Here we are, another eclipse season and a reminder that every six months the wheel of life turns. Doors close and open. People come into and out of our lives. As the foundation of our life shakes, July is a reminder to find closeness and tenderness.

After all, July is Cancer Season, a time in the zodiac calendar when we turn our attention to home, family, and emotional connection. Ruled by the Moon, Cancer teaches us the importance of heart, that our lives need substance. We may find that July is pulling on our heart strings, forcing us to feel the uncomfortable divide between what we’re supposed to do versus what we really want to do.

The July 2 solar eclipse in Cancer opens a powerful new chapter along these very lines. Over the coming days, weeks, and months, we may be moving, we may be focused more on the home, we may be tending to our roots, we may be welcoming in new family members, we may be realigning our lives so that it has more substance or more of the things we love.

Counter to this eclipse is the Capricorn Full Moon lunar eclipse on July 16. It’s powerful activations of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn may feel like a wrecking ball. Something has to give, old structures need to come down, especially the ones built on fear and separation. (You can learn more about these eclipses in my Eclipses of July 2019 webinar, which is still relevant and can still help you to get a handle on what’s unfolding this month as well as major themes that will dominate the next six months. Click here to learn more.)

Bookending the lunar eclipse are a series of tense aspects that may mean that the middle of July is a bit intense. Between the Sun opposite Saturn on July 9, Mars square Uranus on July 11, Sun opposite Pluto on July 16, Venus opposite Saturn on July 17, and Venus opposite Pluto on July 21, a lot is moving and going on both physically, emotionally, and psychically. We have commitments to make, shadows to face, decisions to make, and new directions to kick off in. Plus, Mercury is retrograde from July 7 to July 31, so it may be August until we have clarity

Mars also changes signs this month, arriving in Leo on July 1. Even as the world turns and our lives are a bit uncertain, we can call upon Mars in Leo’s confidence, swagger, and bravado while we tango with some possible major life changes.

Read for your Sun and rising sign.

DATES TO NOTE: 7/1 Mars in Leo, 7:19 pm; 7/2 New Moon 10 Cancer; 7/3 Venus in Cancer; 7/7 Mercury Retrograde 4 Leo; 7/8 Mercury conjunct Mars, Venus sextile Uranus, Venus square Chiron; 7/9 Sun conjunct North Node, Sun opposite Saturn; 7/11 Mars square Uranus, Mars trine Chiron, Sun trine Neptune; 7/14 Sun opposite Pluto; 7/16 Full Moon 24 Capricorn; 7/17 Venus conjunct North Node, Venus opposite Saturn; 7/19 Mercury in Cancer; 7/21 Sun conjunct Mercury, Venus opposite Pluto; 7/22 Sun in Leo; 7/24 Mercury conjunct Venus; 7/25 Mars trine Chiron; 7/27 Venus in Leo; 7/28 Sun trine Chiron; 7/29 Sun square Uranus; 7/31 New Moon 8 Leo. Mercury Direct 23 Cancer.


March 21–April 19

Aries Glyph

Was June a bit emo? Did you spend a lot of time focused on home and family as well as sorting through your feelings? Thankfully some of the emotional funk will start to lift as Mars, your ruling planet, arrives in upbeat Leo on July 1, a sign that gives your Mars personality, creativity, and passion. That said, July is pulling you in a lot of different directions. On one hand, it’s a welcomed respite to get a boost of Leo self confidence. On the other, there’s still a lot of serious things to navigate this month, namely two eclipses on July 2 and July 16. Let’s start with the first. A solar eclipse in Cancer on July 2 marks a new time in your sign of home, family, and roots. In fact, as you read this, you may be gearing up for a major change in your living situation since eclipses can usher in big events. Over the next six months — if not sooner — you may be moving, buying a new home, or welcoming in new family members. But changes in the home may also mean that you’re navigating deeper themes, too — roots, the past, your emotional needs. It’s a big time for you, Aries. The axis of your life is shifting as evidenced by a Capricorn lunar eclipse on July 16. This one puts your career as well as your ambitions and responsibilities in the spotlight. Do keep in mind that you’re about halfway through a three year chapter where career is a driving factor in your life. It’s as if to say, what do you want to be when you grow up? Doesn’t matter if you’re 25 or 65. There are points in life, as revealed by astrology, when different areas are a major focus. Right now you’re under a lot of pressure from Saturn to figure your life out and figure what — or even who — you want to be when you grow up. This is not the time to cut corners or drop the ball on your responsibilities. The Capricorn lunar eclipse on July 16, with its heavy duty aspects Saturn and Pluto, is really holding you to this. It may mean that in order to step into the role that you want to play in the world, you have to tear down something from the past. It could be an old idea of career or an idea of what you want to be. It may be old responsibilities that you’re attached to that have been weighing you down like a ton of bricks. So use this eclipse to be proactive. Take a sledgehammer to old structures, old roles, old responsibilities … or the eclipse may do it for you. That’s really the gist of this month. Everything else seems trivial. Yes, Mercury is retrograde starting July 7, which means that you need to take a second look at who you are and how you’re communicating your emotional needs. Pay attention to relationships, too, as Venus tangles with Saturn and Pluto in the middle of July. But the real focus is your inner world as well as your outer world. And it may mean putting roots down in very different soil. Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Home, family, living situation, move, new family members, the past, memories, roots, ancestry, parents, foundation, emotional needs, emotional core, inner world, career, outer world, professional life, public life, status, reputation, ambitions, responsibilities, tearing down structures, tearing down walls, the self, self expression, identity, persona, creativity, relationships, other people, socialization, emotional connection.


