Author: Katie Sweetman

Photo by Scott Webb. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: February 17, 2017

As I mentioned in yesterday’s update, we’re coming up to a prickly stretch of astrology as Mars in Aries makes aspects to Pluto and Uranus. Today’s Scorpio Moon is activating this energy and it may be manifesting as emotional outbursts and flashes of rage.

Photo by Fabian Schmiedlechner. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: February 16, 2017

The Moon is in Scorpio today! With Mars in Aries, we may feel like we want to take action, start fresh. After all, Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, one that speaks to new beginnings. But we may be hitting on a deeply sensitive point as a result.

Photo by Saksham Gangwar. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: February 15, 2017

We’re still rolling along with a Libra Moon today. Pair that with an Aquarius Sun and we’ll be focusing on friends, community, and social interactions. Since Libra and Aquarius are both air signs, there’ll be a strong need to communicate and connect as well.

Photo by Brooke Lark. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: February 14, 2017

We’ve got a spicy Libra Moon on serve for Valentine’s Day! Normally Libra is anything but. In fact Libra’s known for sweetness and charm. But if you toss in aspects to Mars and Pluto, this could be a V-Day filled with breakthroughs — as well as facing facts.

Photo by Markus Gjengaar. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: February 13, 2017

As I mentioned on Friday, we’re in eclipse season, a time roughly twice a year, when life switch gears. The energy around eclipses tend to be intense, filled with insights. Events move quickly and suddenly. Eclipses are like a clock striking a new hour.

Full Moon in Leo: Passion

Full Moon in Leo: Passion

Happy Leo Full Moon! Happy lunar eclipse! This the time of year when we shine a light on pride, individuality, art, and creativity. The full moon is also lunar eclipse; we’re at a turning point. The full moon will be exact on February 10, 2017 at 7:33 pm EST.

Photo by Alex Suprun. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: February 9, 2017

Feeling on edge? Not only do we have a full moon tomorrow, a time when emotional energy is heightened, but we’re coming up to a Leo lunar eclipse as well. Something has to give, something has to shift. We have to be brave, bold, and true to ourselves.

Photo by Andrew Ridley. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: February 8, 2017

The Sun may be in Aquarius, but the Moon is in Cancer today. On paper, Aquarius and Cancer don’t have much in common. Cancer is home, family while Aquarius stretches out into the intellectual, impersonal. But both signs are about connection — if in different ways.

Photo by Dominik Schroder. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: February 7, 2016

Mercury, the planet of communication and movement, is finally in Aquarius! If Capricorn pushes Mercury to seriously weigh its choices, then in Aquarius it sees the big picture. Mercury in Aquarius is intellectual, futuristic, and scientific, too. It also blazes a trail.

Photo by Scott Walsh. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: February 6, 2017

We’ve got an airy start to the week. As the Moon rounds out its time in Gemini, it’s picking up support from the Sun and Jupiter. We’re chatty, busy, social, and thinking big. But Mercury is coming up to 29 Capricorn; we’ve got some big things to figure out today.

Photo by Cristina Gottardi. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: February 3, 2017

Venus, the planet of peace, cooperation, and beauty, moves into Aries today. Truthfully Venus isn’t at home in Aries, a sign where it has to learn to assert itself. It’s also less likely to find common ground, something the world needs right now.

Photo by Jake Hills. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: February 2, 2017

As I mentioned yesterday, we’re officially in eclipse season, a time every six months when the wheels of destiny spin in a new direction. While eclipses have a bit of a reputation, they coincide with major life events like marriages, births, moves, and new jobs.