The Moon slips into Pisces and brings us closer to tomorrow’s full moon. We’re navigating the divide between heaven and earth, what we can feel concretely and what needs to be sensed or intuited. It’s watery, hazy, spiritual day that invites us to let go.

When we reach the Moon in Pisces, we’ve reached the end of the zodiac. It’s the omega to Aries’s alpha. It’s a space that bridges the divide between the world we can see and touch and the world beyond this world.

Personally I love the interplay between Pisces and Virgo, which is the season that we’re in right now. Virgo keeps us grounded in the practical and the real. It’s sensible. But too much Virgo and we lose the magic of Pisces, its opposite sign. We can’t sense anything beyond our physical boundaries. Too much Pisces and we’re flying and floating away without the tether of Virgo. They both need each other.

Mercury also trines Pluto today, an aspect that’s known for its obsessive investigation, its ability to uncover a mystery or find hidden information. There’s a piercing, x-ray quality to Mercury and Pluto. And it tends to be an aspect that’s very smart, sometimes just knowing things without knowing where it learned it.

If you missed my weekly astrology video update, you can watch the replay here. It’s also available on YouTube, IGTV, and Spotify.

PS — Your September 2020 horoscopes will be live shortly.

Read More:

Video — The Astrology of August 31-September 6, 2020

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