April 20–May 20

Taurus Glyph

Although you’re not feeling eclipse season like the other signs, it’s still a prominent month as Mars kicks off July by moving into your sign of home and family. This means that for the rest of July and into August you may be making a lot of changes in your living environment. It’s natural that Mars may be motivating you to move or switch up something in the home. And since it’s Mars we’re talking about, a planet that has a tendency to provoke, you may be dealing with a few family issues as well. But, as you know, the real news this month is a solar eclipse on July 2 and a lunar eclipse on July 16, which put education and travel and even themes like philosophy and belief in the spotlight. Starting with the new moon solar eclipse, you begin the month in a powerful new time, one that is meant to open you up to new ideas, new choices, and new ways of thinking. Communication is also a focus and you may find that you have something important to say this month and into the next six months. You may also have a decision to make not only about classes and learning but what direction you’re taking. Then a full moon lights up your travel and education sign of Capricorn on July 16. Similar to some of the themes around the solar eclipse, the lunar eclipse may have you packing for a big trip or contemplating going back to school. The lunar eclipse, with its strong connections to the energies of Saturn and Pluto, is also acting like a wrecking ball to old beliefs, old faiths, and any sort of way of seeing the world that’s holding you back. You may have a crisis of faith around the time of the lunar eclipse. Or you may find that the energies are helping you break through any limiting or negative thinking. You may even be thinking of making changes in your professional life that may require you to take classes and focus on your education. Another thing to keep in mind is that Venus, your ruling planet, moves into Cancer on July 3, a sign that likes to relax and stretch out in after the business of Venus in Gemini. You may still be busy this month, but it will be at a slower pace. Note that Venus meets up with Saturn and Pluto from July 17-21. Don’t be surprised if this is a rough few days as Saturn and Pluto aren’t easy energies. And since Venus is facing off with Saturn on July 17, just make sure you’re making the best choices and holding yourself to the highest standard. Saturn is watching. Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Communication, ideas, information, writing, speaking, listening, classes, learning, movement, travel, foreign travel, journeys, beliefs, faith, worldview, choices, right and wrong, wisdom, knowledge, philosophy, law, legal matters, religion, emotions, emotional core, home, family, living situation, inner circle, inner life, emotional connection.


