Welcome to Virgo Season, a season where we have to get back to basics after the fun and play of Leo Season. As we open a new month on an unusual year, it’s time to reassess, get organized, and get focused with a plan.

This month three planets change direction, big players such as Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Mars turns retrograde in Aries on September 9 followed by Jupiter Direct in Capricorn on September 12. Then Saturn turns direct on September 29, also in Capricorn. When planets like this change direction in a short period of time, we know that the story is changing in some way. And they are doing it in what are called Cardinal signs. September paves the way for something that unfolds into the end of the year.

Mars has been in Aries since the end of June and has coincided with increased action and forward movement after some of the restrictions of the months before. But Mars is presently holding space in the sky in tight aspect to Saturn and Pluto. Is it possible that we’ll need to reverse course? Slow down? Not to push too hard in a direction that’s not working?

Mars Retrograde in many ways, like all retrogrades, is a second look at how we use that planet. If we’re normally impatient, Mars Retrograde is a call to find patience. If we have a hard time standing up for ourselves, Mars Retrograde means that we need to find our power.

Jupiter and Saturn, on the other hand, turn direct in Capricorn, a sign that talks about the structures that our lives are built upon. And it means that this is the last stretch of time that both Jupiter and Saturn will be in Capricorn for quite some time. (For Jupiter it’s another 12 years. For Saturn, another three decades.)

That said, it’s Virgo Season. We’re sorting and planning. We’re preparing for the coming seasons and months. We’re getting organized. We’re focused on our physical wellbeing. We’re going back to school and learning.

The month starts off with a Pisces Full Moon highlighting the balance between Virgo’s earthly practicality and Pisces’s otherworldly magic. Or rather the need for balance. We can’t be so grounded that we miss out on intuition, dreams, feelings, and spirituality. Virgo speaks to objective truths. Pisces is the truth that you find deep within yourself.

Mercury changes signs on September 5, arriving in Libra for three weeks. The rest of Virgo Season turns our focus towards relationships, form the negotiation and compromise needed to the sense of value and worth we place on things, situations, and people.

Then on September 6 Venus arrives in Leo, where it will stay until early October. Venus in Leo is all heart, romance, and regal beauty. It wants relationship where it’s adored and loved. It’s the celebration of life.

On September 17 a Virgo New Moon gives us a late-in-the-season refresh of all things Virgo. As a result, it’s the perfect time to make healthy initiatives, take care of our bodies, get our day-to-day lives in order, and focus on our work. Again, with Mercury in Libra making some tense aspects to Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn, this new moon many mean stopping what’s not working or recommitting to what is working. We may need to set more healthy boundaries in relationships, too.

By September 22 the Sun arrives in Libra and we enter a season devoted to discovering relationship and partnership, beauty and aesthetic. And with Venus in Leo, it may be a glamorous, regal Libra Season.

But the big news this month is Saturn’s direct turn on September 29, doing so in a square to Mars. This is tense astrology, one that demands command and maturity. This is also one of Saturn’s last checkpoints in Capricorn, beginning to wrap up a major chapter that began at the start of 2018. Did you learn your Saturn lessons? (Not sure which ones, refresh yourself here with Saturn in Capricorn: Sign by Sign.) The pressure’s on if we haven’t been. Or, maybe we get that much deserved pat on the back.

Read for your Sun and rising sign. If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, dates listed below may be for the day ahead according to your time zone.

DATES TO NOTE: 9/1 Mercury trine Pluto; 9/2 Full Moon 10 Pisces, Sun trine Uranus, Venus opposite Saturn; 9/3 Mercury square Nodes, Mercury trine Saturn; 9/4 Mercury sextile Venus, Venus square Mars; 9/5 Mercury in Libra; 9/6 Venus in Leo; 9/9 Mars Retrograde 28 Aries, Sun trine Jupiter; 9/10 Mercury opposite Chiron; 9/11 Sun opposite Neptune; 9/12 Jupiter Direct 17 Capricorn; 9/13 Venus trine Chiron; 9/14 Sun trine Pluto; 9/15 Venus square Uranus; 9/16 Sun square Nodes; 9/17 New Moon 25 Virgo, Sun trine Saturn, Mercury square Jupiter; 9/21 Mercury square Pluto; 9/22 Sun in Libra; 9/23 Mercury square Saturn; 9/24 Mercury opposite Mars; 9/27 Mercury in Scorpio; 9/28 Venus trine Mars; 9/29 Saturn Direct 25 Capricorn, Sun opposite Chiron.


