Happy Aries Full Moon! Happy lunar eclipse! This is the time of year when we feel a push to take action, get motivated, be a leader, examine how we use our will, and bravely begin again. Full moons are decision points and we may have a choice to make in the coming days, one that will be fueled by the catalytic energies of the lunar eclipse. With that in mind, the full moon will be exact September 27, 2015 at 10:50 pm EDT, 4 degrees Aries/Libra. For those further afield that’s 7:50 pm LA, 3:50 am London on 9/28, and 12:50 pm Sydney.

In this latest round of eclipses, we got a good look at the next six months ahead through the sign of Virgo, which will turn our attention to themes of health, wellness, service, order, and practice. But what of Aries lunar eclipse? How will it play into all this?

Think of it this way — lunar eclipses are the beating heart of what we’ll be digging through in the coming months; they bring life to the solar eclipse. If it’s all about Virgo right now, the Aries energy paired with Mars in Virgo and a square Saturn will bring no-nonsense quality to the coming months. It’s a take your medicine because it’s good for you sort of full moon, even if it tastes a bit sharp. I also keep getting the image of a surgeon’s scalpel. In fact, the lunar eclipse will fall on the south node, a powerful point of release and a well of past experience. Mars in Virgo will be the steady hand, cutting away that which no longer serves us.

I mean, we’re in the middle of Mercury Retrograde. It’s all about the past with this full moon. As much as we’d like to use all the momentum of Aries to move forward, there are too many things that will need our attention before we can. There’s so much emphasis on the sign of Virgo as well — get organized, make a list, put it into practice, ground it into reality. How do we organize our past? How do we get real about the next chapter of our lives? How do we cut away the things that keep us from moving forward?

Lastly, Mars will oppose Neptune in Pisces, adding a deeper layer of sacrifice, spirituality, and compassion to this lunar mix. How will you forgive your past? Where is your will out of alignment with a higher calling? Where do you really, truly need to surrender? Use the bravery of Aries and the precision of Virgo to clean out the parts of your life that have been demanding attention for far too long.

Enjoyed this post? I also do private, one-on-one consultations via Skype and phone, which allow us to delve into your chart and reveal where this full moon will manifest. Go to my consultations page to book your session. Check out my testimonials and FAQ to learn more about what I do.