This is a transcription of the following video for Virgo March 2021.


August 23–September 22

Virgo Glyph

Hey, Virgo, this is your look at the astrology of March 2021, my name is Katie Sweetman and I’m with Empowering Astrology. So, let’s take a look at it. So, this month, you’re coming off of a lot of planets that have been hanging out in Aquarius. Now, Aquarius — I mention this, to create some continuity — Aquarius is your sign of health and wellness, taking care of your body, making changes to how you eat or how you organize your day.

It’s important to know that you’re in a bigger period of time when it is about sort of the minutia of your physical life. You know, how do you get everything organized and on track and on schedule. So, there’s still a little bit of that remaining as you step into March, because Mercury, your planet, is still an Aquarius. It did this retrograde during February.

So, even though Mercury came out of retrograde on February 20th, you’re sort of retracing your steps for the first two weeks of March.

So, on one hand, you’ve got — you’re sort of wrapping up some old story. You are sort of taking a second look at your physical life, how you take care of your body, the foods you eat, the things that you do, the work that and the obligations and duties that you have. Nevertheless

it’s Pisces season for most of March. So, the Sun has moved into Pisces and moved in the Pisces at the end of February. But for you, Virgo, Pisces is your relationship sign. So, this is your time in your Zodiac calendar to focus on other people. How do you not just take care of yourself? Because, you know, Mercury is in your sign of health and wellness right now. But how do you sort of be of service to other people?

And that’s — to be fair — that’s what you do best, Virgo. We just got to make sure everything is balanced, that you’re not over serving, you’re not over giving to other people. So, this month, you know, it’s a major focus on your relationships, your partnerships. How do you interact and socialize with other people? You know, that said, Mars moves into Gemini on March 3rd. And for you, Gemini is the top of your chart. It’s about career.

It’s about the the role that you play in the world, the title after your name, your ambitions, the direction that you take your life in. Now, let’s not forget that we were having eclipses in this part of your chart back on November 30th. So when Mars gets into this part of the chart, it sort of activates this eclipse story. So you may see changes in your professional life. Even — maybe you’ve already seen changes in your professional life since the end of last year.

Maybe the eclipses happened and, like, nothing happened. And then, here we are, you know, couple of months later. Mars is an activator. Mars makes things happen. Maybe you realized back at the end of the year that you do want to make a change in your professional life. You do want to get a new position or a new job or take things in a new direction. So Mars is the power and the motivation to do so.

So, with Mars at the top of your chart all month going into April, you know, maybe this is the boost that you need in order to put a lot of focus and attention on your professional life.

Now, if you’re thinking, well, I don’t have work or, you know, maybe for various reasons you can’t work, this Mars puts action in a slightly different perspective. Now, if you aren’t working but need work, Mars is really going to motivate you — really motivate you to be aggressive. Mars is like the hunter of the zodiac. So you got out, like, and get things. If you have different circumstances, then Mars is really going to put some power and motivation about the the responsibilities and the duties that you have to take care of in your life.

This part of the chart is about your responsibilities on a higher level as opposed to sort of the day to day minutia that you have to take care of. So, this might be a big month because Mars is kind of not just hitting on these eclipse degrees, but it’s kind of making something called these cardinal signs in your charts, so it’s a new season for you, Virgo.

On March 13th we have a Pisces new moon — new moons, new beginnings, new chapters. So, this new moon is about relationships, all types of relationships, not just romantic relationships, but with Jupiter, the ruler of the new moon over in Aquarius.

There’s that sign. How do you create more balance and equity in your relationships? Is there a dynamic where you’re doing all the work and somebody else isn’t? And or you need somebody to take care of you, or there’s something that, you know, sort of this power dynamic or this balance in relationships is unfolding? You know, I sort of tell people like, you can be of service to people, but you can’t be a servant to people. So kind of keep that in mind that’s relevant to you.

And maybe to some degree, it’s like maybe the highest act of love and compassion that one can show for somebody is truly being of selfless service to somebody else who doesn’t have to be, of course, in a negative light. I think that Pisces is a very big hearted, compassionate sign. It wants to it wants to help people. It wants to be altruistic. So, maybe, Virgo, this is your shot to sort of be altruistic.

I do make this point because there is a lot of Neptune involved with this new moon and Venus is going to be conjunct Neptune. When Neptune is involved, it’s a very spiritual influence. Now, on the highest level, Neptune can mean that somebody comes into our life or there’s a situation where we have to be selfless. We have to show a lot of love and compassion. There is an almost fantasy-like veneer over something. You know, maybe it does feel like, you know, the movies or somebody is kind of sweeping in and rescuing you.

