Tag: Aquarius Full Moon

Astro Daily: August 2, 2023

Astro Daily: August 2, 2023

We’re still in the energies of the Aquarius Full Moon, a time where the spotlight shines on a certain part of our lives depending on our sign. It’s also an opportunity to see the bigger picture, to understand our lives as a fabric of connectivity.

Astro Daily: July 31, 2023

Astro Daily: July 31, 2023

We start the week on the verge of a full moon, one that highlights the sign of Aquarius. As the complement of Leo Season, we have to take our talents and gifts and share them with the world. It’s also a full moon that speaks to social themes and social causes.

Photo by Andreas Dress on Unsplash

Astro Daily: August 12, 2022

The Moon rounds out its time in analytical Aquarius, switching into intuitive Pisces, but we’re still in the energies of yesterday’s full moon. What was illuminated for you? With Saturn at the forefront, something has to take shape in our lives or come to an end.

Aquarius Full Moon: Balance and Order

Aquarius Full Moon: Balance and Order

Welcome to the Aquarius Full Moon, the time in the lunar calendar when the spotlight is on the larger frameworks that govern our lives, the communities that we belong to, and the friends and allies we connect with. It’s a full moon to also look towards the future.

Photo by Hannah Lim on Unsplash

Astro Daily: August 4, 2020

We’re coming off yesterday’s Aquarius Full Moon energies, a full moon that not only put us in touch with our shared humanity, but potentially shook us or opened our awareness to something new. We may still be feeling the energy today as well.