It’s clear that we’re not living in ordinary times.

It’s been clear for a while. But each month takes us further and further into a process that feels vast and unknown and further into the unfamiliar.

The beauty of astrology is that it gives us sign posts and clues for us to understand what time we’re in. And while the horoscopes below speak to life on a sun sign level, the heart of each horoscope that I’ve written since 2015 is to help us understand ourselves within the bigger picture.

This is not, as I sometimes refer to it amongst friends, “when am I going to find a boyfriend?” astrology. It’s astrology that’s about healing and transformation and answering the call of navigating these increasingly complicated, uncertain, interconnected, and miraculous times.

Perhaps I don’t need to say this. This ethos has been clearly at the core of what I’ve been doing since the beginning. But at the heart of this eclipse season, which begins this month with a Sagittarius Full Moon on June 5, is a need for us to define what we believe in, to search our conscience, to get in touch with our convictions. Jupiter, the ruler of this eclipse, makes the second of its three conjunctions to Pluto in Capricorn this month, on June 30. The process may be messy, but it will be transformative, alchemical.

Everything has to change. The astrology has been saying this for years. (I called 2020’s astrology and the Saturn-Pluto conjunction the Wrecking Ball.) How will you answer this call to transform yourself? What sign posts can we look for during this time?

Gemini Season, with its love of ideas and information, its need to gather and explore, is about choice. It’s the sign of duality … the twins. It’s a left or a right. An up or a down. But with both Venus and Mercury retrograde at times this month, we have to go back and look at things as well as reexamine and reevaluate.

Something that I’ve been doing during quarantine, which has been essentially twelve weeks in semi-solitude, is going deep into myself. Knowing that everything has to change, how do I change myself to meet these times? What walls and barriers need to come down? What new choices do I have to make?

There’s a strong Neptune current to the astrology this month, which means that we have to do a lot of soul searching. Yes, Neptune helps to connect us to spirituality, but it also can reveal an ocean of emotion, whether our own or at the level of the collective. Neptune can also bring soul level healing. Keep that in mind as Mars and Neptune join on June 13 and when Neptune stations retrograde on June 23.

Further, Neptune plays a strong roll in the astrology of the June 5 lunar eclipse as well the solar eclipse on June 21. May we find healing and compassion during these times, forgiveness and recognition.

Yes, it’s eclipse season, the time every six months when the Great Stage of life readies for the next act. For many of us, especially the Sagittarians, Geminis, Cancers, and Capricorns, the story turns in a new direction. Whereas it’s about ending a story for Cancer and Capricorn, for Sagittarius and Gemini it’s the beginning of something, an eclipse story that will unfold into December 2021.

If the eclipses are one of the sign markers we can look towards for clues about where the journey is going, it’s also worth noting that Saturn wraps up its preview of Aquarius this month, a preview that began on March 21 when Saturn changed signs. It’s also worth a review of what Saturn in Aquarius means for you and what new themes emerged in the last couple of months because you will return to them in December 2020. (Read Saturn in Aquarius: Sign by Sign.)

Lastly, Mars moves from Pisces to Aries on June 27, which is important to note because Mars will spend six months in Aries as opposed to its usual six weeks. Whatever has been stalled may rocket forward as we go into July. Mars in Aries is like stepping on the gas. It can also be impatient or argumentative. But it can also be courageous and brave. More on this in my July horoscopes.

I’m a part of Braiding the Spiral, a virtual eclipse circle co-facilitated by myself and astrologers Christina Caudill and Virginia Rosenberg. Registration is only open for a few more days, until June 5. It will be an intimate experience of 90-minute teachings, each Sunday from June 7 until July 12, to guide you through this vortex of change. Hope to see you there. Details and registration here.

Read for your Sun and rising sign. If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, dates listed below may be for the day ahead according to your time zone.

DATES TO NOTE: 6/2 Venus square Mars; 6/3 Sun conjunct Venus; 6/5 Full Moon 15 Sagittarius (lunar eclipse), Mercury sextile Uranus, Mercury square Chiron; 6/6 Sun square Mars; 6/11 Sun square Neptune, Venus sextile Chiron; 6/13 Mars conjunct Neptune; 6/18 Mercury Retrograde 14 Cancer; 6/20 Sun in Cancer, Mars sextile Jupiter; 6/21 New Moon 0 Cancer (solar eclipse); 6/23 Neptune Retrograde 20 Pisces; 6/25 Venus Direct 5 Gemini; 6/26 Mars square Nodes; 6/27 Mars in Aries, Mars sextile Saturn; 6/30 Jupiter conjunct Pluto, Mercury sextile Uranus, Sun conjunct Mercury, Sun square Chiron.


