Welcome to Pisces Season! This is the time in the zodiac calendar when we reach the end. Pisces is the last sign, the sign where the physical world dissolves like a dream. It’s a liminal space for us to rest, reflect, and prepare to start over with the equinox and the Sun’s arrival in Aries on March 20.

As a water sign, Pisces puts us in touch with our emotions, especially compassion and understanding for others. It’s also a spiritually driven sign, one that not only seeks out wisdom and knowledge, but has a sixth sense for things and can pull the answers out of thin air at times.

For all this gentle, relaxing Pisces energy, this month comes with a jolt, one that may break the spell or reverie that Pisces has us under. On March 6, Uranus arrives in Taurus and kicks off a new seven year story of shaking up our relationship to money, value, and basic necessities. We’re gaining new awareness of the earth beneath our feet and the environment around us. Uranus in Taurus is literally waking us up to the needs of the planet as much as our own material needs.

If you are a Taurus, this is a powerful new time for you, one that will send you off on a very different journey than the one you’ve been on. For the rest of us, there’s a particular part of our life that needs to be reinvented, shaken up, and revolutionized. You can read which area in my Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign guide.

But, let’s not forget, it’s Pisces Season and the Pisces New Moon on March 6 will invite us to have more compassion and unconditional love in our lives, to seek out spiritual truths and new ways of connecting to the invisible realms. With Mercury Retrograde in Pisces this month, it’s also a time to look at our illusions and how we may lie and deceive ourselves or others. (Pisces and Neptune in Pisces can be a beautiful pice of art or cinema as much as it can be propaganda and subterfuge.)

Venus also changes signs this month, getting out of a minefield in Capricorn and arriving in Aquarius on March 1. With Venus in Aquarius, we love to socialize, network, and spend time in our communities. It’s a love of social or political causes. But it’s a love that can feel a little depersonalized or detached since it’s an intellectually driven love instead of passionate romance.

That said, Venus leaves high minded Aquarius on March 26 and arrives in starry-eyed, romantic Pisces. For the rest of March and into April, we’re attracted to glamor and beauty. We also want to believe the illusion or even the redemptive qualities of love. Just make sure whatever your tangled up in is real and not a projection.

Lastly a Libra Full Moon on March 20 puts the spotlight on relationships and love as much as partnership and social interaction. It’s a full moon that may press on deep emotional material, especially old wounds and past hurts at the hands of others. Are we ready to let them go? To heal? Are we enough?

It’s a new season. So much is shifting.

Read for your Sun and rising sign.

DATES TO NOTE: 3/1 Venus in Aquarius, Venus square Uranus; 3/2 Venus sextile Chiron; 3/5 Mercury Retrograde 29 Pisces; 3/6 Uranus in Taurus, New Moon 15 Pisces, Sun conjunct Neptune; 3/9 Sun sextile Saturn; 3/10 Mars sextile Neptune; 3/13 Sun sextile Pluto, Sun square Pluto; 3/14 Mars trine Saturn, Sun conjunct Mercury; 3/15 Mercury square Jupiter; 3/16 Mercury sextile Pluto; 3/17 Mercury sextile Mars; 3/20 Sun in Aries; Full Moon 0 Libra, Mars trine Pluto, Mercury sextile Saturn; 3/21 Venus sextile Jupiter, Venus square Mars; 3/22 Sun conjunct Chiron; 3/24 Mercury conjunct Neptune; 3/26 Venus in Pisces; 3/27 Venus sextile Uranus; 3/28 Mercury Direct 16 Pisces; 3/31 Mars in Gemini.


