Are you at a crossroads? Feeling one chapter closing . . . but not sure when and where the next will begin?

We’re in the midst of something called a “mutable cross,” the planets bunched up in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. The mutable signs fall right before the start of a new season; they are inherently about transition, movement. So, with all this energy swirling around, things are packing up and preparing to leave.

Three of the planets involved in this cross are Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune — planets that deal with experiences that go beyond what we want. Therefore there are forces at play right now that are bigger than us. In fact, Saturn has been a heavy influence of late. He’s been spelling things out in black and white all week. There’s a bitterness in the air, a sobriety that comes with seeing things for what they really are. Our eyes open, we have to make a left or a right; we can’t keep going in the same direction.

Today it’s Venus’s turn to spark off energies of Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune. She’s the planet of value, love, compromise, but up against Saturn in Sagittarius we’ll have to seriously reevaluate our choices, the things we make time for, and the people in our lives. Jupiter in Virgo says we have to have discernment in our choices. Neptune in Pisces says don’t lose sight of compassion, don’t forget your universality.

The other thing to consider about crosses is that they are the energy of matter and manifestation. As we come into tomorrow’s Gemini New Moon, let’s think of what we want to create or manifest in our lives as this energy makes space for something new, for things to transition.

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Astro Daily: June 2, 2016

Astro Daily: May 26, 2016