May 21–June 20

Gemini Glyph

It’s eclipse time, Gemini. While you’re not feeling it like the other signs, it is opening you up a powerful new chapter with money and financial stability, one that will unfold throughout the coming year. Then again, money and financial stability have likely been a big theme for you since last year, which is when Saturn and previous eclipses began to push you to think differently about what you own, what you need, and how you earn a living. It hasn’t been easy having both Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, your sign of finance and debt, knocking down psychic walls and digging into some of your deepest fears around money … but also fears around intimacy, vulnerability, and even sexuality. That said, the Cancer New Moon solar eclipse on July 2 is opening a new chapter for you around money and property. Over the next six months, you may be making money in a new way or making changes in how you make a living. With strong energies from Saturn and Pluto, this is also a month where you need to face something and make necessary changes. In short, if you haven’t been doing the best that you can to handle your finances, how can you step up? In the midst of eclipse season, Mercury, your ruler, turns retrograde on July 7 in the sign of Leo. Yep, you know the drill, Gemini. Of course, this is nothing to worry about. Mercury turns retrograde every three months, giving you a chance to reflect, review, and see things from a different perspective. With Mercury in Leo until July 19, part of this retrograde is about you taking a second look at how you communicate, express yourself, and make choices. Think back to June. Maybe there was something that was going on that needs a second look or another approach? Then on July 16 a full moon lunar eclipse lights up some of your deepest emotions, your deepest fears and anxieties. It’s important to take note that there are times in life when we have to face ourselves or face something that is not easy. This year happens to be one of those times. Don’t shy away from the opportunity because eclipses, as demanding as they are, give us a rare opportunity to make a lasting change, especially with the lunar eclipse activating the energies of Pluto. I would also add that this lunar eclipse is an important time to make sure you have the emotional support you need, especially someone like a therapist or counselor who can lead you through the darker parts of yourself and your psyche … and can help lead you out. Although things will start to lighten up a little as the Sun arrives in Leo on July 22, kicking off a season focused on learning, education, communication, and travel, Mercury’s slow opposition to Pluto the last week of the month, before turning direct on July 31, means that something has to powerfully change. Don’t be afraid to make new choices, even if it means being vulnerable or jumping into the unknown. . Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Money, income, value, worth, spending, resources, what you own, material needs, basics, shelter, finances, debt, wealth, assets, taxes, other people’s money, facing fears, fears of scarcity, the psyche, intimacy, vulnerability, sexuality, secrets, rebirth, transformation, new choices, old choices, review, taking a second look, education, learning, classes, information, news, ideas, the neighborhood, travel, siblings.


June 21–July 22

Cancer Glyph

Happy birthday, Cancer! And what a birthday season it is. It’s quite possible that there’s a lot going on in your world. Does life feel a bit intense right now? Are doors closing and opening? That’s because there’s a powerful solar eclipse happening in Cancer on July 2, ensuring that the next six months are anything but business as usual. In fact, you may be making some major personal changes or feel like you’re on the threshold of a new life, especially if you were born on or close to July 2. (This eclipse is a continuation of a story of personal change that began in July 2018 and continued in January 2019.) I know your world’s a bit upside down, Cancer. I know things are emotionally uncomfortable. I know you’re a sign that generally likes to keep things the same, but here we are. Whatever you can do to embrace this new time will help this psychic and emotional process of transformation. You may be feeling like your heart is on your sleeve once Venus arrives in Cancer on July 3. You may feel things especially bumpy or intense July 17 to July 21 as Venus comes up against Saturn and Pluto Memories or emotions from the past may be coming up. You may have to make a major change in the home. Then on July 16 a full moon lunar eclipse lights up your sign of relationships. This may be a time when you have to make a major decision about a relationship or face how you’ve been doing relationships. You and a partner may be making big changes. If you’re single and wanting more connection, this eclipse season is forcing you to take a serious look at how there may be imbalances in how you interact with people or open up to something you’ve been shut down from. By the end of July the intensity starts to subside. With the Sun and Mars both in Leo, it’s important to also focus on money and spending as well as getting what you need to create a stable material life. Oh, and Mercury is retrograde this month, which is nothing to worry about, but it does mean that you may need to take a second look or amend some of your choices. Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: New beginnings, the self, moving forward, new time, new cycle, relationships, other people, socializing, negotiating, compromise, partnerships, serious decisions, serious choices, other people, money, income, value, spending, what you own, material needs, emotions, facing deep emotions.


