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Photo by Anna Kaminova on Unsplash

Astro Daily: September 19, 2022

The week begins with a Cancer Moon, one that takes us into the last leg of the lunar month. Cancer is Virgo’s 11th sign. Here we put our heart into the service of our community and our connection to the greater whole. We look outward towards the future.

Photo by Lena Mytchyk on Unsplash 

Astro Daily: September 16, 2022

We’re wapping up a week with a push to transform and reform as the Virgo Sun makes a trine to Pluto as we go into the weekend. Pluto helps us see the blindspots, to own what we have disowned, to turn shadows into light.

Photo by Mathias Reding on Unsplash

Astro Daily: September 8, 2022

Mercury turns retrograde tomorrow. Communication, information, and choices will need a second look. Despite its popular reputation, it doesn’t mean our lives have to grind to a halt. Instead we have to first feel instead of analyze, reflect instead of act.

Photo by Ahtziri Lagarde on Unsplash

Astro Daily: September 7, 2022

The Moon’s in Aquarius and we get a push to get things organized, to focus on practical matters, and perfect the systems that our lives run on. Saturn may show us where something is out of order. Continue to make healthy choices that nourish the body.