It’s October! Although it’s Libra Season, a time when we focus on relationships and connection, we’re getting an early dose of Scorpio in the form of Venus square Pluto today. We’re looking at the darker side of love and its themes of power and control.  

With Pluto turning direct in Capricorn in a couple of days, we’re also feeling the planet pulling at the tectonic plates of our psyche and our soul. Everything has subtext or hidden meaning this week, especially our interactions and our experiences within our relationships. Pluto reveals things that are hidden, like a mirror. It shows us our shadow side, aka emotions or feelings that we disown and project onto others. 

But we need to see beneath the surface this week. That’s what the astrology is pointing towards. And when we acknowledge what’s been hidden or unexamined within us, we can transform it. The Moon’s even in Scorpio today, a sign that’s not content to look at the surface side of life for answers. 

It’s last call for tonight’s webinar on this month’s astrology at 7:30 pm EDT. Your October 2019 Astrology Planner is a sign-by-sign look at what the upcoming full and new moons mean as well as how to navigate Pluto and this month’s bump of eclipse energy. Details and registration here.

Finally, your October 2019 horoscopes are live. You can read them here.

Read More:

Webinar — Your October 2019 Astrology Planner

October 2019 Horoscopes

Video — The Astrology of September 30-October 6, 2019

On Pluto

Pluto in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

Libra New Moon: Relationship Healing

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