March 21–April 19

Aries Glyph

Let’s take a step back, Aries. After all, since it’s Pisces Season and everything, you’re in a reflective mood and looking for meaning. Think back to around 2010-2011. (Yes, we’ve spoken about this before in previous horoscopes.) That’s when Uranus entered Aries, kicking off eight years of reinventing yourself and reinventing your life. When you look back, it’s likely that little is familiar. What Uranus does is shake things up. It demands that we be our true selves. So down came the walls, down came everything you thought was reality. You were awakened and everything is different. I mention this because this month Uranus finally leaves Aries. (It won’t return for another 80 years, if you’re wondering.) When it does, you close out a powerful chapter that pushed you to grow and transform. That said, Uranus moves into your money sign of Taurus on March 6, kicking off seven years of reinventing how you earn money and what you value. As you can imagine, if Uranus in Aries was such a powerful force that reshaped you personally, you can imagine the call to action Uranus in Taurus will be in regards to the role of money, property, and ownership in your life. Over the coming years what you need to feel rooted and stable may change. You may feel disconnected from the stuff that you’ve accumulated. You may have a radical shift in values. You may need to get back to basics? You may need to find new connection with the earth and all things material if you’ve been previously disconnected. Nevertheless, hang on. The earth is shifting, Aries. Speaking of money and your material world, Mars is in Taurus all month long, so you’re extra motivated to get on top of this area of your life. You may feel as though Uranus is pointing out some things that need your attention and Mars is making you hustle. Then again, Mars in Taurus isn’t known for moving fast. It likes to take its time. Just don’t get too comfy, Aries. Uranus is ringing the gong, so to speak. That said, it’s Pisces Season, the time in your personal calendar when you naturally pull back from the world to rest, reflect, and prepare for the coming personal year. You may be feeling a little emo or wondering what it all means. The new moon on March 6 will put an underline on these feelings and, as a result, you may need more alone time than usual or you may be searching different philosophies or spiritual traditions for new truths. It’s also worthwhile mentioning that this is a new moon that wants you to put your ego aside over the coming weeks. In turn, practice acts of kindness and compassion. Tend to the needs of the soul over the needs of the self. Pay attention to your dreams and intuition. Then on March 20, the same day that the Sun arrives in Aries, kicking off your season, a full moon lights up your relationship sign of Libra. As a result, you may have a decision to make about a relationship or feel motivated to make a new connection if you’re single. With Venus and Mars squaring off during the full moon, there’s a tension. And Venus is in Aquarius, too. Are you and a mate just friends or is there something more? Mercury is retrograde, though, so just make sure you’re not getting your signals crossed or receiving the right information. Want to learn more about how the astrology of March will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Money, income, material needs, stability, security, value, worth, spending, accumulation, basics, food, shelter, meaning, truth, existential crisis, reflection, meditation, dreams, spirituality, letting go, end of the road, journeys, search, quest, relationships, other people, connection, negotiation, compromise, friendship, social networks, the future, looking ahead.


April 20–May 20

Taurus Glyph

You ready, Taurus? Ready to start making powerful changes in your life? We’ve been talking about this again and again since last year, how March 2019 was the month when Uranus comes back to Taurus, the sign it will be in for the next seven years. This isn’t meant to make you anxious or scared of the unknown. Instead this is meant to tell you what time it is and right now the big hand on your clock is pointing towards personal reinvention, transformation, and awakening. Uranus wants nothing less from you over the coming years. Are you up for the challenge? Do you have a sense of what needs to change? At its core, Uranus is a planet that breaks us out of the mold, out of a rut. It shakes our foundation. It asks if we truly know ourselves. This is meant to be liberating, Taurus. But if you are white knuckle holding onto the past and keeping your life the same, this is my loving encouragement to simply let go. Do whatever you can to get outside of your comfort zone. Break routine. Say yes to things you wouldn’t normally say yes to (within reason, of course). Rediscover who you are. Get back into your body. Rediscover pleasure and taste. Get out in nature if you forgot what nature was. Find your wildness. With that in mind, know that you are now in a new season of life, one that will take you in a very new direction. And, don’t forget, you got a preview of this new chapter from May to November 2018. Now it’s time to go live it. Speaking of living, you also have Mars in Taurus all month long. It’s a time of taking action and moving forward. You may also feel a little temperamental and bossy as Mars in your sign isn’t exactly known for its diplomacy. That said, it’s giving you the courage — if not the fire — to move forward with the changes that Uranus is bringing in. Mars also points towards Venus high up in your chart this month. Venus is in Aquarius, the highest sign in your chart, and so you’re working hard this month. You’re focusing on career, direction, and getting ahead. You’re out in the world and perhaps feeling very far from home. March is also Pisces Season, the sign that helps you to connect with friends, your social network, and your community. It also touches on existential feelings of belonging and connection. The new moon on March 6 may open up deeper emotions of wondering where you fit in the world and what you’re future is going to be. But it’s important to use the coming four weeks after the new moon to see past personal illusions and look at what’s behind them. Another thing to keep in mind is that Mercury is retrograde all month long starting March 5, so if something comes up with a friend or within your social network, make sure you’re seeing things clearly or communicating clearly. (Mercury will turn direct on March 28.) A full moon on March 20 puts health and wellness in the spotlight. You may have a decision to make about how you take care of your body, the foods you eat, or even needing to make an appointment for your annual checkup. It’s a full moon to also focus on work and projects and getting your daily life scheduled and in order. Lastly, Venus dips into Pisces on March 26, a sign that it loves to be in. It’s also a big hearted placement for Venus and you may be feeling a little more sensitive as you get into the end of the month. The world is your oyster, Taurus. You just have to have the courage to crack it open and find the pearl. Want to learn more about how the astrology of March will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: New beginnings, new chapter, reinventions, revolution, upending the status quo, getting out of a rut, breakthroughs, breakdowns, shake ups, new awareness, new consciousness, career, direction, responsibility, public life, the world, ambition, recognition, status, action, motivation, moving forward, community, friends, social network, social circle, groups, belonging, social connection, the collective, humanity, health, wellness, taking care of the body, diet, fitness, nutrition, work, projects, schedule, tasks.


