We’re on the cusp of the Scorpio New Moon and we prepare to enter a lunar month focused on transformation and rebirth. Additionally, Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus are poised to change signs. We have to let go of the past in order to move forward.

With the Moon touching on Jupiter’s final days in Scorpio, I’ve been thinking back over last year and the journey through the darkness that Jupiter has taken us through. Although emotionally intense at times, the energies of Scorpio forge us into something new. Jupiter merely gives us the wisdom and faith to keep moving, keep searching lest we get caught in the darkness.

I was thinking back to the last time Jupiter was at 29 Scorpio. It was late November 2006 and I remember that time well because I was sliding into my Saturn Return. (Lol.) I was also still relatively new to New York City and I used to go on long walks to explore and sort out my thoughts. Since the botanical gardens were near my apartment, I used to head there to wander. I wasn’t in the best place emotionally and had gotten to a point where I didn’t believe in anything — God, spirit, the universe, whatever you want to call it. (I was a terrible atheist, btw. I would pray to St. Anthony to help me find my lost keys.)

My point is that the weekend that Jupiter went into Sagittarius, I was at a particularly low point. I remember sitting in this one spot in the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, caught in a moment of despair. It was then that I felt an energy rush in, a powerful awareness that took me out of myself and into something much bigger. It was in that moment that I knew in every cell of my body that I wasn’t alone. I felt reconnected.

I share this because we could all use a little faith, a little hope right now. I’m not saying that we won’t struggle with our faith while Jupiter is in Sagittarius starting November 8, but it’s my hope that we’ll experience the miraculous, the extraordinary over the coming months, even if in quiet ways.

In other news, the lunar nodes move into Cancer and Capricorn today, pointing us towards taking care of ourselves more. Cancer is emotional connection, the feeling and security of knowing that we are loved and cared for. Since the North Node is in Cancer now, it’s something that we have to reach for, especially if we’ve been feeling blocked or closed to the softness of Cancer.

Another planet changing signs today is Uranus. It goes back into Aries for four months, a sign that it was in from 2011 to just this past May. There was something in your life that got totally reinvented during those years, something that sent you out on a new path. Not sure what? Read my Uranus in Aries: Sign by Sign guide for a refresher.

Read More:

Jupiter in Scorpio: Sign by Sign

Uranus in Aries: Sign by Sign

November 2018 Horoscopes

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