Happy Aquarius New Moon! This is the lunar month when we turn our attention to the friendships in our lives, to our communities, to our networks. Aquarius makes us aware of the fabric of humanity and the social issues that both unite and divide. As the last of the air signs, it’s also teaches us about science and technology, reason and logic. That said, the new moon is exact on February 4, 2019 at 4:04 pm EST, 15 degrees Aquarius. That’s 1:04 pm Los Angeles, 9:04 pm London, and 8:04 am in Sydney on February 5.

Every month a new moon take us through a new zodiac sign, each sign acting as a lens for the coming four weeks and helping us to learn and experience life through the themes of the sign. You could say the new moon sets the stage, the tempo, the mood. The new moon highlights a particular part of our lives and it naturally takes center stage for the rest of the lunar month.

When we reach Aquarius, we’re coming the end of the zodiac. It’s the second to last sign. We’re stepping further and further away from the self and out into the world. In Aquarius the mood is analytical. The stage is futuristic, minimal, or even inventive. Aquarius is a sign that points us to the future, helping us to see the big picture and to wish and hope for something better.

So, what are you trying to create in your future? What are you wishing for? As the compliment to the sign of Leo (it’s opposite sign), we learn that we need the joy and passion of creativity as fuel for the ideas what we want to manifest with Aquarius. This is not only a lunar month to wish and hope, but to be very clear about what we want.

Aquarius is also a nerdy and brainy sign, so we’re crunching numbers this lunar month, looking at the figures and sums. Additionally, Aquarius wants us to connect with friends, find like minded people, and feel like we belong. It wants us to be more aware of humanity as a whole. (Although another side of Aquarius is the loner, someone who feels outside of the group or community. As a result, we may be grappling with feeling like we’re alone or don’t belong. Try to positively build community this month if you can.)

When we look at the chart of the new moon, there are some key points to take into consideration. One, it points us towards Saturn in Capricorn, which is picking up on some heavy aspects from Pluto and Mars. We may be dealing with power dynamics over the coming four weeks — power dynamics in our friendships, social networks, and in our communities. There’s something we need to break out of. The South Node is also in Capricorn and speaks to needing to let go of the things we holding onto out of fear, which is only holding us back.

Two, Saturn is on the same degree as the solar eclipse on January 5, so this new moon in particular could set in motion some of the major changes that the eclipse ushered in. Pay attention to the doors that open and close for you this month and how that’s part of a greater story of growing older and building new foundation in a particular part of our lives.

That said, the new moon makes a nice sextile to Jupiter in Sagittarius. Be open to people or opportunities that show up during the coming weeks. They may help us to head in an unexpected direction.

So, this Aquarius lunar month, make sure you nurture your friendships and social connections, get out there and network to help your career, become more conscious of social issues in your community as well as in the world at large, and don’t forget to show integrity and healthy boundaries in the face of complicated or even toxic group power dynamics.

Read More:

Chart of the Aquarius New Moon

Saturn in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

Mars in Aries: Sign by Sign

Uranus in Aries: Sign by Sign

February 2019 Horoscopes

Webinar Replay: The Astrology of 2019

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