March 21–April 19

Aries Glyph

Big moves this month, Aries, as three planets change direction in key areas of your life, namely Mars’s retrograde turn on September 9. As an Aries, it’s your instinct to rush forward and take action. But with Mars retrograde until November 13, you’re stepping into a two month chapter where you need to slow down, reflect, integrate, and examine your motives. Astrology teaches us that we can’t always move at the pace that we want. That there are times for action and times for rest. While Mars Retrograde isn’t a time of rest, it is a time when you may need to be more aware of how your actions affect others or learn how to find the balance between what you want and what others want. Seeing how a lot of the narrative this month centers not just on work, but your professional ambitions as well as your desire to drive your life in a certain direction, you need to make sure you’re driving the car, so to speak, in the right direction. In previous horoscopes I’ve spoken how Saturn is back in Capricorn, your career sign, as of July 1, and that you will have to spend the next few months, until December 17, answering a simple question. What do you want to be when you grow up? Doesn’t matter if you’re 25 or 65 years old. I know, the pressure’s on. But that’s how Saturn’s supposed to work, to put the pressure on you to make a serious decision, to commit, to build for the future, and take on responsibility. So with Saturn turning direct after being in retrograde since May, this is not just a big check in on a simple question, but it’s the last time Saturn will turn direct in Capricorn for another three decades. Yep, let that sink in. So, whatever you’ve been building and working on in your professional life since the start of 2018 when Saturn first arrived in Capricorn, now comes to its final review. Is this what you want to do? Is this the place you want to occupy in the world? Is this the title you want after your name? But if you’ve struggled in the last two years to commit to your professional life and define your place in the world, then September maybe a reality check, the realization that time is ticking and that you need to figure some big things out quickly. Lest you think that Saturn is a negative influence, September may show you the results of all your hard work — a promotion, a new job, or the sense that your career is starting to come together. Speaking of work, this month is Virgo Season and it’s the time in your personal calendar to focus on projects, getting organized, getting on task, and tending to your day-to-day duties. It’s also the time for you to focus on your physical health, from the exercise your body needs to stay healthy to the foods and care that it needs as well. A Pisces Full Moon on September 2 puts the spotlight on spiritual health, revealing the balance (or imbalance) between your earthly and spiritual life. The full moon is a perfect time to let go of old addictions and attachments, especially anything that negatively impacts your physical health. It’s also a time to search your soul for meaning and spiritual connection. Be open to flashes of insight and vivid dreams. Then, as previously mentioned, Mars turns retrograde on September 9 in an alignment with Saturn that may feel like push to take serious action, especially with anything you’ve been avoiding. Remember, Saturn wants discipline, balance, order, commitment, and accountability … and it wants it from you. Jupiter is another planet changing direction this month. It turns direct in Capricorn, your career sign, on September 12, and you may see some big shifts or changes in direction in your professional life. Then on September 17 a new moon gives you an early (or late) start on your resolutions. If there’s things you want to change or habits you want to shift, this is your new moon. It’s also the new moon to recommit to your health and wellness, to a project, or even service to others and your community. By September 22, the Sun arrives in Libra and it’s the start of a new season, one that will focus on relationships and how you connect with others into October. But, don’t forget, Saturn turns direct on September 29 and you’ve got big decisions to make. Want a deeper look at how September will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Drive, initiative, leadership, needing to compromise, reflect, integrate, rewinding, moving backwards, impatience, frustration, career, professional life, worldly life, ambitions, reputation, status, title, responsibilities, serious decisions, direction, job change, change in direction, change in responsibilities, change in title, promotion, work, health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, taking care of the body, letting go, shedding the past, existential questions, searching, breaking addictions or habits, dreams, the unconscious, spirituality, spiritual health, spiritual connection, forgiveness, blind spots.


April 20–May 20

Taurus Glyph

After a potentially busy August, things start to slow down a little as Venus, your ruling planet, arrives in Leo on September 6. Leo forms the base, the root, the foundation of your chart. And so it’s time to focus on the things that make up the roots in your life, whether it’s your family, people like family, or the home that you live in. After a year that has possibly had a lot of ups and downs, you could use the time to recharge your heart and soul with the people who matter the most. That said, the big news this month is a trio of planets changing directions, pointing to bigger questions and soul searching around existential or spiritual matters. Part of what you’ve been feeling the past couple of months is a need to figure out questions of faith and meaning. As in, what do you believe in? What’s your connection to Source/God/Higher Power? Is there a god? Mars’s time in Aries since June has been a deep dive into these questions whose answers can only be felt. They can’t be arrived at by logic or analysis. Maybe you’ve been looking at different spiritual traditions, philosophies, and religions to help you answer what feels so hard to connect to at times. In fact, Saturn’s direct turn later this month is one last push for you to figure out some major existential or philosophical questions as you wrap up a chapter that started at the beginning of 2018. (This may also include themes around higher education and travel or even legal matters.) So, while you contemplate some big questions this month, let’s not forget that it’s Virgo Season for most of September. Time to put your feet on the ground, so to speak. Virgo, like you, is an earth sign. It’s all about the practical matters of life. It’s also a sign that helps you be creative, express who you are, and share your talents. However a Pisces Full Moon on September 2 puts the spotlight on intuitive, spiritual Pisces. It’s a full moon to see the big picture, to look at connection, networks, community, and the people you call friends. It’s also a full moon to look towards the future and hope and dream for something better. Then on September 9, Mars turns retrograde, a reminder that the second half of 2020 for you is about searching for deeper answers and meaning as well as for the most hidden and elusive parts of yourself. If you’re feeling more quiet or more reserved than usual, it’s because this is the time for you to rest and go within. Continuing that sense of quest, Jupiter turns direct on September 12. Perhaps you have all the answers by now and it’s time to share them or even teach them. A new moon on September 17 opens a four week chapter focused on taking yourself and your talents seriously. By September 22 the Sun moves into Libra and you kick off a new season, one focused on bringing beauty and harmony into your day-to-day life. With Venus still in Leo, you may be thinking starting a home improvement project or a redecoration of your living space. Health and wellness also are a focus into October. And when Saturn turns retrograde on September 29, it’s the last time it will do so in Capricorn for another thirty years. You may feel a sense of time, a sense that one chapter of your life is closing and another is opening. Want a deeper look at how September will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Faith, truth, meaning, wisdom, knowledge, existential questions, deep search, inner search, inner meaning, dreams, meditation, spirituality, spiritual knowledge, reflection, rest, quest, beliefs, philosophy, ideology, worldview, education, objective versus subjective, mysticism, travel, law, legal matters, the self, self expression, talents, creativity, work, projects, health, wellness, projects in the home, living space, living situation, nesting, home.