March 21–April 19

Aries Glyph

We’ve got a lot to unpack, Aries. First, let’s put June in context to a larger story that’s been unfolding the past few years. As you step into this month, you’re stepping into eclipse season, a season that will open up a new story while wrapping up one that began in July 2018. Think back to that time. What’s changed? If the astrology is any indication, you’ve likely made a major move in the past two years, put down roots, welcomed in new family members, prioritized family, or uncomfortably dredged up the past. Part of this time was for you to figure out where home was, even if it was right where you were already planted. The other part of this time was for you to get very clear about your emotional needs. Any of this sound familiar? There’s a solar eclipse on June 21 at the very bottom of your chart, where the roots and foundation of your life reside. So, home and moves, emotional needs and family are once again in the spotlight. Your life, as a result, may be preparing for another shift. That said, it’s Gemini Season, and it’s the time in your zodiac calendar for you to explore and travel, learn and take in new ideas. You may be feeling restless and curious. And if you’ve been spending the better part of the past few months tucked away from the world, it’s going to be hard to keep staying indoors. (Explore safely!) But Mars, your ruling planet, is still pulling you behind the scenes. You don’t quite have all the energy you’d like. Things may be moving a little more slowly, too. Keep in mind that Mars in Pisces is a reminder that there are certain times of the year when you need to rest and recharge. So, if you’re feeling tired, take a nap. Or, use this time to meditate and cultivate your spiritual life. Shed things from the past. Here’s the thing. Use this time to rest while you can because once Mars arrives in Aries on June 27, you’re going to feel like someone lit a fire in you. Mars will be in Aries for an unusually long six months, which is to say that you’re going to have a lot of energy and motivation in the second half of 2020 … and also some impatience and possible temper tantrums. Not to get ahead of myself, one of the marquee events this month is a lunar eclipse on June 5. It’s the first in a series that will play out until December 2021, one that touches on themes of faith and meaning, education and travel. Do you know what you believe in? Do you need to reexamine old beliefs or ways of seeing the world? Do you need to focus on your education or go back to school? One of 2020 themes for you is about getting new perspectives and making sure you’re not stuck in a blindspot with your thinking. The other is figuring out more concretely your professional life. Don’t forget, Saturn will return to your career sign, Capricorn, on July 1. You’re going to be spending the second half of the year getting your life in order, stepping into new responsibilities, and finally answer a simple question that you’ve been working to answer since the start of 2018 — what do you want to be when you grow up? Just make sure your home life is sorted out. It’s the foundation that everything rests upon, even your professional and worldly ambitions. Want a deeper look at how June will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Rest, recuperation, recharge, reflection, looking within for answers, spirituality, spiritual health, inner work, retreat, meditation, shedding the past, letting go, communication, information, ideas, learning, classes, conversations, speaking, writing, choices, movement, travel, trips, the neighborhood, home, family, living situation, family members, parents, a move, faith, truth, meaning, beliefs, quest, philosophy, religion, right and wrong, integrity, convictions, worldview, journeys, long distance travel, law, legal matters, new beginnings, new vitality, moving forward.


April 20–May 20

Taurus Glyph

There’s a lot of moving parts this month, the least of which is Venus, your ruling planet, coming to the end of its retrograde on June 25. Every eighteen months, you get a chance to rewind and reflect during Venus Retrograde. This one has highlighted some deeper questions around value and worth, specifically the things that you put stock into to even how you earn a living. As an earth sign, value and worth, money and resource are so interwoven into who you are. Is it possible that the pandemic is making you rethink things? Pandemic or not, Venus Retrograde is putting a simple question to you. Is this all worth it? Maybe you’re thinking about making a change in how you earn a living. Maybe you’re spending money on things that really matter. Maybe you’re seeing the value of yourself as well as your work in a different light. A full moon lunar eclipse on June 5 puts the spotlight on finance, assets, and resources; you have a major decision to make about your financial life. If not money, then this lunar eclipse also highlights emotional themes, such as facing your fears, getting vulnerable, and putting an uncomfortable light onto the deepest parts of yourself. Something needs to shift, Taurus. Then again, you already know that. Your life is in the midst of a total reinvention and has been since March 2019, the month that the planet Uranus arrived in Taurus for a seven year stay. Reinvention is the product of looking deep within and facing the parts of yourself that have stood in the way of you being the best you or living your best life. It’s also facing limiting and old beliefs in order to dismantle them. Keep this in mind in case you feel emotions, feelings, or even memories coming up in the first days of June. Mercury also turns retrograde on June 18 and this one in particular may cause some miscommunication and crossed signals, so double check everything. Reexamine your choices, too. (FYI, Mercury will be retrograde until July 12.) Then on June 20 the Sun arrives in Cancer, kicking off a new season, one devoted to family and connection and the softer side of life. But the next day, on June 21, we have a solar eclipse on the solstice, a super charged moment in our zodiac calendar. It’s a time of powerful new beginnings, ones that speak to making sure we’re opening our hearts and getting our needs met. For you, Taurus, this brings to a close a story that began in July 2018, one that highlights learning, classes, and education as well as voice and communication. When you look back over the last two years, do you see a larger thread around making your education a priority or speaking up more or starting new writing projects and initiatives? Even though solar eclipses are about new beginnings, you may see June as a coda in a longer chapter. And since this part of your chart that the solar eclipse is falling in speaks to choices, June as well as July may bring powerful decisions that could set you on a new course. No pressure, right? Venus finally turns direct on June 25, so you can finally feel like you’re moving forward instead of having to retrace your steps. Lastly, and importantly, Mars arrives in Aries on June 27. This is a big deal because Mars will spend an uncharacteristic six months in Aries versus its usual six weeks. Mars means action. And it will spend all this time in your sign of spirituality and soul searching. You’re going to be doing a lot of inner work in the second half of 2020. It’s a retreat inward; it’s a need for meaning. If COVID has shaken your faith or made you rethink your life, you may need to get in touch with your intuition so you can feel out what is your path and your purpose in life. It also may mean in the second half of 2020 you’re a bit lower on energy as you rest and reflect. Again, take action towards finding more spiritual meaning in your life. That is, after all, what Mars is trying to get you to do for the rest of the year. Want a deeper look at how June will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Reinvention, new beginnings, reflection, reevaluation, value, worth, money, income, resource, ownership, material needs, material life, spending, how you earn a living, finance, debt, wealth, assets, taxes, facing fears, trust, security, insecurity, vulnerability, the psyche, the deep self, deep emotions, transformation, old beliefs, breaking down old beliefs, searching for answers, meaning, faith, truth, inner work, inner answers, spirituality, retreat, reflection, voice, communication, speaking, writing, learning, classes, education, travel, choices.


