Happy Pisces Full Moon! This is the time in the lunar calendar when the spotlight is on compassion, sensitivity, mysticism, intuition, illusions, art, sacrifice, and unconditional love. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, connecting us to the universality of existence and the liminal space between this life and the next. The full moon will be exact on August 29, 2015 at 2:35 pm EDT, 6 degrees Pisces/Virgo. That’s 11:35 am LA, 7:35 pm London, and 4:35 am Sydney time on August 30.

If full moons are decision points or moments of revelation, the Pisces Full Moon will be a clarion call for compassion. We live in a time of great struggle and we will not only feel our own grief under this full moon, but that of others as well. Pisces reminds us that there is no separation, boarders, or boundaries. From the cosmic mother we are all born and to her we will return again.

Equally, with the full moon falling just off of Neptune, we will connect to deep existential themes around purpose and meaning. There’s an angst to Neptune, this sense that there has to be something better or even a longing for “home.” But the ruler of the full moon, Jupiter, is over in Virgo making a dynamic opposition and demanding that we put our divine purpose into action. And Virgo is nothing short of real world application.

Why are we here? What is our mission?  What did we come here to do? How can we be of service to something that fills our souls? How can we reconnect to the divine? How committed are we to making this world a better place? These are questions that will demand our attention in the coming days.

The full moon will also preview two things. First, the next few months will be dominated by the energy of Jupiter in Virgo, Saturn in Sagittarius, and Neptune in Pisces — three planets that will be making something called a t-square. With Saturn at the focal point, we’ll be resolving deep questions of faith and truth, striking a balance between the spiritual and the earthly. Second, the South Node of the Moon will move into Pisces in October 2015, stirring up our collective karma around spirituality, connection, forgiveness, and compassion. So, get used to Pisces. Get used to these existential questions. Thankfully we have Jupiter in Virgo to really anchor these questions and feelings into the physical world.

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