May 21–June 20

Gemini Glyph

What’s in your blindspot? What are the things you’re not seeing or can’t see? What’s floating around in your unconscious, the stories and the feelings that often come up again and again in dreams? When Uranus changes signs on March 6, it kicks off a seven year story of awakening your unconscious. It’s hard to really quantify what that will mean or what you can expect in the coming years, but it’s safe to say that you’re beginning a journey of opening some of the deepest, most hidden parts of yourself. Maybe you’re already feeling this, this desire to find spiritual answers or spiritual awakening. That said, pay attention to what you are feeling and even dreaming in the beginning of March. It may be subtle, but it’s leading you down a new path. Having said that, March is Pisces Season, the time in your personal calendar when the Sun shines on career, responsibilities, your place in the world, and the direction you’re taking your life in. This may correspond with a change of job, a motivation to take on new responsibilities, or carve out your direction in life. As you can imagine, it’s a serious time, one where you have to reconcile any fantasies with reality. Further, your ruling planet Mercury is Pisces this month and it turns retrograde on March 5. What this means is that whatever comes up in your professional life during March, you may want to wait until the beginning of April to seek resolution. Retrogrades, as you may know, create a story that can take four to five weeks to play out. Nevertheless, there’s a big emphasis on your professional or adult life this month. Make sure you’re honoring your responsibilities and working towards the goals that you’ve set for yourself. While the new moon on March 6 gives you a new beginning in your professional life, it reminds you that whatever you’re doing in the world, whatever your ambitions, you must do something that you love and that you gives back to the world. Having Pisces as your career sign means that you ultimately want to do something altruistic. Now’s not the time to stray of away from a calling or something that’s pulling at you deep in your soul. Make sure you’re meditating this month and really connecting to your inner voice. With Mars pulling you behind the scenes, you may be craving the quiet, the sacred. (You may also be a little low on energy, so make sure you’re getting rest, too.) As you ponder your next professional steps this month, the full moon on March 20 will be a reminder for you to be you. Time to let your talents and your creativity shine. And as you do so, ask yourself, what talents are you ready to bring forth into your professional life? Maybe you need more training or even to go back to school. Regardless, this month is telling you that you need to reevaluate your professional goals and do whatever is going to really let your passion and talent shine. It’s a month of higher callings as well as a search for truth and meaning. Want to learn more about how the astrology of March will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Career, professional life, worldly life, responsibilities, direction, ambitions, status, title, roles, negotiation, cooperation, relationships, partnership, rest, reflection, search for meaning, inner truth, the unconscious, blind spots, the hidden self, spirituality, mysticism, intuition, psychic activity, downloads, dreams, talent, creativity, the self, identity, persona, self expression.


June 21–July 22

Cancer Glyph

After eight long years, the planet Uranus finally gets out of your career sign of Aries. Certainly this is cause for celebration … or even reflection. When you look back to 2010-2011, you’ll see that the direction you were taking your life in at the time or even the career that you had is not the same as it is now. Perhaps there were some professional ups and downs along the way, too. But now, come March 6, Uranus moves into Taurus and will bring its revolutionary, transformative energy to your friendships and your community for the next seven years. At the core of this new era is a search for belonging. You may be reaching out to new groups, new tribes, new organizations, all with the desire to connect to the people that really understand and support you. This time may also bring an awakening to social and environmental issues as well as humanitarian causes. Uranus will hopefully help you to understand that you’re not just an individual; you’re part of something larger — the collective of humanity. Obviously this is all a bit abstract. Let’s get back down to earth. It’s Pisces Season, which means that the Sun is shining on travel and education this month. It may be a natural time when you’re planning a long distance journey — perhaps overseas to see the world — or focusing on the education you need to help your career, especially after the new moon on March 6. It’s also a time when you’re searching for meaning, which is to say you may be feeling more philosophical that usual, more opinionated, or looking towards the opinions of others. With Mercury Retrograde in Pisces all month long starting March 5, you may want to double check any travel plans or make sure any opinions shared are coming from the right place. It’s a time for you to have a deeper awareness of how your thoughts, ideas, and beliefs impact others. With the new moon’s emphasis on Neptune, it’s also a time to seek out mysticism and other esoteric ways of looking at the world. Then on March 20 a full moon lights up home and family. As a result, you may have a decision to make about your living situation. The full moon could bring a move or something in the home that demands your attention. It also highlights your emotional core as well as themes of intimacy and vulnerability. Are you getting what you need? Do you need to tend to the foundation of your life? Are there experiences from childhood or the past that still hit a nerve? Nevertheless, it’s a month to find out what you believe in and where you belong and get out into the world to find the answers. Ready to leave the nest? Want to learn more about how the astrology of March will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Community, friendships, groups, belonging, social connection, social networks, systems, social consciousness, society, politics, the collective, humanitarianism, activism, the world, the future, intellect, science, education, foreign travel, long distance journeys, philosophy, belief, faith, truth, religion, mysticism, esoteric wisdom, law, right and wrong, moral compass, home, family, roots, the past, memories, parents, emotional core, emotional needs, foundation.