May 21–June 20

Gemini Glyph

Happy birthday, Gemini. Bit of an interesting time to be celebrating. You’re a sign that wants to roam, travel, and explore. You just may still have to be doing that virtually for the time being. With Mercury, your ruling planet, in Cancer until August, this is a birthday that tugs on nostalgic and cravings of comfort and home. It’s about gathering the things that make you feel safe or cared for. It’s the emotional calm that comes with surrounding yourself with what’s familiar or something from the past. That said, you may be actively reaching for solid ground as you step into eclipse season. If you’ve been paying attention then you may know that the lunar eclipse on June 5 marks the first in a series that will play out between Sagittarius and Gemini (that’s you!) until December 2021. This eclipse in particular puts the spotlight on relationship and how you connect, socialize, and partner with other people. Over the coming weeks and months, new people will come into your life. If you are single, you may get into a new serious relationship. If you are in an existing partnership, you may see major milestones within the relationship or have to make the relationship more of a priority than usual. Or, if the relationship is not working, you may have to make a major decision about the future of the connection. Eclipses correspond with capital L Life, the sort of experiences that stand out when you look back. They’re a fated meeting or conversation. They’re the choices that send us off in a new direction. You, Gemini, are at a crossroads. You may be reevaluating your life as a result. Then there’s Mars high up in your career sign this month. As you celebrate your season, you’re getting a push from the astrology to put some effort and motivation towards your professional life. Go after your ambitions this month, but also remember that your career sign is Pisces, a sign that needs to not only do what it loves, but feel like it’s giving back to the world. Does your current career or ambitions line up with that astrological mandate? Mars’s conjunction to Neptune on June 13 followed by Neptune Retrograde on June 23 is a reminder to answer the higher callings in your life. One June 18 Mercury, your ruling planet, turns retrograde, which is a friendly reminder that June and July is more about pulling back and reflecting instead of pushing forward. Mercury Retrograde, which happens every few months, is a natural time for you to integrate everything that’s been going on in your life and get a new perspective. On June 20 the Sun arrives in Cancer and kicks off a season that puts your awareness on the role of money and resources in your life and pushes you to prioritize your material needs. But it also comes with a solar eclipse on June 21, one that brings to a close a story that’s been unfolding since July 2018. Maybe you’ve seen changes in how you earn a living or how you value money and resources. But, at the core of this eclipse series, has been a need to create a more stable material life. How are you seeing this story resolve? Lastly, as much as Mercury Retrograde is a time to slow down and review, Mars’s arrival in Aries on June 27 is like stepping on the gas. In fact, Mars will be in Aries for an unusually long six months (compared to six weeks) and this means that friends, community, and social connection are going to be hot topics for you going into the second half of the year. Want a deeper look at how June will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: New beginnings, moving forward, money, income, stability, security, material needs, how you earn a living, resource, spending, value, worth, self worth, what you own, rewind, reflect, reevaluation, relationships, other people, partnership, socializing, connection, compromise, negotiation, the needs of others, career, professional life, ambitions, responsibilities, worldly life, public life, intimacy, vulnerability, deep emotions, the deep self, trust.


