Between the Leo Moon and Mercury in Sagittarius, we’re get some much needed fire element to an otherwise emotional lineup of planets. We’re feeling the desire to explore, have fun, create. But the Sun’s still in Scorpio. We’re in a deep state of rebirth.

It’s Halloween, too, a festival that traditionally marks the midpoint between the fall equinox and the winter solstice, a time when the ancients knew that we were crossing over into increasing darkness. Scorpio Season helps us to become awareness that life is fleeting just like the long passed summer sun. The harvest is over and we prepare for winter. Thus is the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.

Today we honor those who came before us and those who left us behind — our ancestors, our family members, our friends on the other side. We also honor the versions of self that we’ve long ago cast aside. The veil is thin. The astral plane seems more tangible. Light a candle and offer a prayer.

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Jupiter in Scorpio: Sign by Sign

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