combustable. It’s a catalyst. Mars in Gemini is the power of choice as well as the the power of the mind. Not only do we have something to say this month, but we’re navigating an insatiable curiosity that needs to explore and try new things. We’re prioritizing our education. We’re hustling and we’re on the go. We also have a million choices, a myriad of options. What will we choose?

Aries + Gemini can be a little manic. Thankfully this Aries Season comes with a set of breaks with a square to Saturn in Capricorn. Whatever new beginning we’re setting off on, whatever choices we’re making, they have to pass Saturn’s high standards. A Saturn square is a reality check. We may have a million ideas, but what’s going to work in the long run?

It’s important this Aries lunar month that we do the right thing and do our due diligence. Mercury, the ruler of Mars in Gemini, is still in Pisces and still in aspect to Neptune. It’s easy to get caught up in a fantasy or even a lie. (Gemini can sometimes be a little creative with the truth. Neptune can be smoke and mirrors.) Remember, Saturn is watching us this month, quick to show us where we’ve stepped out of line or give us a nudge to consider the impact of our choices.

Speaking of Saturn in Capricorn, the new moon makes an exact square to the January 5 solar eclipse at 15 degrees Capricorn. Yes, this lunar month puts us at a cross to the nodes and activates the eclipse story that was seeded back in January. With eclipse and nodal energy in the mix, it’s possible that April will be a pivotal month for some of us, especially for those who are an Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, or have strong placements at or around 15 degrees Aries. Eclipse energy moves us forward. It closes a door and opens another.

Pluto is also on the South Node of the Moon. In order to move forward we need to face something from the past — our fears, power issues, or anything that we’re still holding onto for the wrong reasons.

That said, this new moon is a surge forward. Somewhere in your life a new beginning is brewing. (Check out my April 2019 horoscopes if you want to learn more.) Use Aries’s courage and bravery to start over and take off in a new direction.

PS, I’m teaching a 90-minute webinar on Saturday, April 6 at 4:30 pm EDT, on Uranus in Taurus and what Uranus’s revolutionary energy will mean for you over the next seven years. Even if you can’t make it live, you can still register to get the recording. Cost is $20 USD. Click here to learn more.

Read More:

Chart of the Aries New Moon

Mars in Gemini: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

Pluto in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Capricorn: Accountability

Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign

April 2019 Horoscopes

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