June 21–July 22

Cancer Glyph

It’s likely been a bit of a year, Cancer. And as you come to the last few weeks of your personal year, you may be in a reflective mood. What worked? What didn’t? With the eclipses bouncing back and forth between Cancer and Capricorn since July 2018, it’s worth really reflecting on the life you’ve lived and the choices you’ve made since then because when we arrive at the Cancer Solar Eclipse on June 21, the final in this series since 2018, it’s about wrapping up a two year story as much as it is about starting something new. (If you were born on June 21 plus or minus a few days, you have a powerful new year ahead of you.) But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Gemini Season is a time for you to pull inward, retreat, and let go of the past. It’s also a time for you to focus on your spiritual health. But a full moon lunar eclipse on June 5 puts the spotlight on your physical health. This is the first eclipse in a series of eclipses that will take you all the way to December 2021. If you’ve been neglecting the needs of your body, how will you endeavor to make healthy resolutions? Are there old patterns and addictions that have been getting in the way of optimal health? This even includes looking at the people in your life how they may be affecting the choices you make in your daily life. Then again, maybe this part of your life simply needs a tune-up or a refresh, instead using this new chapter to get organized, prioritizing work, projects, and helping others. Still, don’t forget that the other side of this new time in your life is spiritual exploration and Gemini Season is a reminder to cultivate that part of your life. Then, as previously mentioned, your season begins on June 20 with a bang, starting a new personal year with a solar eclipse on June 21. Again, it’s both the close of a chapter and the beginning of something at the same time, a time of renewal and redirection. Further, Mars arrives in Aries, your career sign, on June 27. This area of your life is going to heat up the whole second half of 2020. You’re going to be pushing forward into the world, working hard to get ahead, seeing new career initiatives and opportunities, or having to tend to your reputation and public standing. If you’re looking for work, Mars in Aries is an ally as well as a motivator to get out there and make something happen. And Mars won’t leave Aries until January 6, 2021. Lastly, as you go into July, you prepare for a third and final eclipse in the series, one that will put the spotlight on relationships. While that eclipse won’t arrive until July 5, don’t be surprised if a relationship story is beginning to come to a close, resolution, or milestone in June. Want a deeper look at how June will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: New beginnings, renewal, moving forward, behind the scenes, letting go, reflection, shedding the past, searching within for answers, retreat, spirituality, spiritual health, spiritual exploration, dreams, illusions, addictions, getting clean, attachments, physical health, diet, fitness, nutrition, work, projects, organization, ritual, daily life, service, helping others, relationships, other people, partnerships, career, ambitions, professional life, worldly life, responsibilities, direction.


July 23–August 22

Leo Glyph

Think back to 2015–2017, Leo. You may be wondering why I’m taking you back in time. But I think it’s important to link June’s astrology to something that was going on a few years ago. From 2015-2017, Saturn was in Sagittarius and during that time you had to step into yourself and take your talents seriously. For a Leo, the sign so naturally associated with talent, creativity, and self expression, this should have been easy. But maybe you had to work really hard to really define who you were and what set you apart from others. So, here we are, June 2020, and a lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on June 5 echoes back to these recent lessons. Lunar eclipses force an issue or demand that we take action and this eclipse is a call to express who you are. (It may also speak to children, pregnancy, and the birth of a child if that’s relevant to you.) Perhaps whatever you were seriously working on then is ready to come out or be revealed into the world. Or, perhaps you have to take a look how negative habits have an impact on how you express the real you. Creativity, identity, and self expression is going to see a lot of emphasis over the next year and a half. The other area also seeing that emphasis is friends and community. June is Gemini Season, the time in your personal calendar when you explore, write, learn, and communicate. But it’s also time to explore friendship and social connection. In a way June plants the seeds for events that will unfold into 2021. Maybe you’re feeling a pull to expand your social circle or reconnect with friends. Maybe you’re joining a group or getting involved in different communities. Maybe you’re feeling motivated by world events to get involved in social causes. Gemini Season also points to Mercury’s time in Cancer, so make sure your friends and social circle are spiritually aligned. Another area seeing action this month is your emotional health and well being. With Mars in Pisces for most of June, you’re going deep into yourself, pulling back the layers of time and memory to get to the heart of anything unresolved. Mars’s alignment with Neptune on June 13 may bring deep healing from the past. Speaking of the past, the Sun moves into Cancer on June 20, a sign steeped in nostalgia and feeling. Cancer marks the final month in your personal calendar before you celebrate another birthday and your own season. You’ve had to do a lot of release work in the past couple of years as the eclipses went back and forth between Cancer and Capricorn, your signs of spiritual and physical health. The solar eclipse on June 21 is, in a way, a culmination as well as a new beginning. What more do you need to release? Your ego? Your attachments? Since July 2018 these Cancer eclipses have been pushing you to find spiritual connection and spirituality. After all that inner work and exploration, what is your truth? As you wrap up the month, Mars moves into Aries on June 27, a sign that it will spend an unusually long six months in. In Aries, Mars is all talk. It has opinions and is eager to share. On one hand, the second half of the year is a time for you to share your wisdom, knowledge, and your philosophy. You’re driven by mission. You may also need to focus on your education or go deeper into questions of truth and meaning. But Mars in Aries may highlight a less than diplomatic side of yourself, one that is quick to dispense with a viewpoint or a judgement. Just be mindful of the crusades you’re getting involved in. Instead, make sure you’re getting new perspectives and new visions of the world. Want a deeper look at how June will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Friends, community, social circle, social network, organizations, groups, social causes, humanity, collective, the future, looking ahead, hopes, dreams, wishes, creativity, talent, self expression, persona, identity, children, pregnancy, the deep self, deep emotions, the psyche, facing fears, deep healing, transformation, letting go of the past, forgiveness, emotional health, rebirth, vulnerability, intimacy, sexuality, letting go, shedding the past, searching for answers within, retreat, reflection, spirituality, spiritual health, releasing the ego, releasing attachments, faith, truth, meaning, beliefs, philosophy, religion, education, foreign travel, long distance journeys.


