This is a transcription of the following video for Libra March 2021.


September 23–October 22

Libra Glyph

Hey, Libra, this is your look at the astrology of March of 2021. My name is Katie Sweetman, I’m Empowering Astrology. So, let’s take a look at things.

So, Libra, as you come into March, we have a few bigger things to keep in mind. So, leaving February, there are a lot of planets in Aquarius at one point. And still these bigger questions remain about who are you? Are you taking yourself or are you taking your talents seriously? So, that said, that might be on your mind as you move deeper into Pisces season. For you Libra, Pisces is the sign about how you take care of your day-to-day life, taking care of your body, taking care of the foods you eat, sometimes with Pisces in this part of your chart, there are some food allergies or food sensitivities.

Neptune has been in your sign of health and wellness since 2011/2012 – that is a whole other topic! That said, this is your time to really take that look at your day-to-day life and take care of you because, you, of course, are really important. As you step into March, Mars is actually changing signs, it is going to get out of Taurus. So, for you, Taurus has been maybe, an uncomfortable look at the deepest parts of yourself.

Mars went into Taurus back on January 6. So, this has been five, six weeks of you having to dig deep within, maybe looking up themes around intimacy, vulnerability, facing yourself, power, control, even money and assets. So, it has been a little bit of an emotionally heavy time for you, Libra.

Mars is going into Gemini on March 3rd – you are now moving into this time where it’s about what do you believe in after everything that you’ve been through, after all the deep soul searching, how has that shaped your faith? How has that shaped your sense of self and your sense of yourself in the world? So, there is this deeper story that is going to emerge as you go further into March, where it’s about convictions. On one hand, maybe Mars is getting its foot in his mouth, so to speak, because this is the part of your chart that talks about opinions. And Mars typically doesn’t have a lot of diplomacy. That’s where you come in Libra.

Libra is more like how do we say the right thing?

How do we do something that’s going to create some balance and make sure everybody is happy?

But when Mars gets into this part of the chart, you typically don’t hold back. So maybe you’re going to be saying things that you don’t normally say because, you know, you’re a Libra! But to keep this in mind, if some of the things you are saying are a bit pointed and especially if they are about a relationship or about a connection that you have, maybe this is about you having some bigger conversations, some bigger philosophical conversations with a partner or a mate.

Normally, in normal times, this would be the part of the chart that talks about foreign travel, long distance journeys. I realize we can’t all travel at the moment. So, you might have to be doing that and other ways. Of course, you can travel the world from the comforts of your own home, but this part of the chart does pull you forward into the world. There is a desire to see things. There is a desire to explore.

There’s a desire to educate yourself. And as a result, this might be a time when you are focused or motivated to take action with your education. This does include higher education. This also includes the education that you need in order for your career to go to the next level. We were talking a little bit about health and wellness earlier, especially with Pisces season. Well, as you go into 13 March, there’s going to be a Pisces New Moon.

So, New Moons are like a reset. Even though we’re towards the end of Pisces season, it’s sort of like a later in the game reset. It’s time to refocus on your health, refocus on your wellness. It’s a great time to set new healthy initiatives. Pisces is such a spiritual sign, it is a kind of a funny placement to have in the chart, part of the sky for you. That is so much about real world tangible things.

So, if you’re taking care of yourself, it might be in a very Piscean way.

You need spa time, or you need time at home, maybe you like a quiet environment, maybe you need to relax, maybe you need to create more wellness in your life. Pisces loves to dance, has got very fluid movements. It loves to swim. So maybe these are things in some way that are threading their way into your health initiatives later this month. The ruler of this New Moon is Jupiter, and it is over in Aquarius.

So, as I was saying at the beginning of our time together in February, there was a lot going on in Aquarius. And that part of your chart does talk about self. How are you expressing who you are? Are you taking yourself seriously?

And if you do have these talents that really need to be expressed, how do you take action? How do you move forward? How do you put your creative vision into reality?

Because there is an emphasis on craft. There is an emphasis on the new projects and having to move forward with new projects. As you go into the latter part of this month – I cannot forget that Mercury does join Pisces. It moves into Pisces on March 15th.

So, Mercury might kind of give you more action and movement in order to make things happen. You might find that the second half of this month is a bit busier. Mercury is to spend so much time in Aquarius. It was retrograde in February, but it’s time for you to actually start doing things, as opposed to maybe feeling that some areas of your life are a little bit on hold.

Speaking of new beginnings, the Sun goes into Aries on March 20th.

So Aries is your relationship sign. It forms a cross on your chart, these four directions, these Cardinal angles. So, it’s a new season for you. It’s a time of new beginnings, new partnerships, new relationships, or even a renewed focus on your relationships.

So, this is a bigger time for you with Mars over in Gemini, as I was saying at the beginning of our time together. You and a partner or a person that is in your life, they don’t have to be romantic — you have to make sure you are on the same page. Do you believe in the same thing? Do you see eye to eye?

Do you share the same philosophy or is there a little bit more of an ideological debate? I mean, certainly we all are a little split at the moment about what we believe in. So maybe you’re going to have to do your Libra diplomacy to make sure you can find the middle point that’s going to be helpful for everybody.

Oh, I will also add that Venus, your planet, gets out of Pisces and it goes into Aries on March 21st. And with your planet in Aries for the rest of the month going into April, it’s about other people maybe not necessarily about you. On one end, you are more motivated to reach out to relationship, to start partnership, to engage in relationship and to be around other people. It’s a little bit more of a social time for you, but one where you’re having to maybe cater more to other people’s needs than necessarily catering to your own needs.

But at the end of this month, we have a Libra Full Moon. On March 28, the Libra Full Moon puts you in the spotlight. So, there is something that you are getting attention for or the spotlight is giving you the initiative and the motivation to take action with something. Again, Venus the ruler of this New Moon over in Aries. There’s this back-and-forth dynamic that’s happening at the end of this month, which is about you but other people. So maybe you’re having to do, like I said, like, how do you negotiate, how do you compromise? What’s going to be the solution that is suitable for everybody? And maybe like you and somebody else aren’t quite seeing eye to eye on something. So, it might be a little tense at some point or maybe somebody is coming into your life.

Maybe it’s a new relationship? Certainly, this time of year is the time that naturally talks about relationship for you and other people. Venus will be conjunct Chiron at the time of the Full Moon. Chiron is a pain point. Chiron is in Aries right now. It’s been in this area since 2018/2019. For you, you are having to do a lot of (this is for a much broader period of time) deep work on relationships right now, really undoing a lot of old stuff around how you interact and connect with other people.

Chiron and I think with Venus conjunct Chiron in Aries at this Full Moon, there’s something that requires bravery and courage from you. But maybe in order to take that step up and to be brave, it’s hitting a nerve. So, you might find that there’s some really deep and powerful emotions that are coming up at the end of this month with that Full Moon and maybe even emotions and feelings that you don’t even know where they’re coming from. It’s because Chiron talks about that stuff that’s a little bit behind the scenes.

It’s like, ‘Oh yeah, that… that again’, we all have that pain point. It could be a self-worth. It could be our ability to connect to somebody else. It could be having our voice heard. So, this Full Moon is really touching on a deeper pain point that’s been with you, to some degree, at least for the past couple of years, but might thread its way back to something greater. So, pay attention to the deeper story that’s coming up as you get to the end of March, Libra.

So, thank you so much for watching, Libra. You can, of course, follow me online at My name is Katie Sweetman, I’m on Facebook, I’m on Twitter, I’m on Instagram TV and IGTV. I hope to see you all next month. Take care.