July 23–August 22

Leo Glyph

Leo, you’re on fire! With Mars in Leo all month long, it’s a time of fresh starts as well as the motivation and self confidence to move forward. Mars isn’t known for its diplomacy, so careful how you use this energy. It’s great for physical activity, passion, and action, but Mars can ruffle feathers, especially if it means standing up for what you believe in or sharing a few indelicate opinions. That said, the real story this month is what’s happening behind the scenes. For all of Mars in Leo’s bravado, eclipse season tugs on some of your vulnerable parts. Starting with the solar eclipse on July 2, it touches on need for rest and recuperation. As much as you want to rush forward with Mars in Leo, you need to slow down, too. You need to listen in the quiet spaces. Feel your heart, your breath, to remember your dreams, to dig into the hidden parts of yourself. This is also an eclipse that touches on spiritual themes, so make sure you’re tending to your spiritual health this month, whether with a retreat or through meditation. It’s as if people have no idea what’s going on underneath. You may be presenting a brave, self assured face, but deep down inside you don’t know which way is up and you may be searching for deeper meaning in your life. Do keep in mind that the middle of the month makes for bumpy astrology. Between the Mars/Uranus square on July 11 pushing you in new directions and the Sun/Pluto opposition on July 14, the planets are putting pressure on you to change. Maybe you have a vision of who you think you are, but something deep down inside isn’t quite lining up. What do you need to let go of? Maybe you just need to get really organized. The lunar eclipse on July 16 puts the spotlight on getting on top of your daily life, from keeping to a schedule to getting cleaned up and organized. Or maybe you need to throw the schedule away and make something completely new? The eclipse does speak to how elements of your daily life — your work, the things you feel obligated to do — may hold you back, but that you have to have the courage to let it all go. Health is also in the spotlight, so use this eclipse to make positive changes to diet and how you take care of your body. Then on July 22 the Sun moves into Leo, kicking off your season. The year ahead will be a mix of endings and new beginnings as one chapter of life makes way for another. By the end of the month, on July 31, a Leo New Moon gives you a personal new beginning. Time to envision what you want to create in the coming twelve months. Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Motivation, action, driving ahead, moving forward, personality, taking charge, courage, opinions, beliefs, aggressiveness, disagreements, behind the scenes, letting go, endings, searching for meaning, reflection, recuperation, rest, spirituality, meditation, retreat, dreams, the unconscious, spiritual health, physical health, taking care of the body, diet, fitness, nutrition, organization, schedule, work, discipline.


August 23–September 22

Virgo Glyph

Virgo, you’re starting to reach the end of a personal year. As the Sun arcs its way through Cancer, you may be in a reflective mood, one that’s thinking ahead and outlining the goals you want to achieve. Plus, with Mars in Leo all month long, you’re feeling a pull to retreat, reflect, and rest. Here’s a bigger question for you to ponder. How do you want to have an impact in the world? With the July 2 solar eclipse as well as the North Node of the Moon pointing towards Cancer, whatever you do in the world has to fill your heart and soul. Maybe you’re volunteering in your community as a way to give back. Maybe you’re thinking of getting involved politically. Maybe you’re joining a social cause to impact positive change in people’s lives. Regardless, this eclipse season is about how you fit into something larger than yourself. On a more mundane level, it’s an eclipse to spend time with friends, make new friends, or network. But the deeper story this month, one that the July 16 lunar eclipse touches on, is how you express who you are and how you share your talents. Virgo, you have a tendency to put others first. This, as you well know, can lead to imbalances and resentments as people take advantage or don’t value what you’re giving. How do you bring balance? How do you be of service without sacrificing yourself? How do you break through whatever is holding you back from expressing and honoring the real you? With all this Pluto energy wrapped up in the eclipses this month, it’s time to make some real, personal changes that touches on the very core of who you are. Also coinciding with eclipse season is Mercury Retrograde. Yes, your ruling planet turns retrograde on July 7, giving you a chance to go back and revisit ideas, choices, and decisions you made during June. In particular, once Mercury gets back into Cancer, you’ll need to deal with something in your social circle or in your community, making you feel a bit exposed. You may also have to face parts of yourself or choices you’ve previously made. Mercury’s slow opposition to Pluto isn’t the most comfortable, but it does give you an opportunity to deal with something or someone that you may have not wanted to deal with before. With the Sun moving into Leo on July 22 and the Leo New Moon on July 31, it’s time to wrap up your personal year. As you look back on the previous eleven months, what would you change? More importantly, what do you not want to bring with you into the coming year? Use the rest of July to shed the past. Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Rest, recuperation, reflection, searching for meaning, spirituality, retreat, letting go, end of the road, existential questions, community, friendship, social network, social circle, politics, social causes, groups, the future, hopes, wishes, the self, persona, identity, self sabotage, getting in your own way, self expression, transforming the self, creativity, children, retracing steps, the past.