July 23–August 22

Leo Glyph

Here we go, Leo! Uranus arrives in Taurus on March 6 and, for the next seven years, you’re reinventing your career, your ambitions, and the direction that you’re taking your life in. This shouldn’t be completely new to you. Uranus was in Taurus from May to November 2018 and it gave you a preview of what needed to change or the direction that you would be headed in the coming years. Pay attention to the doors that are both closing and opening right now. If a door has closed, don’t keep trying to go through it. If a door is opening, how do you have the courage to step fully through it, especially if they lead somewhere very different? At the core of this seven year chapter is a reevaluation of your career and the work that you do that defines your place in the world. What’s the most radical thing you could do in your professional life right now? Run away and join the circus? Quit your job and become a … whatever it is that you’ve secretly wanted to be? Whatever it is, it’s possible that it’s very different than where you are now. Don’t worry. This likely will not happen overnight. It’s a process of unfolding and discovering. And when you reach 2026, the end of the story will make a lot more sense than at the beginning. Okay? Okay. Having said all that, March is Pisces Season, a time in your personal calendar when you delve into some of your deepest emotions, your deepest self. You may be sorting through themes of intimacy and trust, power and vulnerability. The new moon on March 6 may bring up something from deep within for you to work on throughout the rest of the month. If you know that certain parts of your life are changing, of course that’s going to bring up fears and anxieties. Sit with this. Don’t shy away from the discomfort. Talk to a trusted confidant or a counselor, someone who can help you navigate these feelings. This new moon is also a good time for you to look at any self destructive behavior or any illusions, if any. Relationships also get a boost this month. With Venus in your relationship sign of Aquarius all of March, this may be a natural time for you to socialize, reach out to others, and make connections. Then on March 20, a full moon lights up Libra, your sign of communication, education, and travel. You may have a big decision to make, one that may concern a relationship or a decision that you have to make with a partner. It’s also a time when you may be taking classes or workshops or focusing on writing and speaking. With Mercury still retrograde at the time of the full moon — the retrograde ends on March 28 — make sure that whatever you have to say is coming out clearly or not censured by fears, especially fears over being vulnerable and letting people in. Want to learn more about how the astrology of March will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Career, professional life, the world, ambitions, life direction, shake ups, awakenings, change in status quo, shift in values, shift in direction, facing fears, trust, vulnerability, intimacy, deep emotions, deep self, the psyche, illusions, deep healing, inner work, power, finance, assets, relationships, other people, socializing, negotiating, compromise, communication, writing, speaking, thinking, ideas, choices, decisions, education, learning, travel, trips.


