The Cancer Moon continues to stir up deep emotions as it picks up on the Scorpio Sun. Relationships may take center stage as Venus faces off with Uranus, crossing the lunar nodes. Something is leaving, something is coming in. We’re at a turning point.

As a sign, Cancer wants things to stay the same; it’s emotionally invested in such. But there’s been stress on the lunar nodes since last week on top of a powerful Taurus Full Moon that says that sometimes things have to change, they have to break so that something new can be forged. It’s not easy and with four planets in Scorpio right now, but it’s part of the cycle of rebirth.

One of those planets in currently in Scorpio is Mercury and it switches into Sagittarius tomorrow. I often say that we can’t get to the wisdom that Sagittarius is known for without going through the pain and struggle of Scorpio. Mercury in Sagittarius is very wise, having forged its knowledge by having to search deep within. More on this tomorrow.

Read More:

Jupiter in Scorpio: Sign by Sign

The Week Ahead: The Astrology of October 29-November 4

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