This is a transcription of the following video for Scorpio March 2021.


October 23–November 21

Scorpio Glyph

Hey, Scorpio, this is your look at the astrology of March 2021. My name is Katie Sweetman and this is Empowering Astrology. So let’s take a look at things. The thing that is the biggest factor in March is that your planet Mars is changing signs. It’s been in Taurus, your relationship sign since January 6th. So since January 6th until March 3rd, this has been a time to focus on other people. And maybe there has been starts of new relationships.

Maybe there’s just been an uptick of connection. But this has been more about the needs of other people versus maybe the needs of yourself.

So with Mars going into Gemini on March 3rd, you sort of step into some familiar territory, so to speak. Now, Scorpio, you are the eighth sign of the Zodiac. Gemini is your eighth sign. Do a little mental gymnastics with me for a moment. So if you count out eight from Scorpio, you get Gemini in sequential order.

So there’s a sort of relationship, this natural relationship between Gemini and Scorpio, even though on paper they seem so different because Gemini is a sign that sort of looks at the surface of things and Scorpio goes into the depths. But Gemini is a reminder for you about life is about duality. This is something, you know, in the deepest core of your being, that there is light and dark, that there is death and life, that there is, you know, night and day.

But there is this natural, inbuilt duality in everything. Now, this is where Scorpio has to really master itself, because in the lowest form of Scorpio, they haven’t really mastered this duality and they go back and forth. So this is why Scorpio can sometimes seem a little bit like a Gemini, sort of go back and forth between these two states with them themselves, the higher version of themselves, the lower version of themselves. So for some of you, this is going to bring up a lot of deep emotions.

So how do you find that inner balance within? How do you do the deep work this month? Are you thinking like, I’m done with the deep work on all Scorpio’s, you chose to be incarnate in Scorpio in this lifetime. So do keep in mind that there was a lunar eclipse back in Gemini on November 30th, and you are already in a larger framework of time that is about doing that deeper work. Gemini is what I like to call your eighth room of your astrology house.

The eighth room is where we have to go and face ourselves. So maybe over the last four months at this point, you’ve had to face yourself or face something or go much deeper within than you normally do Scorpio.

And maybe to that point, because it’s been about relationships since January, maybe it’s brought up a lot of deeper vulnerabilities. Can I trust people? Can I open up? Do remember that you are in a larger umbrella of time where you need to let people in. You need to really reinvent how you connect with people, because Scorpio, you can’t sort of do the Scorpio thing anymore, not with Uranus and Taurus for the next few years. That said, note what sort of powerful emotions are coming up. We already know what’s coming and as Mars gets closer to the degree of the lunar eclipse, this will be around the middle of March. That said, it’s Pisces season and Pisces season for you is a season to focus on creativity, self-expression, identity. Who are you? How do you express who you are? And maybe with everything that’s going on, you’re having to with all the deep inner work, you’re going to have to get granular about what makes you, you.

With the Pisces New Moon on March 13th this is your sort of reset for the month for creative projects, to focus on self-expression, to highlight performance, talents and abilities or really cultivate anything that makes you you, also a time for romance, the kind of fun, children, as much as one can have fun these days. You know, Jupiter, the ruler of the new moon, is over. And what’s called your fourth sign, Aquarius, bottom of your chart. So there is a sense of having to look at family, home, what the duties and obligations we have to family and maybe how to take care of children if that’s something that’s relevant to you, of course. But how do you identify with who you are and how maybe that’s been shaped for better or for worse by family and some of the things that you have to navigate in your home environment, especially growing up as a kid. A couple of days later Mercury will move into Pisces. So you’re kind of getting out of this time where there’s been so much focus on home.

You know, back in February, at one point, we have six planets in Aquarius, one of which is Saturn. And I do remember Scorpio that you’re in a larger period of time where it is about settling down. It is about really kind of really getting back to the foundation of your life. So you’ve sort of been really focused on that area. Maybe you made a big move in February. Maybe you’re thinking about a big move or maybe thinking about down the road. What would that even look like?

So, that said, Mercury is leaving Aquarius. It goes into Pisces. So maybe you get a little more playtime, a little bit more time to travel, explore and to create and to do things like that. But we go into the towards the end of the month and then it’s Aries season.

So the sun moves into Aries on March 20th and Aries for you is a sign of work and projects and taking care of your day to day life, an area that Mars, your planet spends the second half of 2020. So maybe in a way you’re returning to projects that you started back in 2020. Maybe you need to refocus on your physical life, including health and wellness, maybe new initiatives, new actions and how you take care of yourself.

So, this is a time when you are sort of looking at diet, you’re sort of looking at your fitness and nutrition regimen and maybe sort of taking a look at your schedule. And, General, do keep in mind, because Mars, the ruler of Aries, is over in Gemini, too much gymnastics here. You’re having to also take care of your psychological health. So it’s a good time to recommit to taking care of your psychological or your mental health and wellbeing.

Venus will join the sign that moves into Aries on March 21st. And Venus is your relationship sign. Venus is also the planet that talks about letting things go. It’s about kind of the attachments that we hold on to, the addictions that we have, the obsessions. Not that you have any obsession, Scorpio, but as we get into the end of the month, there is a Libra full moon on March 28. Libra represents the last sign of your chart.

The last sign is about endings. The end of a cycle is the end of a journey, something that you Scorpio know all too well. You know, something that you can appreciate that all things at some point have to come to an end. So this full moon is asking you to dig deep. And with all the things that are going on in your eighth room, so to speak, maybe this is the time to really let go of a lot of deeper emotional, spiritual things that you can attach to.

These could be patterns, this could be memories. This could be the past. Anything that actually has a negative impact on how you take care of yourself or how you do day to day living or even your relationship with your body. By the way, your body is the most beautiful thing that you inhabit. So maybe this is a time for you to fully inhabit yourself instead of mostly being up here as opposed to all of here. So if you’re finding that there is a sense of like having to surrender, having to let go this full moon, don’t be surprised, Venus.

Well, the ruler of the full moon is over. And Aries is also conjunct Chiron

Now Chiron is a little bit of an interesting factor in astrology. It’s a pain point. And we all as humans have something that makes us hurt or makes us suffer. Maybe it’s self-worth. Maybe it’s using our voice. Maybe it’s having courage and bravery. So Chiron is in Aries right now, it will be in Aries for the next few years. And so this full moon might ask you to get very brave and courageous about something. Maybe it’s brave and courageous to let something go from the past.

Maybe it’s brave and courageous to heal something. Maybe it’s brave and courageous to take care of yourself in a way that you’ve never taken care of yourself. With Mars and Gemini, this is really asking you to get vulnerable. This is the irony about Scorpio. It’s a sign that’s about vulnerability. But does Scorpio want to be vulnerable? No, only when it’s on their terms, so this full moon, it’s not on your terms, you know, maybe something is really kind of digging and stirring and, you know, Scorpio normally just wants to be in control of how it feels and how and how this situation plays out.

But maybe Scorpio just has to let it go. So that is some food for thought for you Scorpio as we round out March 2021. Again, my name is Katie Sweetman. This is Empowering Astrology.

Follow me online at I’m also on Instagram IGTV @EmpoweringAstro, on Facebook Empowering Astrology, Twitter also as well. Thank you and hope to see you all next month, bye.