August 23–September 22

Virgo Glyph

There’s a story unfolding in your relationships this month, Virgo. After all, Pisces Season is the time in your personal calendar when the Sun shines on relationships and compromise as well as making new connections. But with Mercury, your ruling planet, in retrograde in Pisces all month long, whatever is unfolding between you and another person make need some work or attention. Yes, Mercury turns retrograde on March 5, which in of itself is a run of the mill event. It happens every few months. It’s a time for you to pull back in and reflect rather than push out into something new. And, let’s face it, Mercury Retrograde is a classic time for an ex lover or old flame to suddenly resurface. So that may be one of the ways in which you are navigating through Pisces Season as well as Mercury’s retrograde through Pisces. If you are in a relationship, even if it’s a platonic partnership, pay attention to what’s coming up thematically. What is it that you’re not seeing? Are you getting all the truth? The Pisces New Moon on March 6 and its otherworldly Neptunian energies may mean that you’re having to look at the fantasy side of relationships. It’s a lunar month to look at illusions and deceptions, even the ones we tell ourselves about other people. But it’s also a time to check in with your relationships and see if they are really truly feeding and nurturing something deep within. As much as Neptune can speak to illusions and deceptions, it also speaks to the soul and spirituality and even healing. If an old relationship returns this month, how can you find closure or let go of whatever hurt you’re holding onto? On the same day as the new moon, Uranus makes its entry into Taurus, a sign it will be in for the next seven years. For you, Uranus’s journey touches on something more abstract — faith, truth, and belief. Its meant to break you from that Taurus rut of stubborn beliefs and ways of thinking. The next seven years may totally shake up how you see yourself and the world. You may go back to school or discover new truths, new philosophies, or new religions. You may have a crisis of faith. You may start traveling to places that completely transform your awareness of the world. Your sense of what’s right and wrong may even shift. Again, this may seem a bit abstract, but it’s important to understand what Uranus is asking of you going forward — to reinvent your thinking. Then on March 20 a full moon puts money, income, and what you own in the spotlight. You may have a decision to make about how you earn or spend your money. You may be wondering if something is worth it. Or, you may be needing to create more financial stability in your life. With the energies of the full moon pointing towards Venus in Aquarius, make sure you’re getting your finances in order or tending to projects that will foster more material stability. Another way to look at the full moon is whether you’re valuing your health and how you take care of your body. Are you worth it? Then on March 28 Mercury turns direct, a couple days after Venus arrives in Pisces, your relationship sign. Again, whatever story has been unfolding all month long may take until the beginning of April to have resolution. At least having Venus in Pisces will help calm any disagreements or misunderstandings or help you find understanding between you and a mate. Want to learn more about how the astrology of March will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Relationships, other people, connection, socializing, compromise, negotiation, one-on-one, partnership, illusions, deceptions, lies, sacrifice, unconditional love, spiritual connection, soul connection, healing the past, healing relationships, fated first meetings, emotional needs, faith, truth, meaning, belief, philosophy, right and wrong, education, foreign travel, long distance journeys, the quest, money, income, material needs, material stability, value, work, projects, health, wellness, taking care of the body, valuing the body.


September 23–October 22

Libra Glyph

How was February? Venus, your ruling planet, had to make a series of difficult maneuvers past Saturn, Pluto, and Uranus the past few weeks. As a result, you may be needing a little TLC. As you step into February, make sure you’re tending to your body and health as well as your overall wellness. Pisces Season is the perfect time for you to not only make appointments with doctors and other healing professionals, but to spend time relaxing or doing something restorative. The new moon on March 6 will give you quiet mandate to take care of yourself more attentively. Although Mercury is retrograde in Pisces for the bulk of March, so if you’re dealing with getting to the bottom of something medically, you may have to wait until April to get clarity. And since Pisces is a water sign, you may be drawn to long baths or a swim in the ocean as a means of tending to yourself. Good thing Venus, your ruling planet, is in Aquarius this month, too. You’ll feel more inclined to have fun, play, and create, which you could use after February’s stressful planetary energy. February also brought you to the end of a long story around relationships, one that began in 2010-2011. As Uranus wrapped up its eight year stay in Aries, your relationship sign, were there any big shifts in relationship of late? Did you learn anything powerful about how you connect and relate to others? Come March 6, Uranus leaves Aries for Taurus, the sign that helps you to open up and awaken the deepest parts of your psyche and your self. The good news is that some of the pressure that’s been on you for years is off. But the trade off is that now you have to start doing some deep work on yourself, digging into your blind spots, your vulnerabilities, your fears, and anything else that you’re emotionally holding onto or even obsessed with. It’s important to pay attention to what’s coming up this month because it’s a thread that will wind its way through the coming seven years. Then on March 20 a Libra Full Moon will put you in the spotlight. Get ready for new beginnings, new chapters, new seasons. But, before you can have a new beginning, you may be revisiting the past, especially past relationships. Is there something you need to heal? Let go? Is there an old pain or hurt that still lingers? The full moon may push you to finally confront something that you’ve been holding onto. Want to learn more about how the astrology of March will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Health, wellness, taking care of the body, diet, fitness, nutrition, work, projects, service, taking care of others, the self, self expression, creativity, play, talent, serious emotions, facing the self, the deep self, intimacy, vulnerability, power, letting go, relationships, other people, partnership, connection, old wounds, old hurts, new beginnings, moving forward.