But Neptune can also mean that there is a veneer. Just as I was saying; it’s not truth. It’s something that we want to see. Sort of the rose colored glasses versus what is reality. I think Jupiter in Aquarius especially, it’s sort of close to Saturn and sort of not close to Saturn and Aquarius. Maybe this new moon is sort of cutting through some illusions, some, you know, maybe asking you to sort of take off your rose colored glasses with people and see things for real.

It doesn’t mean you can’t be compassionate. But again, like don’t sacrifice yourself. Don’t let it be a negative sacrifice. Of course, Mercury, your planet, finally gets out of Aquarius on March 15th. It joins Pisces.

So, you’re entering a period that takes you into the beginning of April where it’s more about other people than about you. If you are looking for a relationship at this time, maybe this new moon is one of your natural periods for somebody to come in. Maybe to an earlier point, you have to just make sure that you’re not sort of getting caught up with the fantasy or the romance, getting swept off your feet and kind of saying, okay, what’s real, what’s not real?

The other thing that’s happening this month is that, well, Sun goes into Aries on March 20th.

It leaves Pisces just right after the Pisces New Moon a few days and then it goes into Aries.

Now, Aries marks the start of the astrological year. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. And, so, it’s a time of new beginnings, fresh starts, kind of green shoots. Astrology is very northern hemisphere biased. So it’s the start of spring here. But I know for our friends down in Australia, New Zealand and even South Africa, this is the start of autumn for you. Aries is what’s called your 8th sign.

Now, the 8th sign is the sign where you have to go and face yourself. It’s a deeply psychological sign. It’s a sign that talks about vulnerability, power, control, the shadow.

It’s — you’re like, this sounds terrible, but I say this as a Scorpio.

So, there’s a part of your chart and everybody’s chart. It’s called the 8th sign. The 8th room as I like to call it. We have to go through it. It is the necessary step in our growth and our evolution. So every time something goes into areas, whether it’s the Sun in Aries or Venus in Aries, Venus will go into Aries on March 21st. It is our time to go into our — the deepest parts of ourselves. It is time to face our fears.

It is time to get uncomfortable. And that’s Aries Season for you. And there’s a time of new beginnings kind of wrapped up in this. And maybe you’re looking at some of these deeper power dynamics. This part of your astrology also does talk about money, finance assets, the resources you have with a partner, even debts and taxes. So, of course, coming up on tax season. So maybe you’re kind of focusing on your finances and what have you as we are speaking of money, as we get to the end of the month,

March 28th, there’s going to be a full moon and Libra. So, for you, Virgo, Libra is your 2nd sign. Second sign talks about money, talks about income, how you earn a living, the things, the money, the stuff, the food, the resources that you need in order to feel safe and secure in this world. So how do you start to create material stability in your life? Full moon sort of demand attention.

They sort of are these points where we, you know, see things in full light. We have to take action. We have to make the decision. So, maybe you’re having to make a decision about your wallet or make a decision about how you earn a living or even make a decision about value and self-worth, the value of your time, your money, the value of you currency. So with Venus, the ruler of this full moon, over in the 8th Room, it’s in Aries,

you’re going to maybe feel a lot of deep emotions around safety, trust, stability. Do I have enough? Am I, you know, can I take care of myself? Can I take care of my family? Maybe you’re having to face your fears around scarcity, money. Venus will be conjunct Chiron. So this is going to touch on a deeper pain point. Chiron does represent a pain point in the sky. And there’s something about as you go into April, you have to get really brave and courageous about something.

And maybe it means facing the darkest parts of yourself. Maybe it means just sort of getting past your own internal internal bleeding, so to speak, so that you can step into some sort of new chapter. But do keep this in mind as you wrap up. Probably it’s going to be a big month with all these sort of things going back and forth for you, especially because it’s picking up on eclipse energy. We will have eclipses the next couple of months.

So, the new moon that’s on the 13th of March kind of presages these eclipses that we’re going into in May and June. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. That’s that is your astrology for March of 2021. Thank you for watching, Virgo. My name is Katie Sweetman. You can follow me on I’m on Instagram, IGTV @empoweringastro. I’m on Facebook: Empowering Astrology. Twitter. So hope to see you all next month.

Until then, take care.