May 21–June 20

Gemini Glyph

Let’s recap some big things, Gemini. I know we’ve been talking about this for quite a few months, but it’s important for you to understand the larger framework of time that you’re in. Back at the start of 2018 you began a nearly three year chapter of descending into the deepest parts of yourself to reflect, heal the past, and transform. It’s something that we all have to go through at some point (or multiple points), providing the necessary emotional and psychological pressure for us to evolve our lives. (Astrology just tells us what time it is.). If the last two and a half years have been intense, know that you’re beginning to reach the end of this chapter, thank god. So you could say that September is one of the last checkpoints in this process of learning to master yourself as well as master themes around intimacy, vulnerability, life, and death. What have you learned since 2018? How has it hardened you? Broken you? Rebuilt you? How have you discovered power and strength you didn’t know you had? This is Saturn’s last gift to you. Of course there are other things going on this month. Namely it’s a shift in season for you with the Virgo Sun revealing that it’s time to focus on home, family, and your living situation, like slowing down after a burst of activity over the last few months. But a full moon on September 2 puts the spotlight on career. You may have a decision to make about your professional life or you’re navigating the public eye in some way. It’s a time to also make a change in direction or switch jobs. If you’ve been working hard towards a goal, the full moon may bring a flash of recognition, too. Mercury’s arrival in Libra on September 5 is a shift in gears, giving you a few weeks to travel, have fun, create, write, and connect. Then Mars’s retrograde turn on September 9 kicks off a two month period of having to revisit something with a friend or within a community that you belong to. It’s possible that you’ve been negotiating something ticky or something that’s needed your full attention over the last month or so. If something is unresolved with a friend or within a community that you’re connected with, you’ll need to spend the next eight weeks, until November 13, finding that resolution. Mars Retrograde is a time when we can’t rush forward or push our agenda. We have to learn to take action in different ways. Mars isn’t the only planet changing direction this month. Jupiter turns direct on September 12, pushing on themes around faith and meaning, vulnerability and emotional connection, trust and safety. Can you trust a lover or a mate or even a close connection? Things may feel a little raw, especially as Mercury, your ruling planet, makes a series of tense aspects September 17 through September 24. As a result, you may be at a turning point later this month. Or you may need to make some serious decisions. Keep in mind that this time frame, especially the new moon on September 17, presages the next eclipse season of November-December of this year. Key events that arise this month, especially in relationships and how you take action and direction in your life may be linked to events later this year. Astrology always makes more sense in hindsight, so it’s always worth journaling or jotting down notes or feelings that you’re experiencing. On September 22 the Sun moves into Libra and it’s a new season, one that touches on bringing balance and beauty into the world as well as learning to negotiate and find compromise. Mercury changes signs again on September 27, stepping into Scorpio, a sign that Mercury will spend the next five to six weeks in. Scorpio brings emotional intensity. Then again, that’s something that you know quite well after what you’ve experienced the past two years. And with Saturn turning direct on September 29, you’re not only closing out the month but beginning to bring to an end a chapter that has indelibly and irrevocably marked you. Want a deeper look at how September will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: The deep self, emotional intensity, emotional health, emotional healing, transformation, letting go of the past, death and rebirth, trust, vulnerability, intimacy, sexuality, power, control, finance, money, debt, taxes, estate, benefits, loans, career, direction, professional life, recognition, responsibilities, duties, ambition, job change, home, family, living situation, changes in the home, spending time in the home, a move, self expression, creativity, identity, persona, friendships, community, social circle, social network, groups, the future, hopes, and dreams.


June 21–July 22

Cancer Glyph

Cancer, we’ve got some big things to talk about. You’re wrapping up a major chapter in your life — or at least beginning to this month. As you may or may not know, Saturn has been in your relationship sign since the start of 2018. The past two years have been a time of serious focus, from bringing in new relationship, making a commitment to an existing relationship, or even ending something that was no longer working. This larger umbrella of time has been to master the art of interpersonal relationships. So, how have you been doing? As this chapter comes to a close, ending in December, you may find that September is a checkpoint or a milestone in this story. Have you been taking relationships seriously? Are you ready to make a commitment to another person? Is this part of your life more solid than it was two years ago? Or do you realize now who values you and who does not value you? That said, it’s Virgo Season, the time in your personal calendar when you focus on travel and education, writing and communication. You may have lots to say and do this month. And with a full moon in Pisces on September 2, your sign of long distance journeys, exploration, and higher education, you may be setting off on a voyage or trip to a far away place (safely, of course), dreaming of other countries and the trips you’d love to be taking at this time were it not for restrictions, or getting ready to go back to school. It’s also a full moon to ponder matters of faith and meaning. It’s also important to mention that in September three planets change direction, which means that this month is likely an important month for you this year. Mars, your career planet, has been heating things up in your professional life since the start of July. So, as Mars turns retrograde on September 9, you may have some decisions to make in your career or you may see things go in a different direction professionally. Since Mars has been hovering in a square with Saturn, this is an important time for you to figure out your direction. If you have professional goals and ambitions, how are you going to make the commitment and do the work? If you need to take your career on a different, Mars Retrograde from September until November 13 may give you the needed time to reevaluate and reconsider. There may be job changes or changes in position, too, during this time. Then comes Jupiter Direct on September 12, doing so in your relationship sign of Capricorn. As a result, there may be big moves in a relationship or partnership. (This includes all partnerships, even a connection with a colleague.) A new moon on September 17 rounds out Virgo Season, which means it’s time to get focused and organized. It’s also a new moon to start classes, work on matters around communication, start a writing project, or get involved in a service project in your neighborhood. Then on September 22 the Sun moves into Libra, a new time in your personal calendar and a turn towards home and family. The rest of the month is about putting down or tending to your roots. This includes making purchases for the home or gathering up the resources you need, perhaps even stocking up. Finally, Saturn turns direct on September 29, right around the time that Mars makes another square to Saturn and right before a full moon. You’re navigating big things as you step into October — relationships, career, responsibilities, and having to make major commitments. Want a deeper look at how September will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Career, direction, responsibilities, professional life, title, status, job change, change in direction, ambitions, change in ambitions, career reevaluation, walking back, major milestones, major decisions, relationships, other people, partnership, socialization, connection, compromise, negotiation, home, family, living situation, travel, trips, the neighborhood, foreign lands, other cultures, different perspectives, viewpoint, worldview, faith, truth, meaning, knowledge, wisdom, education, higher education, class, learning, information, ideas, communication, speaking, writing.


