The pressure is starting to build as we come up tomorrow’s face off between the Sun and Saturn, right on the heels of Saturday’s Gemini New Moon. Let me break this down for you.

The Sun is the archetype of the self as an embodiment or incarnation of the spark of the divine. The Sun is life. Its journey through the 12 signs each year is a revelation of the 12 archetypes of the Creator. And we experience life through each sign, evolving, learning, taking new consciousness.

Saturn, on the other hand, is the planet of rules and regulation, authority, growing older, time, maturity, achievement and falls from grace, boundaries, structure, positive and negative karma reward. So, what happens when the Sun and Saturn oppose each other?

This week we’re coming up against a boundary, we’re feeling our age, we’re pushing against the odds, we’re reaching for a major milestone or achievement. There’s a sobriety to Saturn that cuts across illusions. It forces the issue. We know what we have to do, even if we don’t like it. Saturn makes things solid, concrete.

Keep in mind that all this is happening between the signs of Gemini and Sagittarius. If Gemini is choice, ideas, information then Sagittarius is the wisdom gained from choice, ideas that have grown into knowledge, words formed into philosophy and ideology. This is a tug of war between the mind and beliefs. (Lest we forget, Saturn in Sagittarius has been a year long push for all of us to define what we believe in.)

Note that everyone will feel Saturn and feel this opposition differently. One person’s crisis of faith or reproof for saying the wrong thing will be another’s published book or praise for their wisdom. One person’s promotion will be another’s restructuring.

At the heart of this transit is a need to define something very personal for us. And what’s more personal than faith? Our view of the world? Our philosophies about life? Everything that we’ve learned both in the classroom and in our daily lives? How has pain and heartbreak clouded our vision? Or sharpened our gaze?

Time marches on. We all have to grow older, wiser.

Read More:

In Defense of Saturn

Saturn in Sagittarius: The Quest Begins