Tag: Moon in Sagittarius

Photo by Jorik Kleen on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: January 29, 2019

We’re more upbeat and chatty now that the Moon is in Sagittarius. Add in an Aquarius Sun and we’re feeling air and fire, elements that like to move, socialize, and exchange ideas. It’s a good day to connect with others, learn, and read up on interesting subjects.

Photo by Marcus Zymmer on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: December 6, 2018

Last day of the lunar month, a time when cast off the old and prepare for the next chapter. The coming cycle will focus on Sagittarius. We’ll be working through themes of faith and truth. Sagittarius inspires us to look beyond ourselves and search for meaning.

Photo by Nils Nedel on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: October 12, 2018

After yesterday’s power plays and the deep machinations of the Sun and Pluto, the mood lightens and we start the weekend with an optimistic Sagittarius Moon. Maybe everything will work out? The Sun in Libra has us feeling social, philosophical, too.

Photo by Usukhbayar Gankhuyag on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: September 14, 2018

The Moon winds its way out of Scorpio and slips into Sagittarius for the weekend. If Scorpio brought us into the shadows, then Sagittarius brings us back into the light. Sagittarius also turns us towards travel, faith, philosophy, and the search for truth.

Photo by Dan Calderwood on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: August 20, 2018

Between today’s Sagittarius Moon and a mystical connection between Jupiter and Neptune, we’re exploring life’s bigger questions. It’s a good day for meditation and discovery. Sagittarius is a sign that wants answers and will travel the world to find them.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: June 25, 2018

The Moon in Sagittarius picks up on an indulgent, romantic connection between Venus and Jupiter. We may be longing for travel or looking at photos of beautiful, faraway lands. It’s also a day to explore, search, and discover different tastes or foods.

Photo by Hugh McCann on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: May 3, 2018

As the Moon wraps up its journey through Sagittarius, we’re in a philosophical mood. What’s the meaning of life? We’re search for answers. And with support from Uranus, we may find answers in unlikely places. Be open to sudden awareness or intuitive guidance.

Photo by David Fanuel on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: May 2, 2018

The cosmos is generally low key right now and we may feel life on the quiet side. Use this pauses to catch a breath and get caught up. With the Moon in Sagittarius pointing to Jupiter in Scorpio, it’s still a good time to explore our vulnerability.

Photo by Leximphoto on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: May 1, 2018

Welcome to May! We kick off the month with a Moon in Sagittarius inviting us all to explore, travel, and look at the philosophical side of life. But we’re still sorting through the April 29 Scorpio Full Moon, one that pushed us to take a hard look at ourselves.

Photo by Lyndsey Marie on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: March 9, 2018

The Moon wraps up its stay in Sagittarius, kicking off the weekend with a need to explore and wander. Sagittarius loves a good time, but with Jupiter in Scorpio, careful not to overdo it. Additionally, the Moon meets up with Mars, sparking philosophical debates.

Photo by Antony Xia on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: March 8, 2018

Jupiter turns retrograde in Scorpio. As the planet that inspires us to explore, Jupiter’s journey through Scorpio has taught us about life’s darker experiences and the emotions that go with it. We’re now pulling back to reflect on its deep lessons in trust, intimacy.

Photo by Karly Santiago on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: February 9, 2018

Venus arrives at the end of Aquarius, threading its way through eclipse degrees. Even though we’re a week away from the solar eclipse, the past couple of days gave a preview. Venus asks, do you value who you are? Do you value your place in the world?