October 23–November 21

Scorpio Glyph

Hoo boy, Scorpio. Get ready. This month you’re leaping into a very new chapter of life, one that will reinvent, shake up, and transform your relationships for the next seven years. Let’s unpack this more since, obviously, this is a tall order. Starting March 6 the planet Uranus arrives in Taurus, a sign that it will spend the next seven years traveling through. Uranus is the planet of awakenings and revolution. It upends the status quo. It breaks you out of a rut. It wants freedom. It demands that you stop doing certain areas of your life on autopilot and decide to do things differently. Taurus just so happens to be your relationship sign and, as you can imagine, how you connect, interact, socialize, and partner is changing over the coming years … because it has to. Here’s some real talk, Scorpio. You’re a sign that craves deep intimacy and trust, but the irony is that you put up a lot of wall and defenses. And if we’re getting super real, sometimes you can get caught in toxic relationship patterns. So here comes Uranus, shedding light onto things that maybe you haven’t quite realized as well as putting a crack in your walls. Over the coming years you may be attracting a very different type of person in your life, especially if you’re single. If you’re in a relationship or even a marriage, the fundamentals of that relationship may need to change in some way. You may need new freedoms or need to change the relationship dynamic. You may be both opening up to a wonderful yet different chapter in your relationship. Even for your platonic relationships, meaning how you socialize, negotiate, and compromise with others is changing. Again, the walls are coming down, and as your relationships change, you change. So this month may be a turning point. Even if it doesn’t live up to the hype, know that the tectonic plates of your life are rearranging. While you’re a bit hyper focused on relationships this month — Mars, your ruling planet is also in Taurus this March — it’s Pisces Season, a time in your personal calendar when you turn to fun, play, romance, and creativity. It’s a time for you to express yourself with confidence and shine your talents. The new moon on March 6 gives you a fresh start to be you. With the new moon’s strong connections to Neptune, make sure you’re looking past any personal illusions or self destructive tendencies. It’s also a time for you to heal any old wounds around self worth and value. If you’ve been hiding your talents, now’s the time to stop. If you’ve been hiding yourself, how will you let go? Then on March 20 a full moon puts the spotlight on endings as well as retreat, rest, reflection, and spirituality. It’s the end of the road for something, a time to let go and prepare for your next life. You may feel deep emotions around this full moon or a need to pull inward into the company of your inner circle or even your family. By the end of the month, on March 26, Venus moves into Pisces and it’s time for you to have fun with relationships, even as everything shakes us. If you’re single, it’s worth making the effort to go out on dates and meet new people as you go into next month, while you can, at least. April is going to be all work and hustle. Want to learn more about how the astrology of March will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Relationships, partnerships, other people, socialization, connection, compromise, negotiation, breaking down walls, life changes, change in status quo, shake ups, the self, self expression, creativity, talent, persona, identity, fun, play, romance, children, self worth, value, value of talents, endings, retreat, rest, reflection, letting go, spirituality, deep emotions.


November 22–December 21

Sagittarius Glyph

Pisces Season is a time for you to pull inward, Sagittarius. It’s a time to spend at home and with close loved ones as well as family. As you nest this month, it’s important to take note of some of the major changes that are happening around you. While the seismic ups and downs of Uranus in Taurus is affecting other signs in more dramatic ways, for Sagittarius, however, it’s speaking to a need to completely change how you eat, take care of your body, exercise, and even how you organize your day. No big deal, right? Maybe you’re used to waking up at a certain time and doing xyz. Maybe you’re used to eating certain foods or filling your day with a predictable routine of tasks. All that’s changing and will continue to do so for the next seven years. Then again, it’s been changing. You got a preview of this new era back in May to November 2018. Maybe you tried a new exercise. Maybe you flirted with a change in what you eat. Maybe you craved different foods. Now it’s time to bring these changes forward. There is an element of sensuality to the next seven years. With Taurus in this particular part of your chart, it’s about enjoying life’s simple pleasures and getting back to basics. Taurus is a sign that speaks to nature and the bloom of spring time. As a result, you may be feeling a pull to spend more time in nature. Also, you may be looking to take care of your body in radically different ways, focusing on health and wellness in ways that you haven’t before. Having said all that, the main focus this month is home and your living situation. It may be a natural time when you want to make changes in the home, especially after the new moon on March 6. This may include a move, too, or a change in decor or arrangement at the very least. (If you are looking to make big changes on the home front this month, make sure you’re double checking things and holding on on major or irrevocable changes if you can.) Mercury is retrograde for most of March in Pisces, your sign of home and family. March may also be a nostalgic time as you reflect back on the past and reach for the comfort of what’s familiar even as everything changes around you. By March 20, when the Sun arrives in Aries, you’re feeling fiery and ready for a change. The rest of the month will focus on creativity, talent, self expression, and play. But with the energy of Aries pointing to Mars in Taurus, get ready to work, start projects, and get busy with reorganizing your day. In fact, the rest of the month may have you on the go non stop, so make sure you’re resting up in the meantime. Lastly a full moon on March 20 puts the spotlight on friends and community. You’re feeling social and it’s a good time to reconnect with friends or network within your community. It also points you towards the future and you may be feeling very hopeful about a new beginning. The full moon may also bring some unexpected news, so stay tuned. Want to learn more about how the astrology of March will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Home, family, living situation, roots, nest, foundation, emotional needs, emotional core, nostalgia, search for meaning, feeling, daily life, change in schedule, change in work, change in how you take care of your body, health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, organization, duties, service, friends, community, social network, social circle, groups, society, social justice, social equity, humanity, the collective, politics, news, information.


