Tag: Chiron in Aries

Astro Daily: July 24, 2023

Astro Daily: July 24, 2023

Welcome to Leo Season! It was easy to miss the change in the astro weather, what with so much going on last week. Nevertheless, the Sun is now in the 5th sign of the zodiac, which invites us to shine, find our spark, and celebrate being ourselves.

Astro Daily: July 21, 2023

Astro Daily: July 21, 2023

If the recent Cancer New Moon pulled us back to themes around home and family, memory and roots, today’s opposition between the Sun and Pluto is a demand to reform, transform, and leave the past behind.

Astro Daily: July 6, 2023

Astro Daily: July 6, 2023

Mercury in Cancer squares off with Chiron in Aries. Do we have the courage and the bravery to make the right choice? To go after what we want? To speak up? In order to move forward, we have to untie ourselves from the links to the past.

Photo by Sonia Remizua on Unsplash

Astro Daily: April 27, 2023

Mars in Cancer and Chiron in Aries create friction, an aspect that may pull at old emotional scar tissue. If we are feeling something come up, it may be very old, a repeat of a theme or thread that runs its way through different parts of our lives. Look for healing.

Photo by Juli Kosolapova on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 3, 2023

Venus, fresh off its beautiful conjunction to Jupiter in Aries, visible in the western sky after sunset, Venus meets up with Chiron in Aries and presses into a tender spot. Venus and Chiron want us to have the courage to love, to go after our desires.

Photo by Marcel Strauß on Unsplash

Astro Daily: February 1, 2023

There’s an opportunity to heal today as the the Aquarius Sun gets support from Chiron in Aries. A hard conversation may make us feel vulnerable, but it’s a chance to let something go and untie something that pulls us back to the past.

Cancer Full Moon: Sore Spot

Cancer Full Moon: Sore Spot

Welcome to the Cancer Full Moon! It’s the time in the lunar calendar when the light shines on home and family, roots and foundation, the past and memories. As the first water sign, Cancer reminds us of what really matters as well as our deepest emotional needs.

Photo by Toni Frost on Unsplash

Astro Daily: December 15, 2022

Mercury in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries, a series of three aspects during Mercury’s long journey through Capricorn that takes us into the end of January. Mercury and Chiron are the courage to say the hard thing, to set healthy boundaries in relationships.

Photo by Guzmán Barquín on Unsplash

Astro Daily: November 25, 2022

Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius make a trine to Chiron in Aries. It’s a day to align our faith and values with our courage and conviction. Whatever has been holding us back may not seem so insurmountable, especially with the confidence of Sagittarius.

Astro Daily: October 19, 2022

Astro Daily: October 19, 2022

The Libra Sun squares Pluto in Capricorn, an aspect that speaks to power and control as well as our relationship with it. Deep emotions may come, especially emotions that have a connection to family and the past. Pluto wants reformation, transformation.