July 23–August 22

Leo Glyph

Now that your season has passed (sorry, Leo!), it’s time to turn to practical matters. For you, Virgo Season is not just about the details of day-to-day living, but your personal month to focus on money and resources. True, it’s been a crazy year and a year that has made a lot of people aware of what they need more of. So, what do you need? A fully stocked kitchen? Supplies? The job that’s going to give you the income to get what you need materially? Use this month to get your material life in order, which includes looking at your bank accounts and statements and cleaning up any messes. In fact, a full moon on September 2 puts finance in the spotlight. You may have to make a decision about a loan as well as the assets, benefits, and debts that you have. This time also touches on emotional themes as well and the full moon may bring up themes around intimacy, vulnerability, and trust. It’s possible that you’re feeling overly sensitive during the first few days of September, too. But the real news this month is the fact that three major planets change direction, two of which are in your sign of health and wellness. First, let’s look at Mars. It’s been in Aries since the end of June and during this time you’ve been focused on matters of truth and meaning, wisdom and knowledge. In normal times this would be a perfect time to hop on a plane and explore the world. Or, instead, discovering the world through documentaries and other media. It’s also safe to say that you’ve had your share of opinions over the past few months and you’ve been quick to share them. So when Mars turns retrograde on September 9, you enter a two month time when you have to take a second look at what you believe in. Is it the truth? Are there other viewpoints or philosophies to explore? Do you need to open up to a new way of seeing the world? Or, if you believe in something so strongly, you may have to stand up for your convictions. Mars Retrograde, for you, isn’t a time for you to force your worldview on others. If you do, there may be a few bumps in the road between now and November 13, when Mars turns direct. Instead, go deeper, get a different perspective, be open to being wrong, reeducate yourself. Then there’s Jupiter and Saturn Direct. First, let’s look back a couple of years. At the start of 2018 Saturn arrived in your sign of health and wellness for a nearly three year stay. And Saturn being Saturn, told you that it was time to take your physical health seriously. So, perhaps you’ve been working out more since 2018. Maybe you cut something out of your diet or even got sober. Perhaps you’ve been working hard to get your life organized and in order. As Saturn prepares to turn direct all month long, it’s one of the final checkpoints in this process. With that in mind, are there loose ends you need to tend to? Jupiter has also been in this part of your chart, but only since last December. If Saturn works you hard, then Jupiter opens up opportunity, helping you to make positive lasting changes if you take the initiative. Pay attention to what stories are coming up around health and wellness. It is Virgo Season, after all, the season to focus on our bodies and our daily lives, to implement ritual and commitment to positive habits. The Virgo New Moon on September 17 gives you a refresh in all things Virgo — new projects, new organization, new work — and it may be a turning point for you as the Sun, your ruling planet, rounds the lunar nodes. A few days later, on September 22, the Sun arrives in Libra, a season dedicated to connection, partnership, beauty, and harmony. It’s also a sign that may have you running around into October, whether around the neighborhood or short trips out of town. Communication and learning are key at this time, too. And with Venus in Leo, you may have a lot to say or express. Finally, Saturn turns direct on September 29 followed by Mars square Saturn. There’s some heavy duty energy on the horizon as you step into October. Again, Saturn’s direct turn means that you have to focus on your health and wellness. You have to get your life organized. You need to create structure and discipline if you haven’t already. And you may need to leave behind a lot of outworn emotional patterns that have been negatively impacting how you take care of not just your body, but your life, too. Want a deeper look at how September will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, taking care of the body, organization, cleanliness, purification, getting sober, changes in habits, projects, work, service, practice, ritual, daily life, schedule, money, income, resources, material life, spending, saving, finance, assets, things you own, a partner’s money, benefits, debts, taxes, estate, wealth, insurance, emotional health, the deep self, deep emotions, facing fears, the psyche, transformation, emotional healing, vulnerability, intimacy, sexuality, power, control, safety, security, stability, communication, speaking, listening, ideas, information, learning, classes, trips, travel, the neighborhood.


August 23–September 22

Virgo Glyph

Happy birthday, Virgo! What a year it’s been. So, what’s in store? You kick off the month with a full moon on September 2, one that lights up your relationship sign of Pisces. As a result, the beginning of this month may be busy and social. The spotlight is also on the various partnerships in your life and may also speak to new romance, especially those celebrating a birthday on or near the full moon. Mercury, your ruling planet, moves into Libra on September 5, which is another tip of the hat towards relationships. As fun as birthday season usually can be, there’s some bigger things to point out that speak to the arc of time that you’re in this year. First, Mars is in Aries and it’s been in Aries since late June. It won’t leave Aries until early January. This is a big chunk of time for Mars to be in Aries, which so happens to be the sign in your chart that talks about soul searching, the psyche, the deep self, and powerful feelings. So, Virgo, have you been feeling the feels the past few months? Well, when Mars turns retrograde on September 9, you may be feeling even more feels. But this walk back, which lasts until November 13, is an opportunity for you to go even deeper in your emotional healing work. Yes, it feels like Mars is digging up a lot of sensitive stuff, especially anything buried from the past, anything that makes you feel vulnerable, but it’s necessary for you to see what’s in your way. This is also a great time for you to talk to a therapist or counselor if something’s coming up that’s truly hard to handle. Then on September 12 Jupiter, a main player in your chart, turns direct. Seeing how Jupiter is the planet that talks about relationships as well as where you live, you could see some change not just on the home front, but with you and another person, whether it’s a romantic partnership or otherwise. Just note that Jupiter’s been in a tight spot all year long, so if you’ve been experiencing some tension in these key areas of your life, it may take until December to resolve. A Virgo New Moon on September 17 gives you a personal reset and fresh beginning for the coming year. (If your birthday is on the 17th, plus or minus a day, the coming year is going to be a time of new beginnings.) When the Sun arrives in Libra on September 22, it highlights your sign of money and income, resources and stability. As a result, the rest of the month puts the focus on your material life, from what you own to how you earn a living. But it’s Saturn’s direct turn on September 29, right before a square off between Mars and Saturn a day later, that turns your attention to bigger questions that’s been weaving its way through your experiences since 2018 … Are you taking yourself and your talents seriously? Do you know who you are? With Mars digging up a lot of deep emotions, you may have to look at any self destructive tendencies that need to be let go of, especially anything that’s in the way of you expressing the real you or sharing your talents with others. Ultimately Saturn’s direct turn is a checkpoint in a major story that’s been unfolding over the past two years. And you need to be ready to answer these questions. Want a deeper look at how September will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: New beginnings, new season, money, income, security, stability, spending, what you own, resources, material life, value, worth, assets, a partner’s assets, finance, benefits, insurance, loans, debts, the deep self, the psyche, facing fears, emotional health, emotional healing, emotional letting go, intimacy, vulnerability, power, control, sexuality, the self, self expression, self destruction, ego, creativity, identity, persona, children, relationships, partnerships, other people, socialization, negotiation, compromise.


