Although the square off between Mars and Uranus peaked yesterday, we’re feeling its restless energy into tomorrow. Mars and Uranus speaks to seismic shifts as well as the impulse and courage needed to do something very new. It’s provocative, anxious, liberating.

The Moon also moves from Capricorn to Aquarius, from element earth to element air. Earth is very real world while air is about ideas and concepts. With Capricorn we’ve reached the top of the mountain. Aquarius helps us to see beyond.

The Aquarius Moon also activates Mars square Uranus, amplifying the energy, which is why it will carry into tomorrow. We may be getting a lot of wild ideas, but do we have the courage to leave the stability and security of what we know? Then again, Uranus is in Taurus. Over the next eight years we’re going to have to leave behind the stability and security of what we know in order to find what truly makes us feel stable and secure.

So, hold onto your hats. Pay attention to what’s moving inside of you as well as around you. The only thing that’s predictable with Uranus is that it’s unpredictable.

Read More:

Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign

Mars in Aquarius: Sign by Sign

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