The Moon moves into Pisces and we go deeper into the dark of the Moon. It’s a time to rest and reflect as we prepare for the next lunar month. The Pisces Moon also opens up our intuition. It makes our dreams more vivid. Take time to meditate.

Something that I hear often from my clients when I ask them about the I ask them about the presence of a strong intuitive ability in their charts is that they don’t know how to trust their own feelings or hunches. I’m reminded of that as we go into Mercury Retrograde today, kicking off three weeks of rediscovering our own inner voice courtesy of Mercury in Pisces.

While it’s traditionally not auspicious to do certain things during Mercury Retrograde — make a big decision, buy electronics, or sign contracts — it is a good time to review and reconsider. Mercury Retrograde makes us aware of our choices as well as how we use our voice, our words, and how we communicate.

Additionally, with Mercury Retrograde in Pisces, we can use this opportunity to reflect on how we use our intuition. We can meditate more or even start a dream journal. The more we work on getting still and quieting ourselves, the more we strengthen our intuition and the more we can hear our inner voice.

Tomorrow we not only have a Pisces New Moon but Uranus arrives in Taurus where it will stay for the next seven years. Our lives are pivoting, perhaps in dramatic ways, especially if you’re a Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius. We need to trust our inner voices more than ever.

Read More:

March 2019 Horoscopes

Mercury Retrograde: A Survival Guide

A New Consciousness for Mercury Retrograde

Uranus in Aries: Sign by Sign

Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign

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