Last day of the lunar month, a time when cast off the old and prepare for the next chapter. The coming cycle will focus on Sagittarius. We’ll be working through themes of faith and truth. Sagittarius inspires us to look beyond ourselves and search for meaning.

As I mentioned yesterday, Neptune is strong in the sky right now. It’s possible that we’re feeling overly sensitive, tired, and ungrounded. Our dreams may be extra vivid, too. Neptune pulls at the boundaries between the physical and non physical, opening us up to altered states of consciousness and different energetic spaces. If we’re not well grounded, we can drift off. Again, use this energy for art and meditation or works or altruism and charity.

Lastly, Mercury turns direct today in Scorpio. Something that maybe wasn’t so clear comes into focus. Mercury in Scorpio can express itself as hard truths and or an almost obsessive need to investigate. Hopefully Mercury can help us cut through this Neptune fog, even if it means intuitively knowing something to be true.

Read More:

Astro Daily: December 5, 2018

Jupiter in Sagittarius: Sign by Sign

On Neptune

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