September 23–October 22

Libra Glyph

Think back to the end of June 2020. What was going on then. Did a new relationship begin? Did something flare up with a partner or someone in your life? Did you change course or turn a chapter with a mate? Did a lot of bossy people suddenly enter your life? That was when Mars, your relationship planet, arrived in Aries and kicked off a six month period of focusing on relationship. True, relationships can come in many forms, but this arrival signaled that partnership in its different iterations would be a major focus in 2020. It’s important to think back and follow the narrative over the last few months because when Mars turns retrograde on September 9, you’ll need to retrace your steps to the last week of July, taking another look at events, decisions, and actions. This is also a time when a relationship may need more attention or maybe even a past relationship may come back to tie up loose ends. That said, it’s Virgo Season this month, which means that you’ve reached the end of your zodiac calendar and, thus, your personal year. When you reflect back on the last eleven months, what do you see? Whether it was personal milestones or events set against the backdrop of the pandemic, what worked and didn’t work? You may need to reflect a bit as you prepare for your upcoming birthday. As you start the month, a full moon on September 2 puts the spotlight on health and wellness, work and projects, so you may feel like you’re straddling two worlds – the part of you that wants to pull back and the part of you that needs to engage in day-to-day life. The full moon also puts the spotlight on how you take care of your body and the things you need to do in order to keep your health running smoothly. You may also need to focus on projects for the home or anything that helps you to create a supportive living space. Venus, your ruling planet, changes signs on September 6, moving into Leo for the rest of the month. You’re reaching out into the world, connecting with friends and community, and building your social network. It’s also a time to think about the future, from the hopes and wishes for the coming personal year, to taking steps to reach towards these future goals. When you look at the big picture of your life, what do you see? How home and family have been a huge focus over the last two years? Think back to the start of 2018. That was when Saturn arrived in Capricorn, the sign that forms the base of your chart, revealing that 2018, 2019, and much of 2020 would be devoted to settling down, putting down roots, building family, and navigating family responsibilities. It hasn’t been easy at times. (Pluto’s been in the mix with Saturn, which meant that you’ve had to deal with deep emotional issues as well.) But you had to learn big lessons in this part of your life and with both Jupiter turning direct in Capricorn on September 12 followed by Saturn on September 29, you may see a personal milestone or two in this part of your life. In short, you’ve had to answer a few simple questions courtesy of Saturn and Co. Where’s home? Who’s your family? Are you ready to settle down? If you’ve struggled to answer these questions, September is your month to do so. Before you can, you may need to release what’s in the way. A new moon on September 17 speaks of letting go, surrender, and working on your spiritual health as much as your physical health, one last push before you begin your new personal year. Then on September 22 the Sun arrives in Libra and it’s your season! Again, more serious questions may be looming as you prepare to celebrate another birthday … where to live … who to spend your life with … family commitments … relationship commitments … building towards the future. And you may be feeling a lot of pressure as you go into October. Want a deeper look at how September will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Letting go, end of a chapter, going within, retreat, rest, reflection, spiritual health, physical health, meditation, checkups, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, work, projects, day-to-day life, rituals, organization, schedule, home, family, roots, foundation, settling down, a move, building a life, tearing apart a life, relationships, other people, partnership, social connection, social interaction, friendships, community, social networks, groups, relationship issues, looking ahead, the future, hopes, dreams, goals.


