
Aries New Moon: On the Launch Pad

Aries New Moon: On the Launch Pad

Welcome to the Aries New Moon! Coming on the heels of the equinox, this is a new moon of powerful new beginnings. Aries inspires us to take action, to go after what we want, and to forge ahead. It’s the start of a journey that takes us throughout the year.

Virgo Full Moon: Systems Check

Virgo Full Moon: Systems Check

Welcome to the Virgo Full Moon. It’s the time of the astrological year when the spotlight is on practice and craft, details and organization, work and schedule, health and wellness. Virgo helps us to get our real-world lives running in top form.

Pisces New Moon: Setting the Stage

Pisces New Moon: Setting the Stage

Welcome to the Pisces New Moon. We’ve come to the end of the zodiac. It’s a lunar month to wrap things up, get quiet, lead with our intuition, and open our hearts. Pisces is a sign that’s searching for answers. They just may come from our dreams and beyond.

Leo Full Moon: Hold Onto the Light

Leo Full Moon: Hold Onto the Light

Welcome to the Leo Full Moon, the time in the lunar calendar when the spotlight is on passion and creativity, individuality and personality. Leo teaches us to be true to ourselves, to discover the light within and to shine it for all to see.

Aquarius New Moon: Know Your Worth

Aquarius New Moon: Know Your Worth

Welcome to the Aquarius New Moon, the time in the lunar calendar when we look ahead to the future. What are our hopes and dreams? Aquarius also helps us to see the bigger picture and reach for friends and community as well as social issues and causes.

Cancer Full Moon: Sore Spot

Cancer Full Moon: Sore Spot

Welcome to the Cancer Full Moon! It’s the time in the lunar calendar when the light shines on home and family, roots and foundation, the past and memories. As the first water sign, Cancer reminds us of what really matters as well as our deepest emotional needs.

Capricorn New Moon: Making Space

Capricorn New Moon: Making Space

Welcome to the Capricorn New Moon. It’s the time in the lunar calendar when we take the energies of Saturn to build and construct our material lives. As the final earth sign, Capricorn is the sign of maturity and responsibility, time and aging, lessons and growth.

Gemini Full Moon: Deep Insights

Gemini Full Moon: Deep Insights

Welcome to the Gemini Full Moon. It’s the time in the year when the spotlight is on ideas and communication, travel and exploration, curiosity and choices. Gemini pushes us to try new things, to use our senses as well as our words, and to see both sides of things.

Sagittarius New Moon: Light of Truth

Sagittarius New Moon: Light of Truth

Welcome to the Sagittarius New Moon. The page turns after a powerful eclipse-fueled month. As the planet of faith and knowledge, Sagittarius inspires us to search and to ask why, to open up our eyes to the world and beyond, to seek out new adventures.

Taurus Full Moon: Shake-Up

Taurus Full Moon: Shake-Up

Welcome to the Taurus Full Moon, part of a pair of eclipses that began with a Scorpio solar eclipse. The spotlight is on stability and security, money and income, value and worth. We may be navigating critical events and decisions. There may be a shake up, too.

Scorpio New Moon: Shadow Work

Scorpio New Moon: Shadow Work

Welcome to the Scorpio New Moon. It’s a solar eclipse and a new chapter, one that will unfold over the next six months. Scorpio is power and transformation, decay and rebirth, intimacy and vulnerability, discomfort and discovery, secrets and taboo.

Aries Full Moon: Decisions

Aries Full Moon: Decisions

Welcome to the Aries Full Moon, the time in the zodiac calendar when the spotlight is on the energy of action, drive, and motivation. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and connects us to the energy of new beginnings and fresh starts.