The Moon is in Sagittarius and with the cosmos generally low key right now, we may feel life on the quiet side. Use this pauses to catch a breath and get caught up. With the Moon pointing to Jupiter in Scorpio, it’s still a good time to explore our vulnerability.

As I mentioned in my May horoscopes, we’re on the cusp of some big astrological shifts. The universe is throwing us a bone, giving us a rest between last week’s super charged Scorpio Full Moon and the May 15 switcheroo of Uranus into Taurus and Mars into Aquarius, all on the same day as a new moon. Fun!

PS — I’m a guest speaker at an event in Manhattan on Sunday, May 6 on astrology and energetics. I’ll be also giving a preview of Uranus in Taurus. Details here.

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May 2018 Horoscopes

Event: Astrology, Energetics, and Uranus in Taurus

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