Happy Capricorn Full Moon! Happy lunar eclipse. This is the time of the year when the spotlight shines on ambition, responsibility, and doing the grownup thing. Since this is a full moon as well as an eclipse, it’s a serious check in on all things Capricorn. Are the structures of our lives sound? Are we living up to the bar that’s been set for us. Are we reaching our goals? The full moon is exact on July 16, 2019 at 5:38 pm EDT, 24 degrees Capricorn/Cancer. That’s 2:38 pm Los Angeles, 10:38 pm London, and 7:38 am in Sydney on July 17.

Eclipses generally come in pairs. Every six months they arrive to usher in a new chapter in our lives, clearing away the set pieces and actors who have previously been part of the story. They mark the major events of our lives — moves, new relationships, births, and career changes. They can also arrive in a dramatic fashion and have been known to bring in the unexpected or the fated, turning life upside down in the process. 

Today’s lunar eclipse comes two weeks after a solar eclipse on July 2, an eclipse that ushered in a new six month chapter built on making sure we’re feeding our lives with the connections that truly nourish them. We’re learning to open up to others. We’re learning to reach out. We’re learning to be soft and gentle. The eclipse makes it an imperative. In order to fill our lives with the things that matter, we need structure, we need a container to put things into. Enter in today’s Capricorn eclipse.

Capricorn makes us think about logistics and plans. It’s all about getting down to brass tacks, so to speak. Where do we put our efforts? Where do we draw boundaries? What are we saying no to? Where do we want to be in five years or even fifteen years?

Here’s the thing. The full moon makes a close alignments to Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn. It’s as if to say that in order to get what we want we have to be willing to tear down or even obliterate our old structures. It’s a daunting prospect. Thankfully — or not — the cosmos is giving us a little push by swinging the Saturn-Pluto wrecking ball at these structures whether we like it or not.

That’s the thing about Saturn-Pluto energy. We don’t have a lot of say in the matter, especially when it comes to Pluto. It’s a bitter pill to swallow to know that there’s a certain part of our life that must restructure. The best we can do is surrender to the process and, hopefully, empower the process by using the energy to tear down what we’ve previously been afraid to change. (Watch my Facebook Live video on this eclipse to know specifically what area has to change.)

Don’t be afraid to — and I say this as a Scorpio — to metaphorically kill something off about ourselves or our life with this eclipse. This could include a fear, an old yet unhelpful emotional pattern, an old relationship with money. Lay to rest the old you, the small you, the version of yourself that shaped itself into other people’s wants or expectations. After all, Pluto is lord of the underworld. (If you want to learn more about Pluto, I recently did a nearly two hour webinar on Pluto in astrology. You can still purchase the video replay.)

Pluto helps us to clear a path and while that can bring up fears and anxieties, we have to have the faith that something is better to take its place. And, knowing that the Sun’s in Cancer, we must fill it with the people and situations that genuinely nourish our lives.

So, we’re doing a bit of gut renovation with this full moon. Don’t be afraid to use the wrecking ball to take aim at old walls and blocks in the process — especially old blocks around relationships and letting people in.

Read More:

Chart of the Capricorn Full Moon

Saturn in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Capricorn: Accountability

Pluto in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

On Pluto

Webinar Replay — Pluto: Turning Shadows into Light

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