August 23–September 22

Virgo Glyph

Can you feel it? The wheel of life starting to turn and preparing you for a new chapter? With the arrival of the lunar eclipse on June 5, the first in a trio of eclipses that takes you into July, the spotlight is on home, family, and roots. The June 5 lunar eclipse is also the first in a series of eclipses that will span between Sagittarius and Gemini. While Sagittarius forms the base of your chart, speaking to themes around foundation and support, Gemini is the top. Stepping into June, the Gemini Sun is in the highest reaches of your chart. It’s a time to focus on career, your professional ambitions, and the responsibilities you carry in the world. Career and direction are going to be a bigger focus into next year and June speaks to the start of a story that will unfold into the end of 2021. If you are looking for work, how will you use this season to pivot in a new direction? If you need to step into a greater role or realize your ambitions, use June to push yourself harder and to do any necessary professional networking. But, as I mentioned previously, the eclipse on June 5 turns your focus towards the very foundation of your life. As a result, you may be thinking about a move, making changes in the home, or even bringing in new family members. This eclipse is also a reminder that in order for you to achieve your goals in the world, you have to have a strong base. And if there is anything from the past that is unresolved that is getting in the way, this eclipse as well as the subsequent ones later this year will bring it to the surface to be healed. Further, in order to have a strong base, you need to make sure your emotional needs are getting met and that you feel safe and secure and nurtured. If that’s been hard to come by or recent events have thrown a new light on these things, how will you take steps to get what you need or create the home that you need? I say this because lunar eclipses can create a sense of urgency. Then there’s Mercury. Your ruling planet, as of May 28, is in Cancer and will spend the next couple of months there. This extended visit means that you’re going to be feeling more sensitive than usual into early August. You’re thinking of world events and things unfolding in your community. You’re feeling a deeper sense of empathy. You want to get involved with groups or organizations. Mercury turns retrograde on June 18, which means that you’re entering a familiar period of time, until July 12, where you’ll need to pull back, reflect, and integrate life’s experiences instead of push forward into new territory. Let’s also not forget that Mars is still in Pisces, your relationship sign, for most of June. Perhaps your experiences with a partner or just how you socialize in general during this time is more pointed. Maybe you’ve needed to take action with an existing issue between you and another person. Mars isn’t the most diplomatic of influences. It heats things up. It forces something to the forefront. But it also leads and inspires and maybe you’re more motivated than usual to connect and interact. That said, relationships may need a lot of patience and tolerance right now. Keep this in mind when Mars meets up with Neptune on June 13. Then on June 20, the Sun arrives in Cancer, kicking off a season that’s about family and connection as well as friends and community. A powerful solar eclipse on June 21 opens up a major new beginning in this part of your life. Then again, this eclipse is the last in a series that began July 2018, so there’s the sense of something beginning as something is ending. Time to bring in new friends, new social connections, and new community, but also let go of any social connections that are not working. By the end of the month, on June 27, Mars enters Aries. This is important to note for two reasons. One, it will spend six months in Aries versus the usual six weeks. Two, that part of your chart will see a lot of action and emphasis until January 2021. For you, Aries is about the deepest parts of yourself. It’s your psyche and emotional health. It’s facing your fears and doing the necessary transformation work. It’s also intimacy and vulnerability as well as finance and money. The idea is that by the start of next year, you are powerfully transformed So, Virgo, start making a list of the things you want to change and deal with because you’re going to have a potent window of time to create emotional and spiritual alchemy. Want a deeper look at how June will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Friends, community, social network, social circle, social causes, humanity, society, politics, collective, future, looking ahead, big picture, systems, networking, career, responsibilities, professional life, worldly life, reputation, status, achievement, direction, home, family, living situation, foundation, roots, the past, emotional needs, emotional security, emotional stability, the psyche, emotional health, the deep self, facing fear, vulnerability, intimacy, transformation, power, sexuality, money, finance, assets, debt, taxes, wealth, relationships, other people, socializing, needs of others, partnership.


