Happy Pisces New Moon! Happy solar eclipse! This is the time of the year when we come to the end of the astrological year, shedding the burdens of the last twelve months and dreaming up the next. Pisces is a sign that straddles two worlds, the omega and the alpha, endings and beginnings. That said, Pisces highlights themes of unconditional love, compassion, and spirituality. It’s also the sign of music, dance, art, and glamor. The new moon eclipse will arrive on March 20, 2015, 5:36 am EDT, 29 degrees Pisces. For those in other parts of the world, that’s 2:36 am in LA, 10:36 am London, 9:36 pm Sydney.

There’s so much narrative in this new moon eclipse. It’s at 29 Pisces, which is not only the last degree of the sign, but the last degree of the entire zodiac. Wow. Think of this like the space between one life and the next. Zero Aries, only a hair away, is rebirth, spring, and renewal. So the eclipse will bring us right to the doorway of our next life, but not before showing us what we need to wrap up before we can move forward.

As an astrologer I love eclipses. They are so interesting! They’re like the chimes on the clock telling you what hour it is as well as the current we’ll be swimming in for the next six months. Since this eclipse is Pisces, over the coming weeks we may feel compelled to end something so we can begin anew. We may be pulled toward spirituality and existential questions, mediation and retreat. We may be called into service with acts of compassion and unconditional love. Then there’s Pisces’s shadow — addiction, illusions, and getting lost in the fog. How can we have a new relationship with our saboteurs and the things that negatively cloud reality?

Another facet to this eclipse is its ruler, Jupiter. It’s over in Leo, the sign of self expression, creativity, drama, and flair. Jupiter is also trine Uranus, sparking genius insights and daring us to be different. This is the eclipse to take a risk, be seen, and breakthrough the old. But it’s also the eclipse to tie up loose ends and let go of old grudges.

2015, with Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces, will focus so much on our spiritual lives. In many ways this is the eclipse to get started on that journey inward toward finding our truth and our connection to Source. Get ready to plunge into the primordial waters. We’re being called back home.

Enjoyed this post? I also do private, one-on-one consultations via Skype and phone, which allow us to delve into your chart and reveal where this new moon will manifest. Go to my consultations page to book your session. Check out my testimonials and FAQ to learn more about what I do.

Also, Empowering Astrology is going to sunny JAMAICA for an astrology retreat. Beginners welcome. Dates are April 30–May 5, 2015. Details here.