September 23–October 22

Libra Glyph

Get ready for a big month, Libra. In many ways, May and June was getting you ready for July, which is to say that Mars’s time in Cancer, your sign of career and ambition, poked, prodded, and motivated you to start making changes in your professional life. Why? Because the July 2 solar eclipse is falling in your career sign of Cancer, which means that over the coming six months — if not sooner — you may be changing jobs or start doing something that is more in line with what your heart wants to do. When Venus arrives in Cancer on July 3, it will start to pick up on all this eclipse energy. And since Venus is your ruling planet, it’s as if it say that you’re in the spotlight for most of this month. Use this energy to be proactive in your career, to create a new professional identity, or take on a new title or role in the world. You may be feeling the pressure, though, especially as Venus faces off with Saturn on July 17 and Pluto on July 21 — pressure to make serious decisions or deal with themes of power and authority. The lunar eclipse on July 16 puts home and family in the spotlight. It maybe touching on deep emotional themes as well as tender or uncomfortable themes around family or the past. There’s a chance to resolve something, but it may mean cutting ties or ending something. At the core of this lunar eclipse is for you to be aware of the energy of the past, especially family or ancestral energy that’s keeping you from getting what you need. It’s as if you’re a plant and the container you’re in is too small. Don’t be afraid to uproot yourself and plant yourself in something very new. Then on July 22 the Sun reaches Leo followed by Venus in Leo on July 27. The later half of this month is focused on friendships, community, and your social network. Get out there and make connections! Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Career, professional life, status, reputation, responsibilities, title, ambitions, new job, career change, professional new beginnings, home, family, roots, the past, nostalgia, living situation, move, parents, emotional needs, emotional blocks, emotional fears, friendships, social circle, social network, groups, community, bigger picture, the future, social causes.


October 23–November 21

Scorpio Glyph

Scorpio, the last six weeks have been all about theories. You’ve been contemplating things, working your brain, educating yourself, and figuring out what to put your faith in. You’ve been working, but it hasn’t been concrete. As you step into July, the month kicks off with Mars, your ruling planet, arriving in Leo. Time for the theories to be put into action. Time for all these ideas to find their place in the world. Leo is your career sign, too, and be prepared to put the next six weeks into action. You only get this chance once every two years. So, put yourself out there. Demand that the world notice you. Go after new professional opportunities, especially towards the end of July when the Sun arrives in Leo on July 22 followed by a Leo New Moon on July 31. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves a little bit. First, it’s eclipse season. And any Scorpio worth his or her salt knows that eclipses mean change, transformation, and those sudden ups and downs of life. The July 2 solar eclipse falls in Cancer, your sign of higher education, wisdom, and philosophy. Yes, that’s a little intangible. (Remember how last month was all about ideas? Well, Mars was in Cancer.) But if you take a step back, maybe you see how these abstract themes have been playing out in your life of late. Have you been questioning what you believe in? Have you had to step up and show the world what you know? Have you been thinking about going back to school? Have you been broadcasting or publishing your ideas? This eclipse wants you to step into your wisdom. In order to do so, you have to let go of a lot of old ideas and ways of thinking. The full moon lunar eclipse on July 16 may feel like a battering ram to a lot of old blocks and limitations on how you speak and communicate. You have a powerful voice, Scorpio, but sometimes you hold back. Say what you mean … say it with love and confidence. Speaking of communication, Mercury turns retrograde on July 7 in Leo, your career sign. While July is about putting ideas into concrete action, there is a sense of having to tinker and rework these ideas. So don’t do any big career launches of initiatives until the beginning of August. (I know, August is not usually the most ideal time, but all eyes will be on you then.) By then Mercury will be direct and you’ll have a boost from both the Sun and Venus to propel you forward into August. Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Career, professional life, public life, career initiatives, job change, recognition, status, title, ambition, the world, worldview, belief, faith, meaning, truth, philosophy, higher education, wisdom, knowledge, publishing, broadcasting, message, travel, foreign travel, long distance journeys, ideas, information, thinking, learning, education, classes, news, choices, communication, speaking, writing, listening.