September 23–October 22

Libra Glyph

Bit of an interesting time to say the least, Libra. This season, Gemini Season, is normally the time in your personal calendar to see the world, to seek out truth and meaning, to focus on what you believe. It’s also time to take classes and educate yourself. But with so much going on, you may be trying to make sense of everything. Venus, your ruling planet, has been in Gemini since April 3 and you’ve been in an extended period of time of self examination and reevaluation of how you see the world. As you step into this month, this search for meaning becomes more urgent under the lunar eclipse on June 5. The lunar eclipse also speaks to needing to make an important decision, but not quite having all the answers or having to look past any projects or personal illusions. In addition, the lunar eclipse speaks to having to take care of your body and the day-to-day minutiae of your daily life in a new way. (You may be feeling extra sensitive, too, so take care to nurture and care for yourself during these times.) Venus is still retrograde this month; life continues to rewind as the world twists and turns around. As it does so, it takes you back to events and decisions from around April 10 — something to pay attention to. But the marquee event for you this month is the solar eclipse on June 21 in your career sign of Cancer. It caps off a period in your life that began in July 2018, one where you may have seen career changes, new jobs, new titles, and new professional directions. June brings this story to a close with a powerful finish. Perhaps you’ve been working hard to achieve something and here you are. Perhaps the job changes set in motion two years ago have finally taken root. There’s also a sense of needing to leave something behind, too. Further, although these events take place in July, you’re on the cusp of a third eclipse in Capricorn at the very bottom of your chart, which means that you may be seeing changes in your home environment, from a move to responsibilities with family to even welcoming in new family members. And you could be seeing this happen even in June. However, it’s July, when Saturn returns to Capricorn, that you need to spend the rest of the year working to put down roots, build up your home, and define what and where home is. Lastly, on June 27, Mars arrives in Aries where it will be for six months versus its usual six weeks. Relationships are going to be a big area of focus in the second half of this year. If you’re already in a relationship, it’s all about your partner. If you’re not in a relationship, you feel more motivated than usual to make connection. New people may be coming in. You may also feel like you have to go out of your way to accommodate other people. In short, June is not a quiet month. You’re at a crossroads, Libra. One story ends and another begins. Want a deeper look at how June will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Beliefs, faith, truth, meaning, search, quest, philosophy, reevaluating perspective, the world, world view, travel, exploration, information, ideas, learning, classes, education, communication, voice, choices, home, family, living situation, a move, change in the home, change in family, emotional needs, health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, taking care of the body, daily life, rituals, relationships, other people, partnership, connection.


October 23–November 21

Scorpio Glyph

Every year, when the Sun moves through Gemini, you may feel a familiar Scorpionic feel. After all, Gemini is your 8th Sign, the place on your zodiac wheel when you descend and ascend through the deepest parts of yourself. As a result, you may be feeling more sensitive than usual and even more intuitive or psychic. In short, Scorpio, it’s a season to dig into your vulnerabilities, your secrets, and any buried shame or trauma. With Mars, your ruling planet in Pisces, look at how the most hidden parts of yourself can have a negative or limiting effect on how you express who you are. When Mars meets up with Neptune on June 13, you have a powerful opportunity to heal, forgive, and let go, an opportunity that only comes around once every eighteen months or so. Since it’s eclipse season, a time when everything is heightened and charged and the opportunity for alchemy and transformation greater, use this time to powerfully move forward by letting go of the confines of the past. With Venus, your relationship planet, retrograde this month, some of this healing may have to do with love, romance, and how you have connected to others in the past. Old lovers may resurface in order to help you let something go. Or, you may need to look at how you need to open up to others more. (Scorpio, that guard and self protection you have runs pretty strong.) But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. It’s eclipse season, and the lunar eclipse on June 5 puts the spotlight on money, resources, and value. You may have a decision to make about how you earn a living or need to make a change in how you value things. It’s also an eclipse to examine your choices around what you spend your money on, if relevant. The eclipse speaks to deeper themes around judgement, faith, and belief. How can a shift in what you believe have a titanic impact on your relationship with value, stability, and worth? The solar eclipse on June 21 follows the solstice, giving you a powerful kick off to a new season, one that focuses on faith and meaning as well as education and travel. While travel is a bit complicated at the moment, look back at how travel and exploration has been a part of your life since July 2018. Have you had to focus on your education in the past couple of years? Have you searched for deeper meaning and wisdom during this time? June marks a beginning as well as an end. Then again, Scorpio, you know all about life’s many cycles of ending and beginning. You’re also in the mix for these eclipses. Lastly, Mars moves into Aries on June 27, a sign that it will spend the next six months in. As your ruling planet, this means that the second half of the year is going to be very busy for you, one focused on projects and work — perhaps too much work. (Scorpio, you have a tendency to be a workaholic.) It’s also a time when health and wellness will be a main focus. And if you’ve been cooped up at home for the past few months, you’re going to have a lot of energy to burn. Make sure you’re making exercise a top priority in the second half of 2020. Want a deeper look at how June will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Creativity, self expression, identity, pesona, the self, healing, transformation, the deep self, inner work, emotional health, the psyche, facing fears, looking inward, vulnerability, intimacy, sexuality, the past, roots, foundation, money, finances, assets, debt, wealth, taxes, material needs, material stability, value, worth, choices around value, income, spending, relationships, working on relationships, old relationship themes, work, projects, health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition.


