Jupiter turns retrograde in Sagittarius, touching on themes of faith and belief, truth and wisdom. It’s a day to explore, to gather our thoughts and reflect on how we’ve grown in our awareness of self as well as the world since Jupiter arrived in Sagittarius.

In astrology, Jupiter is a planet that’s often associated with knowledge and wisdom. But what does this mean? It’s a planet that helps us to get outside of ourselves, to get outside of the mind (Mercury ruled Gemini) and to develop a deeper sense of who we are, what we know, and our awareness of the world around us.

What helps us to learn and grow and explore? Schooling certainly does, but there’s a worldliness to Jupiter in Sagittarius. It’s read many books or attended many classes and has synthesized information into deep understanding. It’s traveled far and wide. It’s gone to different countries and experienced different ways of looking at things. It’s explored different religions, philosophies, and ideologies. It has the faith and the courage to leave what’s familiar — weather its our home, family, or neighborhood — and seek adventure in the unknown … even if the unknown means going to the stars and back.

If you’ve traveled to other countries then you know that traveling changes you. Everything is bigger. At least that is the idea. Jupiter helps us to expand. It can even help us expand our understanding of the world outside of this physical world. (Jupiter’s also rules Pisces, a sign of mysticism and spirituality.)

When Jupiter turns retrograde, that’s not to say that the growth stops, but we instead enter a four month period of integrating what we’ve learned. It’s a formative period, one spent reflecting and taking consciousness instead of seeking out new experiences. Jupiter Retrograde may also test our faith as well. Do we still believe in what we thought we believed in?

We’re in a week where there’s a strong current of Saturn woven into our experiences. In fact, the Sun squares Saturn in Capricorn today. Like Jupiter, Saturn helps us to grow and mature. But instead of through education, travel, and religion, this growth happens through cause and effect. We mature through our struggles, our losses, and our limitations. And we hopefully strive to be better for it.

Keep in mind that today is a day to be aware of our boundaries and limits … but to also transcend them. It’s a day to check in on our goals, our progress, and the road ahead. And it’s also a day to find wisdom both within ourselves as well as outside of ourselves.

PS — If you want to learn more about Jupiter as well as the planets and signs, I’m going to be offering beginners astrology classes in May. Details coming soon. If you’re interested, let me know. Or, if you are looking for something more intermediate like transits and chart reading, let me know as well.

Read More:

Jupiter in Sagittarius: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Capricorn: Accountability

April 2019 Horoscopes

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