Astro Daily

Photo by Martin Grincevschi on Unsplash

Astro Daily: October 20, 2020

Venus squares the Lunar Nodes. We’re at a crossroads with our relationship work as well as with the seeds planted at the October 16 Libra New Moon. Our choices and interactions have deep roots in the past. How can we forgive and let go?

Photo by Loren Cutler on Unsplash

Astro Daily: October 19, 2020

We’re rounding out Libra Season this week, a time that spotlighted the importance of relationship in our lives. Although the recent Libra New Moon takes us into November, we’re on the edge of Scorpio Season and its pull into the powerful unknown.

Photo by Alex Iby on Unsplash

Astro Daily: October 15, 2020

The Moon arrives in Libra and we’re on the cusp of a new moon. One chapter wraps up while another prepares to begin. Over the next four weeks we’ll be focusing on relationship and connection. We may have to look at something we don’t want to look at.

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

Astro Daily: October 14, 2020

We’re winding down the lunar month with a Moon in Virgo, which brings us full circle after last month’s Virgo New Moon. It’s a practical check-in with the goals and to-dos we listed, one last push to get things done before Friday’s new moon.

Photo by Yasin Arıbuğa on Unsplash

Astro Daily: October 13, 2020

Mercury turns retrograde in Scorpio. Something hidden may be revealed. A secret may be discovered. We’re getting to the bottom of a mystery. Over the coming weeks we’re pulling back so we can get a new perspective, making new choices where necessary.

Photo by Farrinni on Unsplash

Astro Daily: October 12, 2020

We’re rounding out the lunar month this week, which means that it’s time to wrap up projects and initiatives that we started in September. We’re also on the cusp of Mercury Retrograde. Keep this in mind if communication, choices aren’t so clear right now.

Photo by Thanos Pal on Unsplash

Astro Daily: October 9, 2020

Mars makes its second square to Pluto, two planets that are like an evolutionary force combined, bringing great pressure to change. Don’t be surprised if something old — anger, aggression — comes up. Pluto can reveal and transform something previously hidden.

Photo by Thanos Pal on Unsplash

Astro Daily: October 8, 2020

Today’s Cancer Moon not only means we’re turning our attention to matters of home and family, but we’re arriving at the last quarter moon. It’s the last stretch of a story that began on September 17 with the new moon. Things are coming into focus.

Photo by Will gonzalez on Unsplash

Astro Daily: October 7, 2020

Another busy, restless day as the Moon continues its way through Gemini. We’re obsessed with the facts. We need ideas, thoughts, and information. We have to get to the bottom of something. What we find may change the way we see things, dramatically so.

Photo by Luke Southern on Unsplash

Astro Daily: October 6, 2020

The Moon moves into Gemini and we’ve got things to do, places to go. It’s a chatty and social day, one where we’re sharing our opinions as well as looking out into the world for new ideas. With Mercury opposite Uranus, information may shock or illuminate.