November 22–December 21

Sagittarius Glyph

Here we go, Sag. The great wheel of fate turns. There are moments in your life that seem to be extraordinary, that mark a new chapter, or send you in a new direction. The June 5 lunar eclipse in Sagittarius is the first in a series of eclipses that will take you into December 2021 and, as a result, you may feel like you’re on the edge of something big. The next eighteen months will coincide with important life events. That is, after all, what eclipses do. They push the narrative forward, they lead us further on our soul’s journey. For context, think back to 2011–2013 or to 2001–2003. These years the last time the eclipses were in Sagittarius and it’s opposing sign of Gemini, which so happens to be your relationship sign. And it’s possible that these years corresponded with relationship milestones. But they also may have marked turning points in the course of your life. (No pressure, right?) This first eclipse speaks deeply to Sagittarius’s desire for meaning, its search for faith, as well as for its need to be right. Is it possible that you’re not right? That, after all your accumulation of knowledge and ideas, wisdom and information, that you need to get a new perspective? It’s a provocative question. Then again, I may be wrong. Jupiter, your ruling planet, has been in a powerhouse of a conjunction with Pluto since April. This means that there’s something about you and something about your life that’s completely transforming right now. Pluto is the alchemy needed for transformation. But it’s also the mirror that you need to uncomfortably look into to see who you really are so that change can happen. Keep in mind that a lot of this work has been taking place around money and value. Ever since Jupiter entered Capricorn on December 2, 2019, you’ve been in a year long chapter of focusing on getting your material life and material needs situated. But it’s also been a time for you to focus on your own worth. That said, this month, in addition to the twists and turns of life, Mars is working its way through the bottom of your chart. You’re motivated to focus on your home, your roots, your foundation. As much as you need to create material stability right now, you also need to create stability in the home. Mars isn’t exactly a quiet influence and you may find that your home is noisy or that you’re commencing home improvement projects, renovations, or even packing up for a move. There’s a restlessness in the home, which may make it hard for you to stay in one place, especially with any remaining quarantines happening. Let’s not forget that it’s Gemini Season and it’s the season to focus on the many relationships of your life. In particular, it’s time to meet new people, make new connections, and socialize. The caveat, however, is that Venus is retrograde right now, so don’t be surprised if an old ex resurfaces or someone from your past pops back into your life so that you can tie up loose ends. And with Mercury, your relationship planet, in Cancer until August, a lot of what you’re experiencing in relationships has to do with intimacy and vulnerability, trust and deeper connection. Speaking of Cancer, a solar eclipse on June 21, just after the solstice, both opens and closes a chapter around intimacy, vulnerability, and transformation that has been unfolding since July 2018. It also speaks to money and finance, so that may also be a focus as you step into next month. Finally, when Mars arrives in Aries on June 27, it kicks off six months where it will be heating up your sign of creativity, identity, and romance. It’s a place in your chart that wants to have fun and express itself. So, as you go into the second half of July, make sure you’re making time for what fuels your passion and gives you joy. Want a deeper look at how June will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Relationships, other people, partnership, social connect, negotiation, old relationships, old relationship patterns, intimacy, vulnerability, letting people in, trust, the deep self, deep healing, the psyche, transformation, value, worth, self, worth, self destruction, rebirth, money, income, spending, material needs, resources, stability, security, home, family, living situation, home projects, home improvement, nesting, self expression, identity, creativity, passion, romance.


December 22–January 19

Capricorn Glyph

Hey Cap, let’s put some things into context so we can understand how June 2020 is part of a larger narrative and intersects with different moments in time. First, think back to 2015-2017. These were the years that Saturn, your ruling planet, traveled the sign of Sagittarius, a time when you had to do a lot of soul searching, reflection, and retreat within. It was meant to be a spiritual time as you wrapped up one long chapter of your life and prepared to start a new one at the beginning of 2018. With the June 5 lunar eclipse falling in Sagittarius, the first in a series that will play out over the next year, you’re looping back to some of those thoughts and bits of inner wisdom you cultivated a few years back. At the heart of this Sagittarius eclipse is for you to make meaning and sense of not just the world, but what it all means on a deeper level. You’re stepping into a more philosophical, spiritual, and perhaps even mystical time as you dig into truths that can only be found in the silence. Let’s not forget that Jupiter and Pluto are still doing their dance in Capricorn, so you may be bulldozing old beliefs in order to make way for something new. As much as you’re focusing on your spiritual life this month, you’re also focusing on your physical life. After all, Gemini is your sign of health and wellness and Gemini Season is a time for you to focus on the foods you eat, the work you have to do, the schedule and rhythm needed to keep your life flowing. With Mercury in Cancer, you may need some help from a partner or connection to stay focused and organized. Let’s not forget Mars. It’s in Pisces for most of this month and, as a result, you may have a lot to say. You may also be on the go, juggling many things to do, or taking classes and workshops. It’s a Mars that wants to not only keep its mind sharp but open its intuition as well. Then on June 21 a powerful solar eclipse marks both a beginning and ending in your relationship sign of Cancer. Think back to 2018. That was the year that the eclipses started to line up not only with Capricorn, but with Cancer, too. Maybe a new relationship came in, maybe one ended. But this eclipse is a coda to this time, one that was designed to get you to open up to others and make connection. It’s worth reflecting on this two year period of time. And if there are any loose ends between you and another person, the eclipse brings it to a close. Finally, on June 27, Mars arrives in Aries where it will stay for six months. You may be moving in the second half of 2020 or people may be moving in or out. It will be time to make home a priority as well as to put down roots. Make sure you’re putting down roots in soil that will help you thrive. Want a deeper look at how June will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Faith, truth, wisdom, meaning, inner truth, retreat, reflection, existential questions, breaking down ego, breaking down spiritual blocks, letting go, surrender, transformation, rebirth, value, worth, information, ideas, communication, learning, writing, speaking, education, movement, travel, messages, health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, projects, taking care of the body, relationships, other people, partnerships, money, income, material stability.


