Another day for us to explore our innermost depths via the Cancer Moon, a sign that brings s fleeting emotional edge to Sagittarius Season. We’re turning our attention to memories, family, and ancestors. We’re also turning to the past, even past lives.

Cancer is a sign that connects us to our subconscious self. It’s instinct, often an instinct gained from childhood or from our parents. It’s that feeling of time travel we get from taste, smell, and sound. So if we’re feeling something today, can we trace its roots? Is it from our earliest years? Is there a deeper meaning behind what we’re feeling?

The Moon also opposes Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn as it makes its way out of Cancer, a friendly reminder that come December 17-19, both Jupiter and Saturn will leave Capricorn for Aquarius. We’re shifting into a new time very soon.

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Video — The Astrology of November 30-December 6, 2020

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