October 23–November 21

Scorpio Glyph

Scorpio, you’ve been stuck in a tight spot since last month. If you think about it, have you been feeling the pressure? A push for you to get your life in order? Make big decisions? Mars, your ruling planet has been in Aries since the end of June. While normally that’s not big news, the real news is that Mars is spending the second half of 2020 in Aries versus its usual six week visit. This is because Mars turns retrograde on September 9 and it’s doing so not only in your sign of health and wellness, work and projects, but it’s turning retrograde in a square to Saturn. Let’s break this down. Saturn is like the planets of rules and responsibility. It sets order, boundaries, and gives you the push you need to become a better, more mature version of yourself. With Mars in a contentious relationship in the sky with Saturn all month long and into October, too, you’re feeling a lot of pressure to work to create more order and structure in your life. This includes how you treat your body, the foods you eat, and the maintenance needed to create a balanced day-to-day life. Working too hard and stressing out your body? Saturn is saying no. Eating foods or ingesting substances that are negatively impacting your health? Saturn is saying no. Need to create more discipline and practice in your life? Saturn is saying yes. I have a personal theory about Saturn. Just do what the planet wants. It makes life a lot easier. And what does Saturn want? Balance, structure, boundaries, order, and commitment. Because when we don’t do what Saturn wants there are consequences. After all, Scorpio, we live in a world of cause and effect and Saturn teaches us all about cause and effect. Right now, Saturn is in Capricorn, your sign of communication, learning, and travel, but also your sign of choices. So you may be making some big choices this month, especially as you get to the end of September. Not to get ahead of myself. It’s still Virgo Season, which means that it’s your season to focus on friends and community. Maybe you’re reaching out to friends and spending more time with them (even if it’s virtually). You’re also looking ahead after a crazy year. (I don’t even have to convince you how crazy it’s been.) But a full moon on September 2 puts the spotlight on the gifts and talents that make you unique from others. It’s also a time when the focus is on themes around identity, persona, and the self. Venus also changes signs on September 6, helping you to make professional connections over the rest of the month. Then Mars turns retrograde on September 9, which means that you’re shifting gears until November 13, when Mars turns direct. It’s less about moving forward than it is about tracing steps, integrating new patterns, creating different habits, returning to old projects, and learning that you can’t force things. Again, you’re having to get real about something as the retrograde picks up on Saturn’s influence. Jupiter turns direct on September 12, and you may need to change gears or make different decisions on schooling and learning. If you’ve been taking classes or even teaching some yourself, something about this story may change. A new moon on September 17 gives you a sense of renewal and new beginnings in your social circle, something you may need after all the disconnection and social distancing, but you may be navigating something intense and behind the scenes. By September 22 the Sun moves into Libra and you enter the last month of your personal calendar. It’s a time to reflect, go within, integrate all that you’ve learned since 2019, and reconnect with your spirituality. That said, you’re having to find the balance between heaven and earth as you go into the end of the month. Saturn turns direct on September 29, a penultimate checkpoint in a story that began at the start of 2018 around voice, communication, ideas, and information. You have choices to make. Education is a priority. So is expressing your wisdom. But another square of Mars and Saturn on September 20 means that it’s time to take another step up in life. Want a deeper look at how September will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Work, health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, getting sober, getting clean, taking care of the body, healthy initiatives, projects, big decisions, responsibility, feeling the weight of time, turning a corner, rewinding, practice, rituals, overwork, choices, information, ideas, learning, voice, communication, creativity, self expression, persona, identity, the self, romance, friends, community, social network, social connection, social causes, humanity, the collective, looking ahead, goals, ambitions, pulling inward, reflection, spiritual life, spirituality, meditation, dreams, rest.


November 22–December 21

Sagittarius Glyph

It’s been a heck of a year, hasn’t it Sagittarius? If there’s any sign to find the bright spot in all of 2020’s craziness, it’s you. (Or at least find a joke somewhere to tell.) But Jupiter, your ruling planet, has been in super serious Capricorn since last December, and during this time maybe you’ve had a more sobering outlook on things. Capricorn happens to be one of your money signs and, as a result, a lot of your focus this year has been around income and spending, resources and material stability. In fact, if you look back to the start of 2018, money has been a focus for longer. A story emerged then around how you earn a living and the value you place on things as well as yourself. And, in 2018, 2019, and much of this year, you’ve been working on deep lessons to build a stronger relationship with money and your material life. How have you been doing? Have you made any big financial changes in the last two years? Do you know your value? Do you have what you need? September is a check in with this story. In fact, you could think of it as one last checkpoint that you need to cross as both Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn turn direct this month. That said, it’s Virgo Season. As a fellow earth sign with Capricorn, this just adds another emphasis on your worldly life. Virgo Season is the season to focus on your career, goals, aims, and ambitions. If September makes you aware of your material needs, how are you going to direct your professional life to help generate the resources you need? But a full moon on September 2 puts the spotlight on home and family. If you have goals and ambitions, then they need a solid grounding. They need a home base, strong roots, and the support of loved ones. This full moon also may speak to making changes in your living environment, including a move or a decision to relocate. With Jupiter in Capricorn, you may also be making purchases for the home. Then on September 5, Mercury arrives in Libra, your sign of community, friendship, and social networks. As a result, you may be feeling more social than usual, connecting with friends or seeking out new professional relationships and alliances. It’s also about the groups you’re a part of, too. Then Venus arrives in Leo on September 6, which may make you feel the urge to travel or dream of all the places you’d rather be than stuck at home. (Perhaps you’re fantasizing about 2021 travel plans. You can’t keep a Sagittarius grounded for too long.) But one of the main attractions this month is Mars Retrograde on September 9 in Aries, your sign of identity, creativity, and self expression. If you’ve been more creative than usual or even flexing your ego quite a bit, Mars has been making itself known in your life since the end of June. However, Mars Retrograde is a second look at personality and self, asking you to reconsider or at least reexamine how you express who you are. And with Jupiter turning direct on September 12 in Capricorn, some of this reexamination may speak to questioning your self worth or the value of your talents. When Jupiter turns direct, it marks the last leg of its journey through Capricorn before arriving in Aquarius on December 19. If you’ve been feeling like you haven’t been able to move forward since mid May, then things will start to gather steam. On September 17 a Virgo New Moon helps you to turn a new leaf in your professional life, opening up new opportunities and new stories. As a result, you may be making some career moves, such as a job change or a change in direction. Keep in mind that this new moon connects to the December 14, 2020 solar eclipse, so there may be a thread from September that ties in directly with the end of this year. (Worth taking notes to document what’s going on this month.) By September 22, the Sun arrives in Libra, your sign of friends and community, a sign that also helps you to see the big picture and look ahead towards the future. Lastly, you close out the month with Saturn turning direct on September 29 followed by Mars square Saturn on September 30. Time for serious decisions, milestones, and stepping into your authority. Just make sure you absolutely know your worth. Want a deeper look at how September will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Money, income, material needs, spending, how you earn a living, worth, value, resources, material stability, what you own, career, professional life, direction, ambition, goals, responsibilities, job change, recognition, public life, worldly life, inner life, home, family, roots, foundation, emotional needs, emotional support, parents, change in home, move, purchases for the home, friends, community, groups, allies, social network, networking, professional networks, hopes, wishes, society, social causes, the self, identity, persona, self expression, creativity, talents, moving forward, serious decisions.