January 20–February 18

Aquarius Glyph

We certainly live in interesting times, don’t we Aquarius? Then again, maybe you’re feeling the weight of this era and the responsibilities that it entails. With Saturn in Aquarius only until July1, before retrograding back into Capricorn, you may feel like you have one foot in one life and one foot in another. The lunar eclipse on June 5 puts the spotlight on these bigger themes in life — networks and systems, equity and fairness. It also puts the spotlight on community and, as a result, you may have to take action within your community or rally behind a cause or look at how your actions may or may not be unconsciously impacting others. A friend may also need or even demand your attention. At the heart of this eclipse and the duality between Gemini Season and the issues that eclipse sparks is a need to reexamine who you are and how you express yourself. Perhaps there have been times where you’ve felt disconnected from community and friendship or longing to find your place in the world. With the North Node of the Moon in Gemini until next year, you’re opening up to new ways of expressing yourself, reevaluating your talents, and even tending to deeper themes around self worth and belonging. Mars is also in Pisces, so much of June’s astrology touches on value — your own value as well as the value of what you own and what you spend your money one. It’s also a time to gather resources and stocking up, but if you are, take a moment to examine your instincts. Are they motivated by something from the past or something that’s unconscious such as a fear or unprocessed trauma? An alignment between Mars and Neptune on June 13 gives you an opportunity to heal and forgive. Then on June 20 the Sun moves into Cancer, your sign of health and wellness, and quickly followed by a solar eclipse on June 21. Let’s put some things into context. The past couple of years, while possibly heavy at times, has given you a chance to let go of some very old baggage. It’s been about spiritual work and healing as much as it has been about physical healing. The solar eclipse is a reminder as well as a coda of all the work you’ve been doing to be more grounded in your body, make positive changes in your diet and fitness, and create more ritual in your life. There’s also a theme this month around voice and being heard. And while the June 21 solar eclipse may touch on old scar tissue around speaking up, communicating, or even listening, Mars’s arrival in Aries on June 27 lights a proverbial fire in this part of your life. You will certainly have lots to say as you go into July. Want a deeper look at how June will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Accountability, authority, community, social circle, social networks, social causes, society, humanity, collective, big picture, the future, looking ahead, the unconscious, blind spots, breaking down old beliefs, the self, self expression, talents, creativity, children, value, worth, self worth, money, income, spending, resources, material needs, what you own, work, projects, health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, taking care of the body, voice, communication, ideas, information, hearing, listening.


February 19–March 20

Pisces Glyph

Pisces, you’re at a crossroads this month. With the eclipses moving into Sagittarius and Gemini starting this month, you’re entering an eighteen month period where the spotlight is on career as well as home and family. First things first. It’s Gemini Season, which means this is the time in your personal calendar to pull away from the world and focus on roots and foundation. It’s a time when you may be moving or making changes in the home or living situation. If you think about it, home or the concept of home is really important because it provides the base for which everything rests upon. If home is not stable or you don’t have a place to put down roots, it’s hard to support other things in your life. Keep that in mind in case you’re working through deeper themes around home and putting down roots. You may even be thinking of nesting or spending time with children, if that’s something that’s relevant. One of the marquee events of the astrology this month is a lunar eclipse in Sagittarius, your career sign, on June 5. That’s not to say that this eclipse is solely about career, but it does speak to your place in the world, the ambitions you may (or may not) be tending to. You may have a decision to make about your direction in life. You may see a career change. Or, you’re having to stand up for your convictions. How can your direction in life help society and humanity and help align with the bigger picture? With Mars in Pisces for the rest of the month, it’s possible that you have a lot to say. You’re impassioned, sharing your faith as well as what you believe in. But you may be feeling restless, agitated, or even argumentative, too. That said, perhaps Mars is giving you the courage and fortitude to go off in a new direction or even be a leader during these times. Never short on empathy and compassion, Mars’s alignment with Neptune on June 13 gives you a moment to connect with the bigger picture, to feel, and to forgive and let go. The Sun’s arrival in Cancer on June 20, quickly followed by a solar eclipse on June 21, puts an emphasis on identity and self. You’ve been doing a lot of work the past couple of years to come into yourself, to express who you are, and open up your talents. The solar eclipse is both a new beginning and the ending, bringing to a close an eclipse story that began in July 2018. You have a generous heart, Pisces, and perhaps you’re finding yourself giving a lot as you go into July, although you may be wondering if others are valuing what you’re doing as much as you’d like them to. Do keep in mind that Mars moves into Aries on June 27, a sign that it will spend six months in. (Usually it’s six weeks!) Aries is your sign of money and this means that, over the second half of 2020, you’re more focused than usual on your material life as well as your material needs. It’s all about creating financial stability and security in your life. You may also be spending more money or working harder to gather the resources you need to feel more rooted and grounded. Want a deeper look at how June will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Career, direction, responsibility, professional life, worldly life, reputation, status, ambitions, job change, convictions, faith, truth, meaning, social network, social circle, community, friends, systems, networks, looking ahead, the future, big picture, hopes, dreams, the unconscious, transformation, alchemy, home, family, living situation, foundation, roots, emotional needs, the self, identity, self expression, persona, talents, creativity, children, value, worth, money, income, spending, material needs, resources, what you own, purchases.

Photo by Elle Hughes on Unsplash