The Moon rounds out its time in Cancer, picking up on an emotionally intense aspect to Pluto before going into a time out. We could use the time out, actually. Eclipse energy is heavy business, taking a toll psychically and physically. Rest up while you can.

How are you feeling that eclipse? Like you’re giving birth to something new? Cancer is the archetype of the mother after all. Just as so, we also need to make sure we’re taking care of ourselves right now. Birthing does take a toll. (If you missed my eclipse report, you can read it here.)

I remember when I quit my full time day job back in March. Ever played the game Jenga with the blocks that you strategically take out, one by one, hoping that the whole thing doesn’t come crashing down? That’s what I felt like I had done, taken a huge block out of the tower of my life. And in many ways that’s what we’re doing this eclipse season. Taking blocks out and hoping it all doesn’t come crashing down. But maybe it does need to come down so we can rebuild something better?

In other news, Venus changes signs today, arriving in Cancer for the next few weeks. Venus is what we love, it’s what we value. In Cancer, Venus loves and values emotional connection, a home cooked meal, or the nostalgia of looking at old photos.

Oh and did you miss my Facebook Live on yesterday’s Cancer New Moon solar eclipse? (There was a little bit of a technical glitch that forced me to record it in two parts.) You can catch the replay on my Empowering Astrology YouTube channel or you can watch on Facebook.

PS — I hope to get July 2019 horoscopes done later today!!

Read More:

Cancer New Moon: Heart

Venus Through the Signs

Replay — The Eclipses of July 2019: Navigating the Energies of Change

July 13 Webinar — Pluto: Turning Shadows into Light

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