December 22–January 19

Capricorn Glyph

Seems like all the things are happening this month. One of the marquee events is that Saturn, your ruling planet, turns direct on September 29. It does so in Capricorn. (Hey, that’s your sign!) And if you recall, Saturn’s been in Capricorn since the start of 2018. What this has meant is that you’ve been in time of new beginnings, but these new beginnings have not been easy at times. In fact, the past couple of years may have been quite hard, even for a resilient, hard working Capricorn such as yourself. The climb forward in life got steep. Events required more commitment and authority. It’s as if the bar got set much higher. So here’s the thing. When Saturn turns direct later this month, in a way it’s a final checkpoint in a process that’s been unfolding since 2018. (You could argue that it’s been unfolding since 2008, but that’s a longer story.) And it commences the last stretch that Saturn will take in Capricorn before leaving on December 17, not to return again for another three decades. (Hurrah!) But Capricorn being Capricorn and Saturn being Saturn, this month may require one last push of endurance, one last commitment towards this new life and new you that’s been forming and breaking down and reforming. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. After all, it’s Virgo Season, the sign that helps you to look out into the world, to roam, to travel, and explore. Mind you, there’s not a lot of travel happening these days, but if you’re feeling the call of far flung locations, you’ll know why. It’s also a season to focus on education, especially higher education, or get a clearer idea of what you believe in. A full moon on September 2, however, asks you to get a new perspective. It’s possible that you don’t have all the information or perhaps you’ve been stuck thinking that things can only happen one way when in fact there are other approaches. Seeing how the full moon is in Pisces, that information may come in the form of a gut feeling or a strong sense of intuition. There may even be a need to make a choice, one that takes you in a new direction. Then on September 5 Mercury arrives in your career sign for a brief visit. Things may get a bit busy into the middle of the month. Another planet changes signs on September 6 with Venus arriving in Leo. Romance may get intense, passionate, obsessive, or deeply psychological. The other marquee event this month is Mars Retrograde in Aries on September 9. (Yes, a lot of planets are changing direction or sign this month, which means that the story is changing.) Mars Retrograde is a big deal because it means that you need to take a second look at how you get your emotional needs met. If you think back, Mars has been in Aries since the end of June. Emotions may have been strong over the past few months. Deep issues around family, safety, and stability may have come up as well. Mars also likes to make things happen, so you may have even made big changes in your home environment. But the retrograde is a need to walk back, retrace your steps, and resolve the unresolved, even if it’s something from the past like a sore spot that never quite healed. Keep this in mind if you’re feeling more emotional or temperamental than usual. Your home environment may be in a state of flux for the next two months. Mars doesn’t turn direct until November 13. That said, on September 12, Jupiter turns direct in Capricorn, another marker that you’re in a new chapter in your life. And even though you probably can’t physically travel this month, Jupiter’s direct turn may mean that the travel is metaphoric with September feeling like you’re setting sail on a new adventure, although one that feels serious and unknown. A Virgo New Moon on September 17, again, speaks to education and travel throughout the next four weeks. Or a need to stand up for your convictions or what you believe in. By September 22 the Sun arrives in Libra and you step into a season that’s devoted not just to relationships and connection, but career, responsibility, and ambition as well. (Capricorn always does well when it’s working and partnering with others.) Lastly, as previously mentioned, Saturn turns direct in Capricorn on September 29 followed by a sharp square to Mars on September 30 followed by an Aries Full Moon on October 1. You’re in a new time in your life, but it may mean confronting the past as well as all the emotions you’ve been holding onto. It’s the only way you’ll be able to move forward. Want a deeper look at how September will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Faith, truth, meaning, wisdom, knowledge, worldview, convictions, education, higher education, travel, exploration, search, quest, ideas, information, new perspective, intuition, classes, learning, communication, voice, opinions, the self, new beginnings, new chapter, major milestones, commitments, authority, the past, inner life, emotional needs, emotional stability, foundation, home, family, memories, parents, living situation, changes in the home, powerful emotions, something unhealed, career, ambitions, public life, worldly life, profession, status, responsibilities.