December 22–January 19

Capricorn Glyph

There’s a lot of focus on “you” this year. And by you I mean your how you express who you are and what defines you as well as personality and identity. It’s an abstract point to make, but it’s an important one. Think of 2019 as character building. But think of this year — especially this month — as a time when you have to rediscover who you are. Starting March 6, Uranus enters Taurus, a sign that it will be in for the next seven years. You’re about to enter a time of reinvention, awakening, and personal revolution. You’re opening up to new talents and new ways of expressing yourself. You’re discovering new joys, new sensualities, new pleasures. The catch is that this is the year when you have to get out of your way. With Saturn, Pluto, and the South Node in Capricorn right now, it’s like you’re wrestling with yourself, facing the shadow parts of yourself. You’re holding onto things, afraid to let go. But Uranus is hear to give you permission to switch everything up, as crazy as that sounds. If something new is coming in, don’t fight it. If you’ve been afraid to be the real you, stop. If you’ve been suppressing your creativity or your talents, get ready to bring down your old walls. Easy, right? Since you’re a sign that appreciates understanding where all this change is leading, Uranus is merely an agent of liberation from yourself. By the end of the next seven years, you may be a very different person … albeit the one that was always there but you didn’t give your permission to be. Let’s not forget that it’s Pisces Season, which means that this is the time in your personal calendar when the Sun shines on communication, information, education, and travel. Normally this is a busy time for you, but with the energy of Pisces pointing towards Jupiter tucked away in Sagittarius, you may feel things a little low key the first half of the month, especially after the new moon on March 6. If you’re focusing on learning and communication in March, then it may come in the form of meditation or spiritual pursuits. You may be relying on your intuition more. Your appointments may be doctors appointments or trips to the spa or retreats. Make sure your everyday activities have an element of the sacred to them or that you’re really reflecting on the choices you’re making right now. By March 20 the pace of things change as the Sun arrives in fiery Aries. You may be looking to move in April or make changes in the home or your living situation. Also on March 20, a full moon will light up your career. Is it time for a new beginning? Are you looking to change jobs, change paths, or even demand more money? Whatever does change in your professional life, get ready to be creative. It’s a new era and the old ideas aren’t working anymore. Want to learn more about how the astrology of March will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: The self, personality, persona, identity, self expression, creativity, talent, pleasure, fun, taking it slow, reflecting, letting go, intuition, inner work, dreams, psychic ability, doctors appointments, taking care of the soul as well as the body, holistic health, education, learning, ideas, communication, writing, speaking, thinking, travel, trips, appointments, material stability, material needs, money, income, salary.