November 22–December 21

Sagittarius Glyph

Sagittarius, let’s have a chat. You’re a sign known for its sense of adventure, it’s optimism, and its ability to take risks. But I think the last year or so has been a little difficult because, even though there’s still that part of you that would jump off that cliff if it meant having the ride of your life, it feels as though your safety net is slowly falling away. Both Saturn and Pluto have been taking swings at that sense of safety and security that comes with knowing that there’s something solid beneath you or something to protect you. (Mind you, you do have Jupiter in Sagittarius all year long, so you do have help.) So, Sagittarius, how do you have faith? Faith that it’s going to be okay? That if you completely let go and jump into the unknown that you’ll be okay? It’s possible that your fears are coming at you pretty hard, even since June. Here’s the thing, Sag. With the July 2 solar eclipse falling in your 8th Sign, it’s time to leap into the unknown. It’s time to face your fears — fears about having enough, fears about your ability to survive or make things work. If there’s any sign that can pull a rabbit out of the hat, so to speak, it’s you. This is meant to be your pep talk because Saturn and Pluto are taking another swing at the ground beneath your feet this month in the form of a lunar eclipse on July 16, which may bring a change of income, change in how you earn a living, and anything you value that has outlived its usefulness. In a way, it’s time for a new currency as well. Convert your old dollars. I think what’s working for you this month is Mars in Leo, giving you some much needed swag and confidence, which has been a bit shaky lately. But Mars in Leo is faith, it’s drive, it’s nerve. You got this. Once the Sun gets out of Cancer and into Leo on July 22, you’re going to start to feel a little bit more yourself, but in order to do so you have to face some of the deepest darkest parts of yourself. On a more mundane side of things, Mars in Leo may bring big travel plans for July and August, travel that may include a journey to someplace far away or a trip to another country. Do keep in mind that Mercury is retrograde from July 7 to July 31, nothing to get worried about, of course, but it does mean that if you’re making travel plans just do your due diligence. Also, with Mercury dipping back into Cancer on July 19 and making a tough opposition to Pluto into the rest of the month, you may be feeling your confidence wobble a little bit. You may also be needing to reflect or shift some things in career and relationships, too. Remember, you got this, Sag. Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: The deep self, deep emotions, the psyche, facing fears, intimacy, vulnerability, faith, questioning, secrets, family secrets, stability, security, trust, material needs, value, worth, money, income, salary, spending, what you own, finance, wealth, debt, credit, other people’s money, benefits, taxes, estate.


December 22–January 19

Capricorn Glyph

Big hug time, Capricorn. You deserve it. Like in mentioned in my horoscope for Sagittarius, life has been taking swings at all the things you thought were secure and locked down. Life is taking swings at the very essence of your being. Will you survive? Of course you will, Capricorn. But trust that you and the world around you is going to look very different than it did last year or even last month. Which brings me to my main point. In order for you to get through this you have to stop being such a Capricorn, which is to say, stop preserving the old, stop tenaciously holding onto the structures that you have constructed over the years. The mountain that you’re clinging onto is crumbling. Time to find a new mountain. See, you’re the builder of the zodiac. You plan and, block by block, step by step, make something that lasts for decades if not longer. It’s normally your superpower, but right now it’s getting in the way. One of the ways you can stop getting in your way is opening up to other people. You’re in a time in your life when relationship is very highlighted. Maybe you’ve begun a major relationship … maybe you ended one … maybe you feel a desire to connect with new people. Whatever it is, it’s time to let people in. The new moon solar eclipse on July 2 makes this an imperative followed swiftly by a Capricorn lunar eclipse on July 16, one that’s taking another swing at your bedrock. Let yourself crack and crumble so you can birth into something new, something better. The middle of the month, between the energies of the lunar eclipse, the Sun’s opposition to Pluto, and Mars’s square to Uranus, will likely not be easy. I say this so that you know to have patience with yourself and others. It’s a big deal month, Capricorn. Make sure you’re going slow, being methodical. After all, Mercury is retrograde for most of the month and it’s the perfect time for you to review, reanalyze, and tie up loose ends with relationships. (It may even hear from a past lover, so don’t be surprised if you hear from one out of the blue.) By the later part of the month, as the Sun and Venus move into Leo, you may be dealing with themes of money, finance, assets, and ownership, especially anything that’s tied up with someone else. You may also be having to get deep into issues of vulnerability and intimacy. Remember, use the energies of July to open up. You can do it! Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Relationships, other people, partnership, cooperation, negotiation, finding balance, socialization, opening up, relationship changes, new relationship chapter, the self, tearing down the old, breaking down, breaking through, rebirth, transformation, crossroads, new beginnings, endings, facing fears, the psyche, intimacy, vulnerability, sexuality, letting go, money, finance, assets, co-ownership, other people’s money, resources.


