Bit of a low key Pisces Moon as we get ready for this weekend’s full moon. We need to rest, reflect, and meditate. It’s also a day to focus on projects and other practical agenda items as well as taking care of our health, body, mind, and soul.

So, on the physical side of things, how can we tend to our body today? Pisces likes slow, graceful movements, which is perfect for yoga, pilates, swimming, or even dancing. It’s a moon that is aware that our physical health has a direct connection to our emotional and spiritual health. 

Speaking of healing, I wrote a bit about Chiron yesterday as we came up on Mars’s opposition to Chiron, something that plays out in this week’s full moon. Chiron reveals what we need to heal in this life and some of the deeper pain points we keep returning to. It also archetypically describes the type of story that we’re trying to overcome in order to give back to the collective. (I’m doing a 90-minute webinar on October 26 to teach you about Chiron and soul healing. Details and registration here.)

Switching gears, a reader recently asked me to clarify a few points about astrology and the metaphor that I often use that the planets are just hands on the clock, telling us what time it is. Yes, astrology tells us about time and the nature and quality of time based on where the planetary “hands” are pointing towards.

Empowering Astrology is driven by the core philosophy that we are still beings with free will and we can use astrology as a tool for personal growth and awareness. Astrology may tell us what time it is, but it’s up to us to bring consciousness to these moments in time.

What is consciousness? It’s an energy that allows us to continue to deepen into ourselves as we grow and evolve. It puts light on the hidden parts of ourselves. It’s an awareness of ourselves and the world around us. It reveals the soul, the version of self that’s greater than this life. Consciousness is an energy that helps us return to unity.

The more that we work to bring conscious to each planet in the sky, integrating its lessons and growing in our understanding of its core energy, the more we have a richer experience with the planets as time goes on. (I know this from personal experience.) Then we can handle difficult astrology differently, with thoughtfulness and maturity. 

So, let us continue to ask ourselves with each update, what is the astrology asking of me today? What is it trying to reveal? What is it that I’m not seeing about myself in how I interact with others or take care of myself or how I set boundaries? Over time we’ll see ourselves grow in profound ways.

Read More:

Webinar — Chiron: Healing the Soul

On Chiron, Suffering, and Knots

Video — The Astrology of October 7-13, 2019

October 2019 Horoscopes

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