January 20–February 18

Aquarius Glyph

Aquarius, we got lots to talk about. First things first — the planet Uranus. We’ve been talking about this for few months now, but on March 6 Uranus returns to Taurus, a sign that it will be in for the next seven years. Why is this important to you, an Aquarius? Because, on the zodiac wheel, Taurus forms the foundation or the base of your chart. And since Uranus is the planet of shake ups and change, it’s safe to say that the very foundation of your life is shaking. What can you expect with Uranus in this sensitive part of your chart for the coming years? As with all outer planets — anything beyond Saturn in the solar system — Uranus is asking you to transform. In particular, Uranus is asking you to transform and bring new consciousness, new awareness to what home, family, and emotional needs mean to you. You may be making a big move in the coming months or years, one that is greatly symbolic of putting down new roots or a new foundation. (You may already have made that big move last year.) You may be moving around a lot, in fact, in a Goldilocks-like search for the right place. You may be making a break from unhealthy emotional patterns or waking up to the realization that you’re not happy because you’re not getting your needs met. You may be reconciling something from childhood or something with your parents. You may be making big changes in how you live or how you set up your home. You may be discovering your soul family. With Uranus, it’s hard to predict. It’s a little bit of a wild card. But what we do know is that you’re entering a very new season of life. It’s also Pisces Season, which means that it’s the time in your personal calendar when you focus on money, material needs, and material stability. The new moon on March 6 will make this a priority for the coming four weeks, but it’s important to know that you have a long term planetary visitor to this part of your chart in the form of Neptune and the new moon will highlight a long story about value and worth and what and the true value of the material world. Neptune is such a spiritual influence and can seem a bit oil and water when it comes to concerns about money and what you own. Neptune just wants to remind you that money is just money, stuff is just stuff at the end of the day. What really matters is generosity as well as making and spending money with a sense of purpose and consciousness. Practice random acts of kindness this month. Donate to charity, especially possessions that you no longer have need for. Help out in your community. Get in involved in social causes. Meditate on any illusions you may have about money, value, and attachment. Look at where money tends to leak away unnecessarily. Since Mercury is retrograde in Pisces from Mach 5 to March 28, make sure you’re shying away from any big purchases or investments lest you change your mind. Another thing about this month is that Venus will be in Aquarius for most of March and, in doing so, is giving you some confidence and flirtatious energy. Venus loves to socialize, network, and connect. It loves being a hostess and catering to the needs of others. Then on March 20 a full moon lights Libra, your sign of travel, education, faith, and wisdom. You may have a decision to make about a big trip or thinking about going back to school. This may also be a time when you need to decide what you believe in, whether something is right or wrong, or head off into the world in search of new truths and ways of thinking. In all, it’s a powerful month, Aquarius. The tectonic plates of your life are moving. Want to learn more about how the astrology of March will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Home, family, living situation, roots, foundation, emotional needs, emotional connection, emotional stability, emotional security, moves, changes in home, changes in family, money, income, spending, what you own, material needs, material stability, value, worth, self worth, charity, service, community, social causes, humanity, collective, society, politics, friends, social networks, long distance journeys, education, foreign travel, faith, wisdom, knowledge, belief, right and wrong, law, legal matters.


February 19–March 20

Pisces Glyph

Happy birthday, Pisces! How do you feel as you step into a new personal year? Reflective? Searching for meaning? This year, admittedly, has a bit of an existential spin on it as you dig into themes of truth and wisdom, philosophy and education. It’s a year to seek and search, to travel and explore. With Jupiter, your ruling planet, in the highest reaches of your chart, you’re also having to step up into roles of responsibility, especially new professional roles. The Pisces New Moon in particular may point you in a new direction in the coming weeks or inspire you to take a professional leap of faith or go after new ambitions, especially anything that really fuels your passion. Jupiter in Sagittarius means that this is the time for you to be the guru, the coach, the philosopher, the teacher. If there’s something that you know, some wisdom that you’ve spent years cultivating, how will you share it with the world? (If your birthday is on or around March 6, this will be a year of new beginnings.) Speaking of March 6, that’s the day that Uranus returns to Taurus for a seven year stay. Taurus just so happens to be your sign of education as well as communication and travel. If you’ve been not speaking up, silencing yourself, and struggling to communicate, Uranus wants you to have a breakthrough. You’re stepping into a new seven year chapter of awakening your mind, opening up your voice, and expressing new ideas. It’s time to get radical with your education or even your choices. It’s time to move in ways you haven’t moved before. It’s also time for the proverbial light bulb to turn on above your head with new awareness and new consciousness. Pay attention to what’s happening this month because it’s a thread that will run through your experiences through the coming years. It just may not make sense just yet. Speaking of the mind and voice, Mercury is retrograde in Pisces all month long. You may have a lot to say this month, but make sure you’re not getting your wires crossed or saying something that may be based on the wrong information or the wrong idea. Having Mercury Retrograde in your sign means being thoughtful and intentional about what you have to say instead of running on instead or stream of consciousness. Then on March 20 a full moon puts the spotlight on some of the deepest parts of your chart — the psyche, the deep self, fears, vulnerabilities. It’s a full moon to get to the very tender heart of something. If something comes up emotionally, how will you have the courage and the vulnerability to address it? It’s a wonderful new moon for transformation work and to let go of anything that you’ve been holding onto that no longer supports you … or never did. Whether it’s toxic relationships, old wounds, or even addictions. Just let it go so you can step forward into a new year refreshed and reborn. Want to learn more about how the astrology of March will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: The self, new beginnings, renewal, letting go, sensitivities, empathy, compassion, wisdom, knowledge, faith, leaps of faith, professional life, career, professional responsibilities, title, status, ambition, doing what you love, the guru, the teacher, travel, other cultures, exploration, search, existential crisis, meaning, the voice, communication, thinking, learning, speaking, writing, education, classes, movement, travel, information, news, facing fears, the deep self, emotional health, the psyche, the shadow, transformation, rebirth, emotional crisis, finance, power, control, old traumas, toxic relationships.

Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash