Tag: Venus in Aries

Astro Daily: April 19, 2024

Astro Daily: April 19, 2024

Welcome to Taurus Season. The Sun arrives in the second sign of the zodiac, a sign governed by Venus, which evokes the pleasures of life. It’s a sign to slow down and enjoy, to find our footing, to invest in the things that are important.

Astro Daily: April 5, 2024

Astro Daily: April 5, 2024

Venus arrives in Aries, a sign that inspires new beginnings and acts of courage. If Venus is what we love and value, then we are investing in a restart or refresh. We are taking the lead in a relationship, we are forging ahead, we love competition and play.

Photo by Mathilde Langevin on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 9, 2023

Another Libra Moon day. Another day to explore beauty and charm, but to also dig into deeper emotional spaces. With Venus and Jupiter in Aries, we’re focused on themes of stability and security, especially monetary security and creating wealth for ourselves.

Photo by Valya Polishchuk on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 2, 2023

Mercury leaves intellectual Aquarius for Pisces, a sign known more for its intuition and creative thinking than its rational analysis. Pisces a space that Mercury isn’t traditionally at home in, instead having to learn to feel instead of think.

Photo by Max Lissenden on Unsplash

Astro Daily: February 21, 2023

We’re fresh off a Pisces New Moon and we may be feeling an existential and emotional pull, a call to make sense of things and focus on what really matters. Pisces reminds us that, even though we live in a modern world, to not neglect the needs of the soul.

Photo by Hans Ott on Unsplash

Astro Daily: May 3, 2022

We’re still a few days out from a solar eclipse and life continues to turn us towards a new chapter. With the Moon in Gemini, it’s important to weigh our options, reassess what we need, and gather resources.

Libra Full Moon: Scar Tissue

Libra Full Moon: Scar Tissue

Welcome to the Libra Full Moon, the time of the lunar calendar when the spotlight is on relationship and cooperation, beauty and harmony. As the compliment to initiative and self direction of Aries Season, Libra reminds us that we can’t do things alone. 

Photo by Michal Dolnik on Unsplash

Astro Daily: February 12, 2020

The Libra Moon puts the spotlight on relationships today. It’s all about how we socialize, connect, and interact with each other. With Venus in Aries, it’s less about what others want and more about what we want. How do we find balance?