Welcome to November, a month that will see some twists and turns courtesy of six planets and the lunar nodes changing signs or direction. When the planets change, we know that it’s a new chapter. When the nodes change, we know it’s a new story.

One of the planets changing signs in November is Jupiter. After a year of spilling secrets and revealing the darkness in all of us, Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on November 8. We’re taking all our deep and often painful emotional experiences and forging them into wisdom, knowledge. Sagittarius is a sign that not only helps us make sense of ourselves, but helps us to understand the world through education, travel, and philosophy. So as we get closer to November 7, we may be very aware of these Sagittarian themes of faith and meaning.

Around the same time that Jupiter changes signs, the lunar nodes will move into Cancer/Capricorn. This means that collectively we have to reach towards the Cancer North Node and leave behind the comfort, the restriction, the complexity of the Capricorn South Node. This is to say, we need to be aware of our negative relationship with responsibility, duty, and obligation. Of course, we all have to honor our responsibilities, but when does that become a destructive force? When does it prevent us from experiencing the softness, nurturing, and care of Cancer? We’ll also need more emotional connection, leaving behind the walls and barriers of Capricorn. (Note, the last time the nodes shifted was May 2017.)

In other news, Venus is back in Libra. We’re about two weeks away from Venus, the planet of relationships and value, turning direct. Whatever has been coming up for you in your relationships now needs peace, harmony, and balance.

Read More:

Jupiter in Scorpio: Sign by Sign

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