January 20–February 18

Aquarius Glyph

Ruled by the planet Saturn, you’re in a similar boat to Capricorn right now. Whereas your Capricorn neighbor is having everything happen front and center, your eclipse season sledgehammer work is happening behind the scenes. Yes, you’ve been feeling Saturn’s slow dance with Pluto this year. Something is rumbling and shaking, maybe it’s showing up in intense dreams or a back of the mind anxiety that something is changing yet you can’t quite put your finger on it. With Saturn in your 12th House all year long and into next year, you’re in a time in your life when it’s about shedding the past, letting go, tying up loose ends, and wrapping up a story that may have begun nearly thirty years ago. It’s also an existential time, one that has you stepping away from the world to reflect and search for answers. As you step into this month, a solar eclipse is pulling you out of hiding and into the real world. It’s pushing you to balance out all this deep soul searching with practical steps and measured actions. The solar eclipse is also putting an emphasis on health, wellness, and how you take care of your body. If you’ve been wanting to make a lasting, positive change to diet or fitness, this is your new moon. But it’s not about you forcing yourself to do something that you don’t want to do. Figure out what your body wants as well as what makes it feel loved and nurtured. Just as you’re taking care of your body this month, you’re also taking care of your soul. A full moon lunar eclipse puts the spotlight on all this deep work you’ve been doing behind the scenes. Has there been something you haven’t wanted to look at? Has there been something from the past you’ve need to shed? Something that you’ve been attached to — a habit or even an addiction — that needs to go? This is your moment. Do keep in mind that there’s some bumpy astrology that’s happening on either side of the lunar eclipse, so it’s possible that July is poking on some of the bigger themes of your life — relationship, career, home. In fact, with Mars in Leo all month long, relationships are heating up. Mars isn’t known for its patience or negotiation skills, so you may be getting into a couple of arguments here in there. On the flip side, Mars may be motivating you to make new connections and may bring in a new relationship if that is something that you’re looking for. But it’s really the Leo New Moon on July 31 that’s opening the doors to a new beginning with partnerships. If you’re single, it could be a time when something very new comes your way. If you’re already in a relationship, you and a partner are turning a powerful new corner. Just use this month to let go of psychic and emotional space so you can make way for these new things on the horizon. Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, taking care of the body, projects, work, organization, schedule, daily life, details, physical health, spiritual health, spirituality, existential questions, search for deeper meaning, shedding the past, letting go, the unconscious, dreams, meditation, retreat, recuperation, relationships, other people, negotiation, compromise, arguments, partnership.


February 19–March 20

Pisces Glyph

As eclipses go, the July 2 solar eclipse isn’t making the same waves as it is with the other signs. No, for you it’s touching on themes of identity, creativity, and dare I say … fun? This year probably hasn’t been super fun if I’m being honest. With Jupiter in your sign of career and responsibility, it’s been a year where the bar has been set higher than most. Plus, with Jupiter in a long square with Neptune, there have been times this year when life’s been confusing, disorienting, and has tugged at your faith in everything. So, here comes July. It’s asking you to open up to having fun (yes, fun!). It’s asking you to be yourself, to play, to express your talents, and to revel in who you are. Here’s the catch. The full moon lunar eclipse on July 16 is like a sledgehammer (I know, strong metaphor alert) to all your fears about being accepted for who you are and belonging. You’ve gotta let that go, Pisces, otherwise you’re blocking the flow to fun, creativity, and the expression of self. If there’s a full moon to help you let that stuff go, it’s the July 16 eclipse. Here’s the thing. Saturn’s been in your sign of friendship and community since the start of 2018. Maybe you lost friends and connections. Maybe you’re feeling a little alone and more than a little vulnerable. What this time is meant to have you do is build new connections, new community. Find the people who really get you. Push through old fears that there aren’t people out there whom you can be friends with. If there’s a chip on your shoulder about the state of the world, let it go. These are strong eclipses and if there’s a sign that gets bigger meaning and divine purpose it’s you. Then there’s Mars. It’s spending July in the sign of Leo, which is your sign of health, wellness, and taking care of the body. This is a great time to set in motion positive and lasting healthy initiatives, especially as you get to the later stretch of this month, coming up to the Leo New Moon on July 31. Don’t forget, Mercury is retrograde this month, from July 7 until July 31. And since Mercury is a big player in your chart, you may need to revisit old relationships, old patterns in relationships so you can make new choices and tie up loose ends from the past. You know the drill, Pisces. And don’t forget to have fun this month! Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Persona, identity, self expression, talents, creativity, children, fun, play, leisure, friends, groups, community, belonging, feeling excluded, feeling different, feeling disconnected, worrying about the future, relationships, other people, past relationships, relationship patterns, health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, taking care of the body, organization, projects, details, schedule.

Photo by Yucel Moran on Unsplash