January 20–February 18

Aquarius Glyph

Let’s look back on a larger story that you’ve been working your way through over the last two years. I know we’ve been talking about this in previous horoscopes, but September is a major checkpoint for you, the month that Saturn, your ruling planet, turns direct in Capricorn. This marks the last time Saturn will turn direct in Capricorn for another nearly thirty years. (Yes, thirty years.) It’s important to remember that having Saturn as your ruling planet means that you live life at a different pace than most people. Saturn is a slow moving planet, taking 30 years to complete one journey through all twelve signs of the zodiac. That’s not to say that your life moves more slowly, but it occupies distinct chapters that last nearly three years, the amount of time Saturn spends in each sign. So, think back to the start of 2018. Were there any noticeable shifts then? A new story that came in while another concluded? For you, Aquarius, that was when Saturn entered your last sign, which is as if to say you reached the end of a long journey that, over the last two years, you’ve had to let go of the past, shed old spiritual baggage, answer deep existential questions, and make peace with Source/God/Creator. This part of your astrology chart is the most mysterious, mystical, and removed from the world. So, as Saturn turns direct this month, you may have some questions to answer … What’s your spiritual life like? Stronger or more defined than it was in 2018? What have you let go of? What do you still need to let go of? What I’ve been telling my Aquarius and Aquarius rising clients is that you need to be very discerning about what you’re still holding onto because, once Saturn arrives in Aquarius on December 17, it’s with you for the long haul. Something to contemplate. That said, it’s Virgo Season and, speaking of contemplation, the Sun is in a part of your chart that connects you to the deepest parts of your psyche. It’s health and healing, a la Virgo Season, but emotional and psychological healing. It’s also a season that speaks to finance and other monetary concerns. A full moon on September 2 puts the spotlight on income and resources. Time to make a decision about your material life, which may be sparking questions of whether you’re safe or have what you need in order to feel rooted and grounded. You may also be questioning the value and worth of something or if something is aligned with your spiritual values. But it’s on September 9 that Mars turns retrograde in Aries, which is one of the headlining events for this month. For you, Aries is your sign of communication and learning, ideas and information. Have you had a lot to say over the past few months? After all, Mars has been in Aries since the end of June and won’t leave until January 2021. Perhaps the ideas have been pouring out of you. Maybe you’ve been feeling more impatient or brusque in your speech. When Mars turns retrograde, it commences a two month period of reviewing how you communicate and listen. Maybe there needs to be a change? Education matters may also be at the forefront, with a sense that things are not exactly resolved until November. Mars is also your career planet, so you may be using the coming weeks to reevaluate your direction and make new choices — choices that may have a sense of lasting permanence. On September 6 Venus arrives in Leo, your relationship sign, which opens a four week period of new connections, new relationships, new romances, and even reconnecting with someone from the past. Jupiter is another planet changing direction this month. It turns direct in Capricorn on September 12, something that may inspire a search for existential answers or a revelation of some sort. Pay attention to your dreams. They may be trying to tell you something. On September 17 a Virgo New Moon gives you a fresh start to recommit to your emotional health. Use the coming lunar month to dig deep into yourself, from your blindspots to any shadow material that’s self sabotaging you. By September 22 the Sun arrives in Libra, your sign of higher education, travel, truth, and meaning. You may be in a philosophical mood in the last week of the month, looking at different perspectives or traditions to help you make sense of things. Normally this would be your time to pack your bags and set off on a journey, but that may be hard to do this year. But it’s Saturn’s direct turn on September 29 that marks the last stretch of a nearly three year story. You may be feeling the heaviness, a sense of time, or a sense that things are about to shift greatly. Again, be discerning about what you want to bring with you as you get closer to December. And with Saturn turning direct in aspect to Mars, you may have some serious decisions to make. Want a deeper look at how September will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Coming to the end of a road, letting go, reflection, retreat, existential questions, searching for meaning, spirituality, spiritual connection, spiritual life, spiritual health, truth, meaning, faith, education, information, ideas, classes, learning, communication, writing, speaking, choices, trips, travel, the deep self, the psyche, deep emotions, emotional health, transformation, rebirth, vulnerability, intimacy, trust, money, finance, assets, what you own, resources, spending, income, wealth, debt, insurance, relationships, romance, other people, social connection, social interaction, partnership.


February 19–March 20

Pisces Glyph

So much to talk about, Pisces. With three planets changing direction this month, including your ruling planet Jupiter, it’s safe to say that the story is changing. But first, a Pisces Full Moon lights up your sign on September 2. You’re in the spotlight and, as a result, all eyes may be on you. There’s a push for you to set off in a new direction, to change course. Seeing how it’s Virgo Season, your season to focus on relationships, some of this change may take place within a partnership, romantic or otherwise. But let’s zoom out a little so you can understand what’s going on. Think back to the end of last year. That’s when Jupiter moved into Capricorn. While this has been a year to build community and friendship, it’s also meant that you’ve had to tangle with some intense planets, namely Pluto and Saturn, also in Capricorn. That has meant that 2020 has likely had a few ups and downs, at times feeling intense pressure to transform. You’re not completely done with this phase — that comes in December — but with Jupiter turning direct on September 12, it means that you can start to move forward. Ironically, Mars turns retrograde on September 9. Normally this means that it’s a harder time to move forward, but it means something a little different for you. As a Pisces, you have an immense capacity to let go. After all, Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac. It’s not about everyday life, but spiritual life. Pisces bridges the divide between the end of the zodiac and its beginning. But maybe it’s been a little harder for you to let go and surrender, what with Jupiter being in Capricorn all year long. Some of that has been exacerbated by a tendency to dig your heels into causes and crusades, even if it works against you. So Mars Retrograde is an invitation to let go. You can’t fight or go after things the way you want them to. Instead, they have to happen in their own way. Additionally, Mars Retrograde is about reassessing what you value, from the money you earn and the things that you own to the viewpoints and beliefs that you hold. It’s probably a good idea not to make any big investments over the next two months while Mars is retrograde. Instead, be more conscientious about what you’re spending your money on or taking a second look at what you need to feel safe and secure. You may be feeling intense emotions, too, as Mercury, a main player in your chart, moves into Libra on September 5. For the next three weeks, you’re having to navigate and negotiate themes around vulnerability, trust, power, control, and intimacy. As you can imagine, these are themes that wind their way into relationships and a Virgo New Moon opens up a new lunar month focused on partnership, from compromise and agreements to how to be truly open to another person without sacrificing your needs. But the real news this month is Saturn’s direct turn on September 29. It’s doing so in a part of your chart that’s all about friendship, community, and social connection. Think back to the start of 2018. Who was in your life then? Who were your friends? Your allies? Has anything changed? This has been a time for you to get very clear about who is going to be in your life and who is not going to be in your life. Friendships have to be rock solid, your social network and community strong. If these areas are a little weak, Saturn’s direct turn is a checkpoint. In fact, this is Saturn’s last turn in Capricorn for another thirty years — fun fact! — and it’s rounding out a story where you’ve had to learn major lessons around friendship and connection. Saturn will only be in Capricorn for another three months, so you may feel time ticking, especially with Jupiter still in Capricorn. (Come December, you’re going to be entering a more spiritual phase of life.) And with Saturn turning direct square Mars, you better know your worth. Want a deeper look at how September will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Friendship, community, social circle, social network, systems, community, groups, the future, looking ahead, transformation, hard work, goals, hopes, wishes, value, worth, self worth, money, income, spending, resources, what you won, assets, shared assets, finances, the psyche, intimacy, vulnerability, sexuality, power, control, relationships, partnerships, other people, socializing, compromise, connection, negotiation, spotlight, new direction, new chapter, new initiatives.

Photo by Kristaps Ungurs on Unsplash