Mercury arrives in Sagittarius, a sign that makes Mercury restless for adventure. It seeks out new horizons, new experiences, and has a worldly view on things. It also can be quick to form opinions, but freely shares the knowledge it has gathered.

Sagittarius is also new territory for the planet of communication, which spent the better part of two months in Scorpio. If Scorpio gave Mercury a sharp, X-ray like perception, then Sagittarius makes Mercury generous with its communication. In turn, we turn our focus to education, travel, and exploration, all Sagittarian themes.

Speaking of which, we’re just a day off of a lunar eclipse in Gemini, Sagittarius’s opposing sign. Gemini is Mercury’s natural home and so we may see a shift in our eclipse story. That said, the spotlight is still on ideas and information, choices and the duality of life. Lunar eclipse energy plays out for a couple of days after the exact eclipse.

With that in mind, we’re officially in that liminal space between the eclipses. The curtain has come down on one act and a new scene awaits. Actors leave the stage while others prepare. There is a sense of anticipation. Soon the curtain will come back up.

I spoke all about the lunar eclipse in both my Gemini Full Moon eclipse report and my weekly look at the astrology of November 30-December 1, 2020, which you can watch the replay on IGTV or listen on Spotify.

And a note about December horoscopes. They will be live later this week.

Read More:

Video — The Astrology of November 30-December 6, 2020

Gemini Full Moon: Hidden Information

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